As I posted under the Buddha movie: Aziz - What you don't understand is that Subject A is not manipulating Subject A. Subject A is still Subject A in both locations except those crystalline pillars you saw are in the 4D and that being is projecting his soul into the Subject A in the 3D we know as Buddha. Everyone has a higher level self or oversoul or spirit except for NPCs/Organic Portals. So SA can't be manipulating his own self...instead that's just how the process works and you were seeing into the ASTRAL level where Buddha's higher self is.
As well, the death traps are the death traps and reincarnation are two separate things. Not all beings will fall into the death traps here as some are advanced enough not to be able to be held by the fallen entities that control this game. Even if Buddha was seen as reincarnating...that doesn't mean it was against his will. In Matrix V:Gold Edition by Val Valerian he explains well how there are aliens playing sequential life reincarnation and humans playing simultaneous life reincarnation for advancement. That means that Human/Lyran spirits will send down their emanations/incarnations into many different lives at once for a far faster way of evolving/leveling up vs how the aliens do it which is slow but they don't lose their memory each life. So Buddha still coming back as another incarnated being doesn't necessarily mean he was forced back into it. The ego dissection of him before the reincarnation was what we all go through traps or no traps...the lower self ego we carry on the 3D is actually only needed here as we develop a "personality" separate from our spirit...but that is only an illusion. We are the higher self and the lower level ego/lower mind then isn't needed after death. We all lose that ego before we are reborn whether it's forced or not.