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by Maria Pavic · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 407 views · 6 replies

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by Maria Pavic · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 589 views · 5 replies

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by Barron Coleman · Suggestions for New Projects · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 2,025 views · 30 replies

30 Replies

by james p callahan · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 400 views · 7 replies

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by Andrew Spencer · Suggestions for New Projects · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 259 views · 0 replies


by Trisha Kaschalk · Suggestions for New Projects · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 265 views · 0 replies


by Bryan Beckwith · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 374 views · 2 replies

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by Dominion Melchizedek · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 620 views · 19 replies

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by Edwin · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 766 views · 1 reply

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by julia creighton · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 373 views · 8 replies

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by Ian W Parkinson · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 228 views · 0 replies


by Trisha Kaschalk · Suggestions for New Projects · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 444 views · 2 replies

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by Craig Taylor · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 1,464 views · 4 replies

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by John Smith · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 272 views · 0 replies


by Mark Moody · Farsight Mysteries · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 554 views · 6 replies

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by Kevin Miner · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 496 views · 9 replies

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by Craig Taylor · Suggestions for New Projects · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 529 views · 5 replies

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by Eric T · Suggestions for New Projects · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 461 views · 6 replies

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by james p callahan · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 790 views · 7 replies

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by WOLF 424 · Farsight News Forecasts · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 373 views · 3 replies

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by james p callahan · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 590 views · 11 replies

11 Replies

by Craig Taylor · Farsight Mysteries · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 378 views · 0 replies


by Javier Alejandro Llamas · General · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 299 views · 1 reply

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by Stefan Thierry · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 992 views · 16 replies

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by Morten · Farsight News Forecasts · · almost 4 years ago almost 4 years ago · 273 views · 0 replies


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