This idea came from a Dick Algire interview
It is to create a data base of protective mental images and techniques for the Farsight members
It is hoped with these techniques members can protect themselves and other members can help protect other members.
The protective measures are to be with health, mental protection and actual protection from Entities, from violence, from energies, from humans wishing to do harm to other members.
This will be an expanding series of techniques as we become more and more aware of their possibilities
Please post your information with a short paragraph of how they work and where you got your data /info from and a linc to the website it came from.
Also if you are in danger or are experiencing some hostility or you are experiencing some mental attacks please post on this site or of your choosing
Also if you have experienced or heard of any stories of successful blocking of mental attacks, or physical and or medical healing using this type of techniques could you post those as well ?
Such as a healer you are sure seems ligitmate and who discusses what techniques they use etc
Thanks in advance !
Hi David, this is a great topic as the dark forces will be ensuing many mental attacks upon us soon, if not already. I am personally dealing with doubts on whether or not a very close friend of mine is a reptilian or shapeshifter. She is very close to me but I think I’ve had visions of her with blood all over her. I feel this is a mental manipulation because all behavioral signs she’s exhibited point to her being a spiritual empath. So I am battling this mental demon.
I suspect your best friend is just that -- ie your best friend ! Perhaps your friend is also under attack and doesn't know it yet. Or it is a worry that some actual Reptilian shapeshifter is trying to mess with you to entice you to split away from one of your allies i.e. your best friend.
Put yourself ever so briefly into the mind of what ever my be attacking you and think what "IT" would want to weaken you ?
I would think both you and your friend are a double power of light, and an attacker would want to divide you as job number one!
And It would instantly want to divide you and your friend because of that bond you have between you and her. Because (now this is my belief) that 2 working together are at a power of 4, and 3 working together are a power of 9. Or the attacker you are experiencing is also trying to manipulate you to incite you to do harm to your friend because you are such a power of the light side, and it wants to eliminate you by causing authorities to put you away and so on. There you could not be effective against it and its dark side !
I think personally I try to make contact with my inner self and gain confidence that my soul is on board to help me and not just sit passively, just observing. Next I stated to the universe that I renounce any possible contracts I may have made in any previous lives and would now only work with Source/God what ever we wish to call it/her/him.
And as long as that Entity/God/Source wishes me to help I will try to be positive, and kind (which hasn't always been the case !! for sure). And try to be open to signs that I am suppose to see to help.
And now I'm trying now to explore if the mind can heal myself and maybe even other people ? What a wild thought right ?
Also I try to be aware of my own personal dark side which exists in some form with everyone, otherwise there would be no wars and no violence and no hatred. And we all know that's not true, so we all have a dark side. And we need to tame that and recognize that it exists.
That's my take on it. For me I always turn to what I believe exist. It is there are higher powers that are your personal allies. And I do try to meditate on that as well.
And finally lets just do a reality check here. First I have scared myself silly in the past. All this stuff about reptilians and Aliens and their habits is a very very scary business. if I or you dwell on it, in too much depth we scare our inner child or we just wont be able to sleep. Leave the big jobs up to the angels - that's their job. Keep your feet on the ground at all times ! Have a laugh sometimes; it always helps !
Realty check 1-- You and I are small fry in this world. I mean you and I are important to God of course and always will be. But you and I are not going to do some massively important thing. We don't have that skill set right now.
God is never going to ask you to slay a dragon or something. That job is going to a super powerful Angel/other entity working for God. Gods got it all in hand one way or the other.
Our job on this planet is to be kind to express positivity and humor sometimes when appropriate. To create good, positive energies. These types of energies will on an emotional level and a psychic level help others. At some level THEY will see you making it- succeeding and moving closer to God. AND YOU WILL INSPIRE THEM -and I am not kidding about that.
Many people in this world are scared and when they see a calm person when the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket -then that calmness reassures them and even inspires them. And then here is the real important bit. They will ask themselves, "hey what's that guys or woman's secret ?" And that gets them to thinking or they will ask you that question.
Never try to face what your going through alone. If what I am saying does not help you then ask another person with more skill and knowledge for help. That's what I do !!
I wish you all the best and I am quite sure your best friend is just that - your best friend. And I'm sure she needs you as an ally in this life time !
Just remember I am not a Guru of some type. I'm looking for answers in my life too. Again all the best !
David, thank you my friend… you are wise… we do all have inner demons - a dark side. The question is which side will we choose? I will chose to walk the road of friendship and support her in this time of need.
Hi Lindsay --you're welcome !
I saw Silva for healing others below. The best shielding was Elisabeth Seraphine. It involved the armer of god and drawing energy from the stars and the earth using two hands and developing a protective space on the sides ,front and back and diagonally as well. It was part of one of David Wilcocks seminar. It was amazing mental training.
My hypothesis is mental imagery used to better performance in all sports can be used to develop shields when a person is in a meditative state. I think it may be possible to create your own shields.
I do not think I have been attacked but several years ago it was impossible so many bad things could happen within several months. I was imagining shielding a lot.
Giam had an example of shielding against a reptilian a couple weeks ago on cosmic disclosure. Ill leave a link tomorrow.