in the July 2020 intelligence briefing, Courtney mentioned something about controlling one's heartbeats, and supplements for prolonging human life. Can you provide more details?
in the July 2020 intelligence briefing, Courtney mentioned something about controlling one's heartbeats, and supplements for prolonging human life. Can you provide more details?
He goes into detail about it in the previous intelligence briefing. (June 2020)
FYI there was a book published in the 70's/early 80's by a couple of biologists/Nutritionists "Dirk Pierson and Sandy Shaw" entitled "Life Extension" which had extensive scenarios to extend life and deal with various health problems. I don't know if they have kept up with it over the decades and release updated volumes of it but it was very good at the time. I'll have to go back and listen to the June 2020 briefing again as I don't recall that portion of it.
I liked the books that Dirk Pearson and Sandy Shaw authored years ago too. Some of their products are now sold on the life-enhancement website.
I would really like to know Courney's protocol for his daily life, including the supplement regime he is on as well as the exact meditation regimen he uses which PrinCess mentioned in her last Farsight Discussion/Interveiw. I'd like to know more about this meditation mantra of "shaneem manaah" -- how long it is used and if it is seemingly chanted vocally, or if it is used internally/mentally as well.
Thanks for bringing this subject up.