This is an investigation into what really happens to humans who collaborate with the Bad ETs. This episode features Intysam.
Up Next in Political
Israel's Future Possibilities
This remote-viewing project focuses on the current crises in the Middle East and the future of Israel.
Table of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Intysam Session - 7:24
⦁ Target Reveal Intysam - 40:41
⦁ Aziz Brown Session - 47:12
⦁ Target Reveal Aziz Brow... -
THE CONSEQUENCES, what will happen after the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
Farsight's Web Site:
Farsight's Streaming Service:
http://farsightprime.comTable of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Intysam Session - 15:03
⦁ Target Reveal... -
CROSSHAIRS: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
CROSSHAIRS: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Farsight's Web Site:
Farsight's Streaming Service:
http://farsightprime.comTable of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Aziz Brown Session - 18:41
⦁ Target Reveal Aziz Brown - 40:27
⦁ Intysam Session -...