To understand session 2 Target 2...
To understand the sessions:
The Remote Viewers were also asked to focus on the activities of the particular groups -
- And to keep the Remote Viewers blind to the targets or to the nature of the project, the Remote Viewers were told that:
There were 3 primary groups: Each Group was identified by a Letter – and the Viewers were only told the letters X, Y & Z
Additional Notes:
Letter ‘Z’ represents the Reptilians.
(During the Sessions: Sometimes the Remote Viewer refers to the Letters – other times the Remote Viewer will describe the various groups descriptively without using letters or even by using different letters such as A & B. It is clear though during the sessions as to who they are describing in their work and to the Nature of each group.)
Continued ... This is the transcripts from Kahmia Dunson for TARGET 2:
Kahmia Dunson RV session Target 2 –
Target 2: The Highest-level meeting between a United States President and/or his representatives, and Reptilian and Orion Extraterrestrials during the 20th Century.
Level topography here
There is a Main structure – other scattered structures around -
The land feels dry.
Seeing colours of yellow, greens, blues – a nice day
Non surface structure in the sky with subjects
Subjects on the ground as well.
Structure/s on base surface
Main Structure is radiating out some energy.
The majority of subjects are inside the structure though there are some subjects outside.
Can see a rippling in the sky like something giving of and receiving energy.
There are a lot of subjects here.
Mostly male – some female.
Feels tense inside – stiff – like everyone is standing still.
Feels like someone is on the brink of an explosion - Someone is very upset here.
There is a group of subjects separate from the first group – there are 2 different groups.
The 2 groups of subjects are having a conversation – doesn’t feel like they oppose each other all the way.
The 2 groups have a mutual thing they want and they are trying to come together to get that thing.
One subject group is different from the other.
There are 2 different species.
One humanoid – (Subject 1) round face – round eyes – little moustache – little hair
Another subject (Subject 2) – big eyed – has facial features – (drawn)
There is another type of subject there (Subject 3 & 4) – looks human – a ‘face behind his face’ – looks like someone is playing human.
EDIT NOTE – SUBJECT 3&4 are represented as one subject – Outer physical subject (3): humanoid puppet. The Inner Subject (4): Reptilian
Focusing on (Subject 4) the ‘face behind the face’ – he feels angry – deep set eyes – almost pointed face – looks like a snake face – skin feels smooth and rough at the same time – feels slick and then rough – looks angry – feels crazy – hates everyone energy – he is hiding behind the face of Subject 3
They are having a meeting or a negotiation – respectfully having a conversation
Someone feels very irate – seems like Subject 1 Humanoid
Subject 2 and Subject 3&4 (face behind a face) seem more robotic
Subject 1 humanoid seems very unsettled and something about the meeting is upsetting this subject
Can these subjects feel Kahmia here?
Subject 4 reptilian – is annoyed with Kahmia being there – (like an annoying younger sister you cant do anything about) Kahmia is annoying the heck out of him. He can sense Kahmia
Subject 4 reptilian: has a darker skin tone
Subject 2 alien: pale – light bluish grey colour
Subject 1 human: – orange undertones
Subject 4 reptilian: reddish blue undertones
Everyone is different.
Kahmia numbers the Subjects
Subject 1: non-human, single entity
Subject 2: human male, single entity
Subject 3: Double entity - outer entity is a human puppet, & Subject 4: Inner entity is Reptilian
Deep Mind Probe Subject 4 reptilian - What does the Subject (4) think about the other groups?
There’s a group - Group X he feels like they are the same, like siblings, and they want the same thing but Subject 4 doesn’t like that group though and feels Group X is like a rival or a nemesis – they’re in each others way.
The other group – Group Y – he feels more fond of, doesn’t completely hate this group, this group is more of an interest to him, he sees something in this group that he wants, he wants something from them – he feels he can get something out of it.
Then there is another group – Group Z – feels like home, the same, they are one of the same, fond of that Group, no hate.
Subject 4 Feelings about Subject 2 Human – he doesn’t not like them – sees them as potential - something to gain – there’s something deeper – he’s going to benefit overall though. He just planted a seed, a concept which will be way bigger than when it first started out.
Spreading and growing like a disease – starts in a single location and spreads out – he wants his energy planted and grown.
The idea that they want to be planted and grown; they have this idea in competition with another Group.
There’s another Group here who also want to plant and grow.
The other Subject 1 Group Z of non-humans - they also want the same thing.
The idea that they want to assimilate and live amongst what is already here.
They want to have a space and be able to spread throughout the area.
It feels dark at the same time – deeply darkened – perverted in some way –
It feels they are going about this the wrong way.
They don’t want to be ‘out’ about being here, they tell one person where they are situated – possibly another person in another location maybe.
The analogy – that they live in your neighbourhood, but people don’t know that they’re here to expand – not to take completely over but there with everyone else.
They’re hiding behind others – they’re not allowed to be completely ‘out’
A connection between subject 4 Reptilian and Subject 2 Human.
Subject 4 wants something from Subject 2 so they can expand and grow – infiltrate.
Subject 2 Human wants something from Subject 4 Reptile – so they can build up – The reptilians are spreading, and the humans are climbing and building up, and up, and up in the sky.
They need this cooperation to happen to make both their wants possible.
Focusing in on Subject 2 Human – theyre not capable creating whatever it is that Subject 4 reptilian has already.
Sensing a lot of narcissistic tendencies from Subject 2 – they’re willing to do almost anything to get what they want – this deal. It doesn’t matter if others aren’t benefiting – as long as they are.
He is all about himself.
But Subject 4 reptilian knows this about Subject 2 human and is thinking ahead. He is more aware and intentional than Subject 2 human who wants physical and mental objects and opportunities, ideas from Subject 4 reptilian. A mentor – an exchange of goods.
What happened between the Groups at the meeting?
Subject 4 reptilian is feeling really good. Kicking back – he got what he wanted.
Subject 2 Human – (Kahmia feels sad for him) – human feels sad, mad, depressed and angry. He feels tried, played – he definitely did not get what he wanted out of this meeting/deal/ordeal. Something is lacking for him.
Kahmia feels that Subject 4 retilian has successfully started this idea of growing and expanding – Subject 2 is feeling like a pit, crumbling in despair. They feel crippling pain and despaired.
They’re not winners.