Could remote viewing, when practiced with intention, be a tool for nudging outcomes, subtly shaping the course of events, or even influencing the decisions and thoughts of individuals—without their conscious awareness?
From everything I've learned: the short answer is yes.
Psispace is interactive. You can put a lock on your door and it might deter crime but it does not promise that no one can break in. I think this is equally true for psi.
Aziz talked about a man named grandmaster wolf who really seems capable of pyrokinesis
What is the "ice magick"?
I was reading that it has to do with the Fraternitas Saturni and with the Illuminates of Thanateros but I didn't find anything else. What exactly is it and where can I get more information?
Phil Hine's original website, has been taken down in favor of his new site, Frustratingly, his writings about 'the Ice Magick Wars' vanished along with it.
I did find a secondary site that quotes what seems to be all of the original post, including a response by Frater U.:D.: that I don't recall being on the original site:
As mentioned, there was (is?) a forthcoming work in English on Ice Magick by Frater U.:D.: which I think is the one mentioned in this update by Theion Publishing:
I didn't realize that it was a translation of an prior work; if anyone has the bibliographic reference of that (presumably German) book I'd love to know it. I also hadn't heard that the translator died;
This also popped up on
Yes. Some people even do it UNKNOWINGLY and even WITHOUT Remote-Viewing Protocol.
This is based on the manifestation principle. Some beings can manifest thoughts into reality far easier than others and, even though it doesn't violate free will, they can influence the thoughts of others to help them manifest what they desire. This is why fake gurus and "leaders" etc all try to get as many brainless sheep to follow them since those people won't question it.
I recall Dick Allgire mentioning some time ago that he planned to subtly plant something at an archaeological site using remote viewing or remote influencing techniques, with the intention of checking later to see if it had any effect. However, I'm not sure if he ever followed through or provided an update on the outcome. Does anyone have any information on this?
Why not try to post a target and see if someone in the forum can attempt to do any of it.