Above is a link for Alien Interview, with Lawrence R. Spencer as the editor.
I’m rereading this document (obviously) because Courtney Brown referred to some of this material in the Death Traps video.
It is really a fascinating read, and I think some of you will find it interesting.
I’m not posting this link to create a controversy on the veracity of Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy’s story. It may well be a work of fiction as Lawrence R. Spencer mentions in the disclaimer posted underneath.
But Farsight and Brett Stuart’s rv sessions, the WingMakers Materials, and some of Bashar work strongly suggest that there are/were death traps and/or tyranny out there.
So, if Alien Interview is a work of fiction, then whoever wrote it might have taped in the depository of information that exists in our collective consciousness. We all do that everyday.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
As far as the Editor of the book, "Alien Interview" is concerned, and for all practical purposes, the content of the book is a work of fiction. The Editor makes no claim to the factuality of the content, and in fact, cannot prove that the alleged author actually ever existed.
Although some of the dates, locations, persons and incidents described may be factual or based on fact, there is no evidence to authenticate that equally as many may be subjective contrivances of the author.
All of the information, notes and transcripts received by the Editor are contained in their complete, original form, as represented in the book. The Editor is no longer in possession of any original documents or copies of original documents from the author, i.e. Mrs. MacElroy.
Some material contained in the book may have similarities to Earth philosophies as the variety of these are too numerous to list, and bear too many fundamental similarities to be easily differentiated. Although the book discusses the origins of the universe, the time track of the physical universe, paranormal activities of immortal and/or extraterrestrial beings, "aliens" or "gods", it is in no way the intention of the Editor to represent, endorse, forward or assume the viewpoint of the author, any political doctrine, economic vested interest, scientific hypothesis, religious practice or philosophy, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial.
The notes and transcripts contained in the book, are solely and only the based on the representations and documents provided by the author, the late Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, unless otherwise specifically annotated by Footnotes in The Appendix of the book.
The Editor is not responsible for any assumptions, inferences or conclusions made by the reader based on the material is this book, which are solely and only the responsibility of the reader.
What is true for you, is true for you.
Lawrence R. Spencer