I have stupid questions...
=> Do they rape to accomplish their FREE WILL?
=> Are they compatible with Aleister Crowley's philosophy: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"? Is this "sex magick"?
=> Are they compatible with the breakaway cult Courtney calls "good" and describes as "obsessed with FREE WILL?"
=> Are there different kinds of FREE WILL? If so how many and how do they differ?
Typhon Tunnels
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These inorganic tunnels and their wormhole tunnel systems produced from anti-life mathematical programs designed to vampirize living things, are reversing the spiral direction of organic life force current from its natural movement towards an ascending and northern position. Instead the Alien Machinery is forcing the life force energy spiral to move downwards into a descending reversal pattern towards the southern position. This metatronic distortion in the planetary grid feeds the Satanic gestalts and interferes with the proper life force energy movement up the spinal column of humans that remain asleep on the earth.
The life force goes down the spinal column and releases out of the perineum and rectum, and thus these inorganic tunnel systems are called Typhon Tunnels. See Typhon. This is why Black Magicians use Sodomy in satanic ritual abuse, as the life force energy pattern in the individuals lightbody connects to Metatronic Spiral which generates a “descending serpent fire” that releases mass quantities of life force from out of the perineum. The black magician uses the spiritual energy source as a means to consume the consciousness body of their intended victim in order to harvest that energy for their agendas or mere pleasure. The generation of Typhon Tunnels through the practices of the Satanic religion are directly related to the original alien architecture put in place with the Wesa Tunnel System.
This is why they especially love little boys and also are forcing the mentally retarded drag queens onto kids... mostly boys.
It's true that this behavior aligns with SRA, but their motivations might be something simpler, like torturing non-believers is a way to satisfy their god. Either way, UK needs a clean-up.
You've noticed the sudden explosion on focusing on the ass in everything mainstream? Even beyond the gay crap they have everyone twerking, gay and trans anal related stuff in cartoons etc etc. It's because the Red root chakra is where the anus is and that's where they can hijack the kundalini energy easiest.
Horus-Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite - Vigli.org
622 Pages · 2012 · 13.92 MB · English
It seems like this is the equilibrium they settle on when they've had enough time to setup their secret societies and wrestle control over the state. Similar to the Aztecs. What's called multiculturalism or tolerance is really just cynical rule by secret societies that want to humiliate the now subjugated populace and add a bunch of sadistic rituals on top of it. They've got them so beat down they can't mention that they're bending over backwards to target white people and it can only be mentioned in the context of minority causes like Sikh girls being raped or Jews being harassed by the imports.
The UK occultism/metaphys scene seems to be totally enthralled in that in a way that's different from the US varieties. Though that kind of child molestation + blackmail /w emphasis on boys has also existed in elite circles for decades in the US. And all of the state cultivated heroes like Reagan and the movie stars are involved. While some people have the luxury of saying it's morally equivalent, people who's asses are literally on the line do not.