TRANSCRIPT - Farsight Intelligence Briefing for April 2021
Courtney Brown – Farsight Institute
Uploaded to Farsight Prime 11th April, 2021
Duration: (54:50)
Transcript 1 - (00:00 – 22:00) Post 1 of 3
So, if you go back to the idea of escaping the Prison Planet, what makes us understand this as a Prison Planet, if you look at what we’ve done going back to the very beginning of the early Projects at Farsight – start with:
The Great Pyramid of Giza & Slave Populations -
The Great Pyramid of Giza - We have Slave populations, actually more than one slave population. You have Extraterrestrials using advanced technology, allowing some of the humans to use that advanced technology to cut and move these large blocks into place. And then, some other terrestrial group comes by and then obliterates the control group and that fragments our society, and the society disburses.
Then in you go to the other Projects that we have - one after the other after the other:
Cydonia Mars -
Cydonia Mars: clearly with Cydonia Mars both taken to as described the verifiable of Cydonia perfectly well. I mean it was great – we have good clear pictures of it – and then they describe the society there, and how the society eventually crumbled. And at the end of the society, how it was just coming apart through the disasters that Mars was experiencing.
Aliens on Iapetus -
And then, Aliens on Iapetus: There was an event in the Solar System that effected Aliens that were on Iapetus. So, on Iapetus, we have perfectly verifiable amateurs from the Cassini Space Probe, and then you have Dick and Des both describing Iapetus perfectly. And they both described a structure on the side of the wall of one of the large craters. And the gist of the Aliens on Iapetus Project is that there was like a resort – some type of facility there that people used to go to. Probably one of the most beautiful spots on the whole Solar System, looking up at the Rings of Saturn. And they were stranded because of some event that occurred in the Solar System – and that event caused the big block that splotched to occur on the side of Iapetus – something exploded in the Solar System, caused a shock wave to go out, and then created that huge splotch on the side of Iapetus.
The Phoenix Lights – Tic-tac & Pyramid UFOs
Then you go onto the Phoenix Lights – something more modern. Obviously, they are UFOs. Now let’s talk about the modern stuff: Phoenix Lights. That goes hand in hand with let’s say the Navy Tic-tac UFO videos that were released recently, and the new Government released video of the pyramid structure that was recorded and photographed on radar and on the screens of the pilot. And you get a clear understanding that the government knows that there is such a thing as UFOs and Aliens – they know that that exists. But they’re holding things back.
Roswell UFO Crash -
And then you go to the Roswell UFO Crash, and that is a fascinating thing, because what we found with the Roswell UFO Crash is that there was in fact a crash and there were ETs on that. Now, any ET that is capable of coming to planet Earth comes from a society from far away that has technological capabilities that swamp us, so what you have to be able to say is that given the age of the Galaxy, given the age of the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe, there has to be zillions of Extraterrestrial civilizations all throughout the Galaxy. And they must have been passing through this Solar System a million and one times. This cannot be something that’s just hardly never happened.
Then let me go to the Area51, we again find Area51 with multiple layers underneath underground. Humans occupying the initial layers underground, and as you get farther down you get Extraterrestrials that are occupying the deepest layers – in particular, Reptilian Extraterrestrials. And then you have…
Tunguska, The War in Heaven, Mars
The Tunguska Event & you have also the War in Heaven; you get this huge battle that took place between the Planet that used to be there before it became the Asteroid Belt, that was the Planet that blew up, and then created the Asteroid Belt. And then that was the time that Mars became uninhabitable. One half of Mars is heavily cratered, and the other half is not cratered at all. And so obviously something blew up on one side of Mars. And the War in Heaven really goes over the fact that there was a war – a huge war – a planetary war, and one entire planet was destroyed in the process.
Moses Beyond Exodus
Then if you go to the other one; Moses beyond Exodus, you clearly see Extraterrestrial intervention in the Biblical stories. And then skipping, for example ‘Oumuamua and the Bird of Prey’, let’s go to the Death Traps…
The Death Traps
The Death Traps were something we were really interested in. We were interested in what happens after death, and we started to probe and follow people after death, and we started to find that they were attracted to the Light. And this Light was like a trap. It was something that attracts people afterwards, and they get sucked into it and then they get electrocuted and then loose all memory of who they are.
Human Leadership Has Been Compromised - The Popes
And then we got to the ‘Human Leadership Has Been Compromised’, where we went after the Popes. If the Popes aren’t sacred, then no-one’s sacred. We clearly found mental manipulating. We clearly found Extraterrestrial manipulating leadership – and in this particular situation - the Popes - in order to control them.
Gods of the Day - Zeus
And then we went into the past again looking into & looking at what happened in the Ancient past, in specific regard to figures that were considered Gods of the day; Zeus – he was clearly an Extraterrestrial – a really perverted Extraterrestrial.
Göbekli Tepe - The Eye of the Sahara – Ra The Sun God
And then we did the Göbekli Tepe and we found another incident which was very similar to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Big structures being constructed with Extraterrestrials being involved in the whole thing and building these monumental structures. Then we had a similar type of theme happen with the ‘Eye of the Sahara’. Then if you go to ‘Ra The Sun God’, we have the exact same type of thing.
Presidential Meetings with Extraterrestrials
And then you get to ‘Presidential Meetings with Extraterrestrials’ and clearly you see Extraterrestrials are interacting with top leadership in one way shape or form.
So, what do you get from all these Projects?
First of all, Extraterrestrials have been here for an extremely long period of time. This is not something new. You also have a very clear portrayal of the mainstream Scientific community that is extremely repressed. So, huge amounts of effort are being placed into controlling what happens with the mainstream public. The Scientific community may think it’s doing the right thing – may think its looking at physical evidence – but, the reality is the mainstream Scientific community is absolutely totally resistant to the idea that all physical life that we see of all types, can only be animated if there is a spiritual element within it. So, my body - if I was not living in the body, would be a hunk of flesh. It would be dead. Nothing would exist, nothing would happen to it – it wouldn’t move. And so that is a fundamental criteria that mainstream scientist are looking to avoid at all costs. What they’re trying to do is say ‘Life must be totally physical’ – this is all an issue of molecules interacting with other molecules and life just becomes like an automated computer that’s just on the biological level – like a biological computer. And as long as they’re totally unwilling to understand that there is a non-physical real thing however, then they can’t ask the right questions and they don’t understand why physical life can be animated in the first place.
From the Data - Past
So, what the Remote Viewing field tells us is that the non-physical component of ourselves clearly extends across time and space. We go back in time; we go forward in time – it also tells us through the explorations that the Extraterrestrial phenomena has been going on forever – it’s not something new. And because of the mental manipulation stuff that we’ve been seeing, it is clear that ‘nothing can be trusted’ – on the media, or the political side, on the religious side. Nothing, Nothing, nothing can be trusted. All of that is controlled.
You see, what we have gotten is a picture where in the very early days, say circa Pyramids of Giza type of thing, there was physical control of Extraterrestrials who could literally enslave a population physically and just beat them into the dirt. OK. That was disrupted when the Great Pyramid of Giza population was freed by whatever type of other Extraterrestrials came in and blew up the guys who were controlling that society. But that didn’t stop the control. It just stopped their overt ability to control things on the surface. They still had the ability to control things behind the scenes. And so you still had a repressed humanity that was not really able to progress, and so you had things like Puma Punku happened, you had the Nazca Lines, you had all types of things happening behind the scenes that weren’t as rough as the Great Pyramid of Giza time, but the manipulation was still there.
And so, Humanity was still repressed. And then, something happened around 1200 years ago – something happened around not 2000 years ago, but something after 2000 years ago – something between 2000 years ago and 1000 years ago – where society go freed up. Something happened somewhere. We haven’t figured that out yet, but something happened somewhere where the controls were loosened up and Humanity started to very rapidly accelerate to become a more normal society that we have now; with normal buildings and then the technological revolution, industrial revolution, all of this is happening really fast. And guaranteed the Extraterrestrial controllers, who were in blunt, physical, brutal control – back in the Pyramid of Giza days – are not happy about this speed at which Humanity is accelerating right now.
From the data - Present
But there’s still end control. They still are manipulating and controlling the situation. Now what we got with the ET Meeting with the Presidents is that they manipulated the Presidents into a situation where (at least the American side) they made an agreement – and that Agreement allowed those same Extraterrestrial manipulator controllers to become embedded officially, formally in the Human population so that they could start doing things openly without hiding things. And that got us into a real sticky predicament, but it was those Extraterrestrials who were able to recover some of their capabilities which they lost around 1200 years ago to be able to clearly overtly manipulate the public without being stopped by a Government that was having more technological capabilities than it did say, a thousand years ago. So, that influence of, that element of control, is crucial.
(12:00) Memory Loss
Now what we found with the Death Trap Project is that when people die, they get cycled. The real self gets cycled – electrocuted – something like a huge number of volts gets put in through the Soul, what you might call the sub-space aspect – whatever it is that is the real you, and it eradicated the memory. And then false memories are being implanted, and then they get recycled back and then they get here.
What we have found – and this seems very clear on a huge number of Projects, is that this is not normal. There is absolutely no reason why you should not be able to remember absolutely everything going back a hundred thousand light years and a hundred thousand lifetimes. And there is no reason why that should happen. Just because it doesn’t happen doesn’t mean that that is normal.
Controls Methods
So, what is happening is we have 2 types of control. One control was back circa The Great Pyramids of Giza time period where it was really brutal forceful, blunt control but then you have that ending then you have a different type of control that happens now – but its all mental control. Now, in between that you get this recycling of people after death before birth recycling with the eradication of memory. So, this is what we have figured out. And I guess I have to speak more for myself because I’m the one who is analysing all of these data. I think I can also speak for Aziz because my son and I we talk about this stuff non-stop to try and figure out what’s going on.
Prison Planet – erasing memory
What apparently happens is the Prison Planet, as best as we can figure out, Earth was set up as a dumping ground for societies all over the place. These societies are throughout the galaxy, maybe even other galaxies, they are extremely old. Everything that has been invented, everything that can be invented, has already been invented. And that extremely creative people are a real nuisance to those people. We have also found that societies are extremely homogenous out there. You have societies that are just one race, one way of thinking, it’s sort of ridged out there – its not like free-flowing. And that’s why you get this tremendous heterogeneity earth.
And you cannot kill a person. You Cannot kill a person. So, the only thing you can do is take a person and eradicate their memories and throw them in a place where they can’t get out – where it’s a prison, they cant get out, and that sort of gets rid of them from this area. So, what are we have is a society here that has an extremely high percentages of diversity. Huge numbers of different people with different backgrounds, different races, different beliefs systems, different cultures – this is a really mixed place. And then what you also get is a mixture of really highly creative people. We don’t see a lot of evidence in the Galactic culture of art and creativity and music and all that type of stuff that you see here. What we see is really homogeneity – things being sort of uniform, rather simple culturally, and society, after society, after society. And so, what we see here is a result of all that stuff coming in here.
Remembering what you were supposed to forget.
With the memories being eradicated, non the less, elements of the personality still come through. And for the last 1000-1200 years the society of peoples are starting to remember things, so buildings are coming up, skyscrapers are coming up, cities are coming up – that didn’t happen before that.
So now, this is really, really important. The fact that this didn’t happen before that doesn’t mean that we didn’t have robust societies on this Planet before that. Mainstream Scientists will tell you that our societies were basically created over the last 10 -5 -3 thousand years. Before that we were all hunter gatherers going back to whenever. They’re really idiots. These are PhDs, academics, universities all throughout the world – they’re really idiots. There is absolutely no evidence to support that.
Magnetic Pole Shift
Let me give you some fundamental facts – and this is not disputed. Every 20-25,000 years or so, there is a pole shift on this planet. That means the electronic - the Magnetic Poles, actually shift. That causes tremendous upheaval internally. What was the North Pole becomes the East and the West – I mean, the whole Planet just sort of rotates. It causes tremendous troubles.
Toba Catastrophe
In addition, we’ve had national disasters like 70,000 years ago, which is not disputed, it’s called the Toba Catastrophe. Something blew a hole in the planet down near New Zealand and Australia. Now we have done a whole study on that and I know exactly what happened. There was a human ‘us’ type civilization – they decided to drill through the Crust – they thought they could control it, and in fact ‘pop the balloon’… The whole Planet is an 8,000-diameter ball of liquid rock – its not solid, and so anything that disrupts it – something coming in from the sun – someone drilling a hole through the crust – something happening, the Poles shifting – the whole thing goes belly-up. So, what we have is a situation where entire civilizations have been buried. I mean like totally buried. And the Toba Catastrophe theory – it’s called Toba because of Lake Toba in Indonesia – its sort of in the general area, but it was actually more in the New Zealand area – The hole that was pumped there caused such a vacuum – such a big hole/gap – that, on the opposite side (the antipode) – on the opposite side of the Planet, is right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean – that sunk in, and so that went down like 3 miles. And so, you have a situation in which the whole Planet just goes through an extinction event. Now this is not disputed with mainstream Science.
Population Post Toba Catastrophe
Around 70,000 years ago, everybody died on the Planet except for about 2-10,000 surviving pairs of people. Meaning, that’s between 4,000 people and 20,000 people. But those pairs of people, 2-10,000 pairs of people, gave birth to everybody that exists today. Everybody is genetically related to those 2,000 to 10,000 pairs of people - that is not in dispute in mainstream Science. So, that means 70,000 years ago, the whole Planet was wiped out. Now they know this because of genetic evidence – they know that everybody is related to everybody going back to the same 2,000 to 10,000 parents. So, what happened is you have a major set of disrupting things that bury civilizations on this Planet, and when that happens, there’s no evidence at all that the society had stuff. Now there is evidence of past civilisations that are buried under the ice in Antarctica, but you’re not going to be seeing the Governments talking about that. That’s one of the reasons that they have digs in Antarctica. Some of them are going after the tech that’s underneath the ice.
But the basic idea is, when Scientists say ‘we are it’ they are completely ignoring the fact that the Planet goes belly-up every 20-25,000 years, and sometimes there’s a big event like 70,000 years ago, that buries everything – the whole society can’t be recovered.
Mainstream Science – Remote Viewing - Memory
And so, what we have is a situation where you can’t believe anything coming up in the mainstream Science for 2 reasons.
First, mainstream science is totally blind with regard to what they’re willing to accept. They are not willing to accept that the Remote phenomena is real, thus they are not willing to accept that life is animated because of the nonphysical part that we call the ‘sub-space aspect’. Life is animated. There’s no such thing as a ‘physical biological’ thing that has not got something in it that makes it animated. We are what we are. Secondly, because we can Remote View across time and space that means we exist across all of time and all of space.
Now everyone, listen to my words. Listen to this. If we exist across all time and all of space, and that as soon as you except that remote viewing is real, period – if you can predict something in the future or perceive something in the past, as soon as you except that Remote Viewing is real then it is clear that us, ‘Essential Us’, exist throughout time and space. So where is your memory everybody? Where is your memory! If you already exist, right this very second across of all time and space, why can’t you remember it? Don’t you get it? We do the remote Viewing all the time, so physically we are capable of moving across time and space. Something has stopped the memory. That is the key everybody. There’s a reason why you can’t remember. And it is not due to anything inherent in anything, Because we can Remote View - get this, understand this – because we can Remote View at all, even if one experiment with remote viewing was true, was successful – even one – OK, say you don’t believe all the stuff that’s at Farsight – but at least that there’s one that you think is real – even if one is correct – then that means that our central cells extend throughout all of time and space. Where is your memory if you extend beyond all of time and space?