This entire website to a skeptic could all be said to " lord of the rings". But I will now provide an interesting story (that's sort of a lord of the rings theme) that I am sure you know. It was said by quite a few researchers, by military men and women, by scientists that if there were Aliens in the past with flying saucers buzzing about, then how, oh how could something be found written about them ?
Because no person living 2000 years ago would ever say, "hey look mate, there goes a flying saucer !" They would say, "the Gods move through the air". They would say, "the demons are among us". When they were abducted they would not say "oh I just met an Alien". Instead they would say - the Gods drew me up into the heavens and showed me great visions ! And so with that in mind a great search was done into religious texts, and ancient writings and they found writings that seemed to be stories of interacting with Aliens. Also researchers said lets look closer for other things, such as wars using powerful weapons etc. And they seemed to find some evidence of this.
Now you can take the same approach you seem to use with most topics and say, "it all seems a little short of facts" and yet others, military, researchers, and so on do not seem to hold your opinion. To sit on the side lines and say poo poo to everything is easy.
With your approach I could say - "You do not exist." There seems to be very sketchy evidence that you are real if you think about it. Except these occasional harrumphs and poo this and poo poo that makes me suspect you may be an AI. Do I have any real evidence ? NO I don't ! But that doesn't matter at all. Because in your game you don't have to prove anything. I put the burden of proof on you to prove you are real and not some algorithm. Since I do not have to prove anything I can win every time. Perhaps I am the only real person on this entire website ! All writers are in fact AI imposters designed to pump out propaganda of some sort. The site itself is a psyop to keep people thinking UFOs and Aliens are real when in fact it is the US military who is trying to keep all their high teck devices hidden as they fly them around the world
Really anything at all can be said to be going on. Its all a mugs game as they use to say in the old movies. The only "evidence" we can have are sightings by people of UFOs and Aliens. Now the only way to put any weight to what they say is to look at who they are, and what they did in life, and so on. So that is why I gravitate (generally) to stories by police (persons) by pilots, by astronauts, by whistle blowers again of the same ilk. To people who had a lot to lose by telling their experience and who did not make huge amounts of money and yet kept to their story. And those tales have gone into the thousands and thousands of stores all with similar details.
I leave off this posting with the following story that I heard before. A professor of logic went off into his homeland of Scotland and returned to America. In front of his students he told them some of his traveling highlights. Said he," I was driving north to Glasgow when I saw a great flock of sheep on a hillside and I noticed they had all been shorn of their wool."
"Excuse me !" Said one of his brightest students of logic in the class. "With all due respect sir, you could not be certain that the sheep had been fully shorn of their wool !"
"Why do you say that " the professor said incredulously ?
"Well sir, you only could see one side of the sheep at one time, and therefor you cannot state with certainty that the sheep were fully shorn. They may have all been only shorn of wool on one side and then turned out to pasture. They then could all be standing with the shorn side facing your car as you passed by !"
The professor had to admit that the student had provided a formidable argument of logic worthy of his stature as the top student in the class.
But there is something called common sense too. And I think there is something going on with Aliens and UFOs and I haven't seen one, nor met an alien, nor have I personally been contacted by one (unless its all been wiped from my mind- how exciting !)
But with no evidence that I can personally point to - I think there is- no I say based on all the stories I have watched and heard from what I believe to be credible sources such as military types, and researchers interviewing adults and children; I have become quite certain Aliens and UFOs exist. And further many are up to no good.
And for me common sense tells me many are up to no good as we as humans took similar actions around the world with the natives of all the continents.
I think we have historical examples of what happens when an "advance" group comes in contact with less advanced group. In every case, huge numbers of them died of disease, wars were waged against them, promises were made to them and then broken, almost all their land was taken from them and we moved in to take over and subjugate them.
So the stories of Remote viewers (who we must poo poo as being short on facts) when reporting a culling of human down to 10% of their present numbers makes logical sense to me because we did exactly the same thing to the "natives" of the new lands. And we took all their lands and took over their "world". In the case of Aliens, It comes across as very logical and yet I have no facts to back it up. With such an approach -- should we just sit around and see what happens ? The risk seems immense and it would seem extremely foolish to do that.
I see no reason that it wont happen to us. To me that seems like a very likely scenario and yet I don't have much evidence, except quite a fair number of remote viewings (but were going to poo those as fairy tails).
So no facts to back that idea up ! But to me, I have examples of known outcomes we have practiced here.
So although almost every story and every example could be said to be short of "facts" - there is still common sense to consider.
If a thousand people come running at you screaming - FIRE FIRE FIRE but you cannot see any fire, would you completely dismiss the event as a fantasy of 1000 people- and being SHORT OF FACTS ? Or would you think -- "something is clearly wrong" and "1000 people are running from some area that I have not seen and they seem to have seen that area!" Then FIRE could be quite a logical conclusion as about to happen or is happening ?" Those people for a limited time compared to me are experts of the area they were just in. They saw something that they are reporting in mass to be a huge danger and I have zero "Facts" to counter that. So until I get clear facts that refute that - I will go with the large volume of people reporting a certain problem and act accordingly. I wont say it is definitive proof of a fire but common sense should till me that there is clearly a danger not far from me.
To totally dismiss 1000 witnesses and then to turn to wind charts, chemical sniffers for gasoline fumes, for reports of escaped maniacs in tv and newspaper reports seems foolish. To perhaps then insert them into computers to produce a probability chart of the chances of a large fire breaking out etc does not seem to be the correct approach.
The only sort of counter argument for 1000 people as all being crazy is that a massive escape of mental patients composing of pilots, of military persons of average people have all gone crazy - and escaped their handlers and come running at you all at the exact point AND had the same psychosis of a fake fire in their minds. It is the only possibility. But like the sheep shearing story its is so unlikely as to approach a zero possibility. In which case some other idea has to be considered -thinking about it logically.
One cannot simply say -- "seems short on facts" at every turn and remain credible.
Perhaps I do not see the fire because it is a person standing over a barrel of gasoline with a bic lighter and the fire is seconds from starting ?! True there is no fire but it does not discount that one is very soon to be started. A similar argument could be said about UFOs and Aliens. 1000 people are running towards us with stories of ALIENS ALIENS ALIENS.
Something is up, and I choose to believe 1000 people as having some unique experience and knowledge that I certainly don't have any "facts" to counter that opinion. Of course using scientific standards - no fire can be seen but it doesn't mean one isn't seconds from starting.