During the livestream on YouTube tonight, Courtney mentioned that if the "good" extraterrestrials appeared at a board meeting, the US government would intervene and arrest them. Honestly, this claim raises some doubts. Courtney also stated that the good ETs are militarily stronger than the "bad" ones, so the suggestion that the US government could arrest them seems far-fetched. Moreover, how would the government even know the good ETs were present, especially for just the brief period during the indoor recording? It simply doesn’t add up.
The Reptilian ruled side would already know and push it down the chain via intermediaries. It would disrupt a channel of information where people examine what's being said rather than trying another "debunk the CGI exercise" Why they're using force here or there is mostly about choosing their battles as they escalate. I think they've also started to accept they can't be hostage to the human political situation for much longer as things unravel.
Though the bigger reveal has to inevitably happen.
Any being that incarnates/manifests here on the physical sets off the alarm bells for them. Since the good ETs are not warmongers they aren't necessarily stronger...they just have the numbers on their side so unless they plan to commit all their forces to one event they're not going to take a chance of losing their own when the game is nearing the end. The negative beings are a corruption and not the norm. They're what happens when an experiment gets out of control, but they're far from the majority in this universe. Had the good beings been more warlike this never would've happened or been allowed to happen. Once you add the human super warlike trait to the good ET group after emancipation then they can finally have a real army.
Sam Jenkins
How Black Ops Military Stopped Ascension: Transhumanism - End of the Human Era
Book overview
Black Ops Military Groups are covertly abducting Starseeds and stealing their souls and spiritual properties. Starseeds are used as lab rats for horrifying projects including communicating with the dead and near-death experiments. There was a spiritual war between God/Celestials/ Ascension and Transhumanism. The Mayan 2012 prophecy was correct. The global "robotization" of humans through remote electronic mind control is virtually complete. This is the true story of a MILAB still being used. The author is an extraterrestrial contactee and MK-Ultra survivor. Mankind as we knew it is over. Ascension was blocked out and our planet is a banished, quarantined dimension.
NEVER SAY DIE !!! It's the American way.
Quote timestamp 13:32:
"The question is often asked: Why don't you videorecord them, and why don't they make themselves physically visible? Look, folks, this has got a really easy answer: If the ETs where physically visible in our board meeting – you know the US government, you're not fools – how long would it take before the authorities broke into the building and arrested them, the real life physical aliens you can see. How long would it take, a second, two seconds?"
I wondered: What if they do nothing, just like with the drones, because arresting the ETs would prove that they're the real deal? But here's a problem with that: How would we know? It would have to be a livestream, and the government would attempt to take that livestream down. Is it worth it for a few seconds that can be debunked as AI fake or something?
On the other side: They proved that the government is not shooting down UFOs if everybody watches.
So, revealing a bigger ship in the middle of a public event, like a football game, would work, wouldn't it?
But that would end the football game! Lots of sheep would be very disappointed and likely consider those aliens to be "bad" for disrupting the game.
Of course it does not add up.
Nobody asked those "people" to come to Courtney's office.
They could just send a f***ing selfie or a little video for us to see.
With all their tech, they don't have a web cam and the ZOOM app?
They could just tell us who they are. One page or I would not mind a little PDF booklet.
Present themselves - and where they come from - like normal people.
One thing is quite clear. Farsight is capable of predicting world events. Like the "drones" but we knew that Remote Viewing can do that.
I don't know. I basically hate everything else. The mainstream, the alternative new age garbage
WE THE PEOPLE, incarnated here at this time in cosmic history, TO DO THIS !!! We are ONE humanity. Let's get busy NOW !