When I watch the Farsight Remote Viewers use the deep mind probe on an extraterrestrial subject, I marvel at how the Viewer can communicate with them when the target was an event from the past or future. What I’d like to understand more about is how the Viewers do this, I.e., interact with beings of a different frequency/higher density, while in 3D time-space, using the deep mind probe.
The Bashar project was particularly riveting, because all 3 Viewers, PrinCess, Melena, and Kamia, were separately, blind to the target, having conversations with the being associated with Daryl Anka. There was also a subject in Moses Beyond Exodus with whom both Aziz and PrinCess had contact, like an angelic being who seemed “biblical “. This was beyond amazing.
I’d like to see more interactions with ETs like this and think it would be so cool if the Farsight ET News show could include ET correspondence.
Courtney and these incredible Viewers are piercing the veil and showing us reality with a capital R.