Hit for August 2020?
Here’s another hit for rock. Space force announces missile launch. https://twitter.com/spaceforcedod/status/1290775296971505665?s=21
Huge hit for Rock. Smoke and destruction affecting multiple tall buildings, right by the water (a port city). Freaky accurate.
Definitely a hit by Rock Arkie ... I think the "presidential address" refers to trump speaking about the blast in Beirut.
Daz Smith and Edward Rioridan also picked up on the event in a more explicit manner: Daz with the most comprehensive description of the location and Edward naming the location as "Lebanon".
Daz is of the opinion this was an attack prepared for a while. Great HIT on all the RVers out there. Great job!
That's pretty incredible. Always loved Daz. No chance he will work with Farsight again, will he?
Something about bridges:
Regarding PrinCess's session, today there was a volcano eruption in Indonesia. I just saw a clip but they said it was quite an impact.