This entire site has some connection or other to Aliens. The seem to have built the pyramids, influenced our religions, or leaders, and created us (apparently).
This post line then is for those who wish to express their knowledge based on other sites, farsights info, personal experiences, channelling, or historical information or anything else !!
Please keep in mind that we are all just expressing opinions. Even though many of us (myself included) fancy ourselves as experts because we have watched more videos or read more books- We Are not Experts (my self included).
Recognize right away that 99.99 % of everyone will not have any direct experience with an Alien. We are sitting around the fire in the woods like our forefathers and mothers did telling Ghost stories ! Its marvellous, scary, intriguing, and mysterious.
Also there are different people visiting this site. Some see the world very differently ( I think I may fall into this category). So they say something silly. A child would do that around the camp fire to be included.
Would we smack them or scream at them. We wouldn't because we would be WISE and know this person doesn't really understand exactly what we are saying.
Perhaps we are really crappy communicators ??
Some are not as good at language as you are. Some think what we/you just wrote is a bit of self serving pontification.
So nobody's perfect - but why not make it interesting- keep our feet on the ground and have a little fun along the way ? Any way post a way.
If you don't agree at all with what someone just wrote, then why not ignore it ? And post what you think makes more sense ?
So do please post about why you think the information "you are connected with" is important. Give examples to history, compare, pull info from anywhere and link it back to the Alien topic if you feel it can help some way.
Think outside the box as the saying goes. Post something funny here and there but please no scary posts on video unless you think its an imperative. My teddy bear is in the shop for repairs.
It all could be worthwhile.
Page 2-- Father Gill went up the hill to fetch a pail of Aliens-- Raise a little hell -- Hollow Moon Theory -- Canadian Defence Minister and Aliens-- Giants and Cannibals click here to go to page 2
Page 3-- The ones that came before the New Zealand Maoris-- Secret Space Program-- Crop Circles-- Alien Saucer Recovery story-- The Jinn click here to go to page 3
Page 4-- Antarctica and Admiral Byrd-- Sgt Clifford Stone and Disclosure-- American Totalitarianism - - Terrence Mckenna and Aliens-- Roswell Crash autopsey - Simon Parkes and Aliens-- Saturn Ringmakers and Norman Bergen -- Cymatics and the New Health Care-- The Ashtar Command-- Eusha someone I cant understand-- click here to go to page 4
Page 5 -Admiral Byrd and the 5000 military men who went to look at Penguins-- and another cow flew by- click here to got to page 5
Page 6 -- Richard Dolan and Joseph Farrel-- Ozi and Black Sabbath-- Antartic bases and Linda Moulten Howe-- Henry Deacon-- Iron Mountain Report -- Bigfoot -- Ledgend of Valiant Thor-- Colonel Philip Corso-- Click here to go to page 6
Page 7-- Mars Remote viewing-- Silurian Hypotheses-- Daniel Boone and Big Foot-- The Wolf Man-- 57 Aliens-- Pleiadean and Billy Meier-- Corey Good and David Wilcock--click here to get to page 7
Page 8 -- Sasquatch -- John Lear interview on Aliens-- Crop Circles and Delores Cannon -- Alien Bases on the Moon Remote viewed -- click here to get to page 8
Page 9--- Why I love the REPTILIANS -- A MEAN GREEN MOTHER FROM OUTER SPACE-- The influencers--- The Pandemic was A BLACK PROJECT proving we are at WAR with Aliens-- WE control our own reality !- The new Katy Perry eats the old Katy Perry -- Page 9 please ---
Click here to get the heck off this page and go to --QUESTIONING WHAT WE'VE BEEN TOLD-- and the wonderful wisdom of Dave --
Don't have any personal experience but some food for thought from someone that has some really good HD UFO videos from his own exp
Very sane. Thank you. I have ended up here after seeing about 50 UFOs since 2010. The first definite clear and astonishing sighting came while looking at the smudge of the Andromeda nebula through binoculars through a polluted South London atmosphere. And something astonishing crossed my view. It was a boomerang UFO blacker than the light polluted night sky lined with pale lemon yellow lights. It seemed to skim silently through the sky, it was uncanny. As I followed it into the thick haze above the horizon an image flashed in my mind of two human looking males leaning over controls and laughing. I discounted that image for years as phantasy until I eventually caught up with Remote Viewing and new ideas about the perception abilities of humans and learned new ideas about who might be occupying UFOs.
My life changed afer that sighting. I have researched so many apsects of paranormal, scientific, ancient historical, conspiracy theories and so on about what is going on here that I can no longer be the person I was. I also began to look for UFOs. I maintain anyone can see them night or day as they are operating visibly in great numbers in our skies. To see these things you simply need to put the time in. I would (wildly) estimate you might see one for every five hours of intentional and concentrated focus on the sky.
A good trick in daytime is to pick the edge of a cloud and observe it closely. That gets your focus and attention working in the right way. Edges of clouds move and change and that helps to keep you locked on to the sky. You might put in an hour a day of this for weeks before you eventually pick up one of the many anomalous objects busy in our skies. But if you can manage this kind of discipline you will see them. Do not discount anything moving in the sky with a glance - if you think it is a plane or a helicopter or a blimp or a soaring raptor then still observe it. Learn how these human made objects and birds appear and behave in different conditions over different distances. I do wonder if you need to see your first UFO to open the floodgates. I can confirm that a great many of the things popping up in camera videos and so on that you see in YouTube and UFO sites match what I have seen - a kind of verification. Not the wildly exotic battlestar galactica type stuff fortunately. There is some fakery and 'mistakery' out there too.
We have been inculcated with the idea it is a 'once in a lifetime' experience because most sightings take the person unawares while walking the dog, watching a display, smoking a cigarette in the back yard. The experience of seeing a UFO has been derided for so long and reported to the world as a rare and probably misinterpreted phenomenon that few people really put in the work to actually see them on purpose. In the past I asked sceptical friends to spend time with me looking. They politely did not take me up on this. I partly suspect they were afraid that they too would see something they could not explain.
So these 'others', and I am still reluctant to pronounce anything too definite, are not rare but active, busy, and commonplace. No one stares at the sky on purpose for long periods. People glancing up in a general way to look at the weather are not going to notice a dull grey metallic orb racing across the sky, or see a strange pulsing daylight 'star' at noon on a Summer's day. An orange glowing object stationary overhead at night will not attract attention unless you know the night sky and follow the constellations and planets and satellites throughout the year on your patch. In fact most people in cities hardly ever gaze above shopfront level and many walk around staring at their phones.
If you want to see these things for yourself you can. Learn the sky and all of its possible objects and man made and natural phenomena. It is wonderful even without the UFOs. What they are and what they are doing I do not know. There are many ideas and theories - some are more attractive to me than others but I cannot claim I have enough evidence to stake belief on any theory. I am just rereading Carl Jung's treatise on the subject.
Jung loved this phenomenon because he could say it is an objectively real experience of something that has no objective reality. He could talk in terms of his theory of the 'collective unconscious' and the ability of contents from the individual and the collective unconscious to manifest as a shared perceptual experience. I hope that is a fair synopsis but feel free to disagree. There is a whole debate possible on how to establish that we do not generate the whole universe by acting as 'psychic lenses' projecting a universal unconscious into a material setting. A bit like the discussions about how we could discover if we are part of a virtual reality simulation Matrix style. I would say keep all your options open as the great debates about reality and existence that started as far back as we can follow are still alive. Learn every damn thing you can.
So lots of people here from lots of starting points but converging on RV as the one possible chance to experience what others claim. I guess a lot of us want answers as we despair at the insanity our amazing civilisations and cultures are capable of.
The information that I connect with feels very important to me because it's been coming at me nonstop since I became born again at our local Baptist church. I heard a voice speak to me during silent prayer once. It told me exactly what I needed to hear at the time. I was so obviously taken back that I sobbed. Days later my mind even went to the possibility that our priest had some sort of voice thrower. And then..things got really crazy. I mean I thought I was going crazy because I began hearing IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! on multiple issues related to multiple topics. Deficiencies, cancer, alternative cancer cures, a resource the aliens even found valuable (fulvic Mineral) nursing, education, politics, frequencies etc. It doesn't stop unless I request a break. I've been on go for many years but just spinning my wheels and not moving. They tell me I've been stewing like a good soup lol. Anyhow I know I'm very blessed for all their teachings. Imagine my surprise that they didn't care if I smoked or occasionally swore. I was judged by them according to my heart. Many of us..we look at our short comings and think that we couldn't live up to these Godly expectations and so many don't even try. But it really was quite simple it seems to good, do good, love one another.
I have had very similar experiences!