I've got level topography
Land - very natural and man-made
I've got steep peaks
A smell - lots of smells, lots of smells
I've got a lot of surface structures here –
Subjects inside and outside of this surface structure on land.
I see mountains, and I have non-surface structure that has subjects inside - noticeable relative movement
This is a very urban environment
Water, but I don't know if the water is being placed into the environment or if the water is in the environment - view that in a second -
A semi-harsh environment
Lots of foliage
I'm seeing this, I'm going to call it a situation - object - structure - whatever shape that is - and it comes down crookedly over a square panel - could be a structure - it could be something on top of structure
I feel like something's moving - we've got a lot of movement within this target here.
Motion - most of my subjects - very intense heavy energy activity and movement by subjects
There are a lot of cloud dynamics there's just like haze thick decay it's very hard to see - that explains why I can't see it's not my contacts it's hazy - and thick
There's a lot of greenery-ish and peaks here but it's really hard to see through
I might have structures here on this land and these like I said you just have these cloud dynamics in this haze just across the land here
I don't believe this is safe to breathe in
People - I just got dizzy - beings are disoriented
The air is unclean and it's across this whole city
I also feel an artificial subject -non-human, I'm going to put a pin in that guy/being.
Through this haze I can make out a tall, large structure - I feel like something horrible is happening to it or within it
First, I think I feel like it's gas but now I is it being attacked? Is the gas attacking it?
This stuff is just not good to breathe in and it is heavily affecting the structure and the elements around the structure
I sense the energy of ‘get the heck out’ - it's very abrupt ‘get out, get out’ - like subjects are trying to get away
The cloud dynamics are moving - non-suffice structures - is the structure collapsing?
There's so much - I wish I could like throw the fog away - but the mist is here - seeing through it, I can do that because I'm awesome, come on see through the fog.
It's the moderate temperature here on the base surface
A lot of foliage wetness to it, dryness –
There's human and artificial intelligent life – casual to business attire
A lot of heavy adrenaline here
No bueno, bad things happening - not good - and then (*animated hand movements) across the land
And then the foliage and then the structures and then this structure that's very prominent and bad things
I'm going to move to the center of the target just to find central location of what's going on here
There's a lot of chaotic energy - fear - pain but it's not like physical body pain
I hear loud sounds
Dust dirt crumbling sounds - with dust or gas, like I said in the sky - it is thick and prominent, and it's caused by whatever is happening within the structure
It's caused by whatever is happening in this structure - it's making my eyes… don’t like it, no I don't like it, it seems sprayed or planted or caused by collision or collision caused.
I'm about to try to puzzle this together - all of those things - the haze is affecting the subjects that are in close proximity
I feel the possibility like I said, of a collision.
I feel like a non-surface structure came and like sprayed chemicals over a city causing chaos - I feel like that all the time - but this is different.
I feel subjects they're vomiting - hard to breathe - hard to move - is this homicidal or is this merely an accident?
I'm going to do a collective deep mind probe.
A lot of coughing, eyes watering, shortness of breath, dry - I am experiencing all of these – eye, mouth, headaches, temporary blindness - this is heavily affecting.
With fear there's confusion – hurt, sick, sickness, ah is this structure collapsing or is it the cause of what's happening? It is so hard to piece that together.
I'm going to move to the cause of this haze
There's a non-surface structure - and my large surface structure
I feel malice. Is this some type of new bioweapon?
I really hope this is just something wrong with this structure, like ‘oh no more wars no more bioweapons and we're killing people please’
I want to go deeper.
The target event I'm seeing…
So many subjects running out of the structure in disarray - running for safety, and I am just I'm going to have to swear by this crumbling tower.
Haze, smoke, possible fire, it's just so much, and it's loud and chaotic, and my head hurts, like these symptoms are thick and big and it's heavily affecting, and I really don't want this to be like a war, or like somebody being like screw your city - I don't want that - I don't want anything bad to happen, but it does.
This is a bad thing happening
- it is affecting the city - it is affecting the people of the city - this structure - I strongly think it collapses or it's causing a huge effect, but that crumbling sound, a hitting collision sounds, dust, dirt, smoke.
A smell that is not what the land is supposed to smell like chemical man-made.
Okay this hurts - I'm going to have to close this out
I really hope these people are going to be okay
It's so much.
Words, they're not… yeah, words - this feeling
I am seeing this structure - this non-surface structure and this surface structure - they are two important pieces to this – and bad and harmed.
People - people are hurting severely - it's screwing things up.
End of Session