If a Farsight board meeting featured extraterrestrials sitting at the table, visible for everyone to see, that video would go viral, attracting billions of views. Farsight would instantly become the official global ambassadors for extraterrestrial contact, forever changing the narrative.
The first person or organization to capture genuine first contact like this would catapult to center-stage, becoming a worldwide sensation. This is an unprecedented opportunity. You can bet that someone like Michael Salla, or anyone else in the UFO community, would jump at the chance. The first to achieve this monumental feat will dominate the conversation, overshadowing everything that came before it. The spotlight will be theirs, and history will remember their name.
Courtney stated that the benevolent ETs are actively protecting the Farsight group, ensuring the safety of their personnel.
The ETs themselves face no danger, as their activities can be discreetly recorded, with the footage scheduled for a timed release. Courtney can also notify major channels ahead of time, prompting their coverage and commentary. High-profile figures such as Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, both of whom have shown significant interest in extraterrestrial topics, would likely seize the opportunity to engage with and discuss the content.
This approach would bypass the traditional media and directly reach billions of online users, offering a more direct and unfiltered narrative.
When spaceships eventually appear in the skies, governments will be forced to confront the truth and acknowledge the long-hidden secret.