Deep News

Deep News

2 Seasons

Behind the scenes news at its best. The news the mainstream only hints at....

Deep News
  • Chaos at Party Conventions with Yeme Jeaneé

    Episode 1

    Published in June 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Yeme Jeaneé in our Deep News series describes what will happen at the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions in the U.S. 2024. Captions can be found for this video on in multiple languages.

    Farsight's Web Si...

  • Chaos at Party Conventions with Shantae

    Episode 2

    Published in June 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Shantae in our Deep News series describes what will happen at the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions in the U.S. 2024. Captions can be found for this video on in the following languages: English, Spanish,...

  • Chaos at Party Conventions with Intysam

    Episode 3

    Published in June 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Intysam in our Deep News series describes what will happen at the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions in the U.S. 2024.

    Farsight's Web Site:
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  • China's Influencers of US Elections with Shantae

    Episode 4

    Published in June 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Shantae describes how China is trying to influence U.S. elections in 2024.

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  • Chaos at Party Conventions with Aziz Brown

    Episode 5

    Published in June 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Aziz Brown in our Deep News series describes what will happen at the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions in the U.S. 2024.

    Farsight's Web Site:
    Farsight's Streaming Service:


  • Chinese Influencers of US Elections with Intysam

    Episode 6

    Published in May 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Intysam describes how China is trying to influence U.S. elections in 2024.

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  • Chinese Influencers of US Elections with Yeme Jeaneé

    Episode 7

    Published in May 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Yeme Jeaneé describes how China is trying to influence U.S. elections in 2024.

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  • Russian Influencers of US Elections with Intysam

    Episode 8

    Published in April 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Intysam describes how Russia is trying to influence U.S. elections in 2024.

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  • Chinese Influencers of US Elections with Aziz Brown

    Episode 9

    Published in April 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Aziz Brown describes how China is trying to influence U.S. elections in 2024.

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  • Death of Jeffrey Epstein: Deep News with Yeme Jeaneé

    Episode 10

    Published in April 2024, this NEW remote-viewing session by Yeme Jeaneé describes what really happened when Jeffrey Epstein died.

    Farsight's Web Site:
    Farsight's Streaming Service:

    There are four episodes, and one conclusion video.

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  • Death of Jeffrey Estein: Deep News with Shantae

    Episode 11

    Published in February 2024, this NEW remote-viewing session by Shantae describes what really happened when Jeffrey Epstein died.

    Farsight's Web Site:
    Farsight's Streaming Service:

    There are four episodes, and one conclusion video.

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  • Deep News: Donald Trump and UFOs - Yeme Jeaneé

    Episode 12

    Yeme Jeaneé remote viewing Donald Trump. Published February 2024 regarding what Donald Trump is thinking about the issue of UAP/UFO disclosure, both in Decemeber 2023 and during the summer of 2024 Republican National Convention.

    Farsight's Streaming Service:

    Farsight's ...

  • Deep News: Joe Biden and UFOs - Intysam

    Episode 13

    Intysam remote viewing President Joe Biden. Published March 2024 regarding what President Biden is thinking about the issue of UAP/UFO disclosure, both in Decmeber 2023 and in August 2024 during the Democratic National Convention.

    Farsight's Streaming Service:


  • Death of Jeffrey Estein: Deep News with Aziz Brown

    Episode 14

    Published in February 2024, this NEW remote-viewing session by Aziz Brown describes what really happened when Jeffrey Epstein died.

    Farsight's Web Site:
    Farsight's Streaming Service:

    There are four episodes, and one conclusion video.

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  • Death of Jeffrey Estein: Deep News with Intysam

    Episode 15

    Published in February 2024, this NEW remote-viewing session by Intysam describes what really happened when Jeffrey Epstein died.

    Farsight's Web Site:
    Farsight's Streaming Service:

    There are four episodes, and one conclusion video.

    Subscribe to Farsi...

  • Deep News: Donald Trump and UFOs - Shantae

    Episode 16

    Shantae remote viewing Donald Trump. Published February 2024 regarding what Donald Trump is thinking about the issue of UAP/UFO disclosure, both in Decemeber 2023 and during the summer of 2024 Republican National Convention.

    Farsight's Streaming Service:

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  • Deep News: Joe Biden and UFOs - Kahmia Dunson

    Episode 17

    Kahmia Dunson remote viewing President Joe Biden. Published January 2024 regarding what President Biden is thinking about the issue of UAP/UFO disclosure, both in Decmeber 2023 and in August 2024 during the Democratic National Convention.

    Farsight's Streaming Service:


  • Deep News: Joe Biden and UFOs - Aziz Brown

    Episode 18

    Aziz Brown remote viewing PresidentJoe Biden. Published January 2024 regarding what President Biden is thinking about the issue of UAP/UFO disclosure, both in Decmeber 2023 and in August 2024 during the Democratic National Convention.

    Farsight's Streaming Service:


  • Deep News: President Xi Jinping and War - Intysam

    Episode 19

    Intysam remote viewing President Xi Jinping of China. Published January 2024 regarding what President Xi Jinping is thinking about the possibility of using military force to capture Taiwan given the current wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

  • Deep News: President Xi Jinping and War - Aziz Brown

    Episode 20

    Aziz Brown remote viewing President Xi Jinping of China. Published January 2024 regarding what President Xi Jinping is thinking about the possibility of using military force to capture Taiwan given the current wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

  • Vladimir Putin, Nuclear Weapons, and the Ukraine War - Yeme Jeaneé

    Episode 21

    Yeme Jeaneé remote viewing Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. Published January 2024 regarding Putin's thoughts about the current status of the Ukraine war, and the possibility of using nuclear weapons if the war goes badly for Russia.

  • Deep News: Hamas Attack (What Did They Know?) - Shantae

    Episode 22

    Shantae's remote viewing David Barnea, head of Mossad, and Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Published in December 2023 regarding what they knew about the Hamas attack two days prior to the attack.

    Farsight's Web Site:
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