Transcript -
Dr Courtney Brown Introduction to Nazi and Reptilian in Antarctica Part One:
Between August 26th 1946 and late February 1947, approximately one year after Germany surrendered at the close of WWII, Rear Admiral Richard Byrd led an expedition to Antarctica called Operation High Jump.
Now at the time, the United States had spent a lot of money on WWII. The end of the War would normally be considered a time to close down Military activities, consolidate gains, save cash – so on. But this expedition to Antarctica involved tremendous resources. Those resources were called Task Force 468 and it involved 13 ships, 33 Aircraft and nearly 5000 men – and that included Destroyers, a Submarine, an Aircraft Carrier, Ice Breakers, a Tanker, a Supply Ships – the works.
Now the stated reason for the Task Force to Antarctica was to gather data – to explore. To see if it was possible to design Air Bases in that cold location, and that type of thing – sort of National Geographic on steroids.
Bur friends… you don’t need 13 military ships, 33 Aircraft and nearly 5000 military personnel to do that, especially for an inhospitable location that you know nothing about. I can see one or two ships and a couple of aircraft to check out the scene, but an entire Armada armed to the teeth, doesn’t seem to match the stated goals of the Expedition.
At least to me, Admiral Byrd’s Expedition to Antarctica just doesn’t seem to make sense if there was no urgent Military reason to go there at the time. Indeed, you simply do not send that of very expensive Military force into a dangerous area like Antarctica unless you have solid intelligence suggesting that there was a clear and urgent need to do so. It just would not happen – it just wouldn’t.
What you are about to see first-hand, is a revision of the Mainstream account of history. We are going to show you data that will explain more than one unexplained mystery involving the Nazi’s, the U.S. Military and Antarctica. What we are about to show you will explain why Admiral Byrd really led that expedition to Antarctica, what happened when he did it and ultimately why U.S. Presidents made a very bad deal by allowing certain Extraterrestrial groups to establish an official presence on, or should I say ‘underneath’ U.S. soil.
The story is quite complicated and chilling in its details so, I encourage everyone to simply hold onto your seats, watch all of the data yourself, and then make up your own mind.
Well, to start to unravel this mystery, most of us have heard rumours about Nazi’s experimenting with disc shaped aircraft by the end of WWII. There have also been rumours of Nazi’s establishing at least base in Antarctica – a location where research could go on without interference from Allied forces.
The Nazi’s did indeed like to have backup plans in case things went wrong, which is why so many Nazi’s fled to South America after the war. The smoothness and rapidness with which that happened suggests that arrangements had been made well in advance for this type of last-minute escape plan. It also makes sense that those fleeing Nazi’s would have wanted to be close to some type of Military Nazi presence just in case.
So, we at Farsight have decided that we should have a look to see how extensive the Nazi presence in Antarctica really was at the end of WWII.
So, a Remote Viewing Target was designed. One that simply said:
Now, if the most advanced Nazi Base was simply a fishing boat that may have run ashore, then that is what we would have gotten. We know that the Nazi’s did in fact have numerous Military boats that went down south in that direction, since some of them got into trouble with the weather and had to dock in the Southern parts of South America. And we know that the Nazi’s did send some expeditions to Antarctica for a variety reasons including the hope of establishing a presence there of some sort – as was done for example by the German explorer Alfred Reicher who led an expedition of Nazi soldiers in Antarctica in 1938. So, clearly there was some long-term interest in that icy realm. And we set our sights on determine exactly how extensive that interest actually was.
I am Courtney Brown, Director of Farsight, where we study a perceptual process known as Remote Viewing.
Remote Viewing is a mental process that is done using highly structured methodologies which are derived from those who developed the United States Military and used for espionage purposes. But Farsight is civilian and we use Remote Viewing for scientific experiments and for exploration.
This new Project conducted at Farsight employs 5 Remote Viewers who are among the most experienced and highly trained Viewers existing today:
Kahmia Dunson
Aziz Brown
PrinCess Jeaneé
Melena Hall
Trudy Benjamin
The Remote Viewers all describe much the same thing - five corroborating reports. Moreover, all the Remote Viewing was done totally blind, and none of the Remote Viewers communicated with one and other about the Project during the data collection phase. This is not science fiction. Told through riveting Remote Viewing conducted under clean scientific conditions – this is as real as it gets.
So, when we began this new Project at Farsight, our Remote Viewers were only told that there was a Target – and that is all that they were told. They did not know that the Target involved the Nazi’s or Antarctica or anything else. Moreover, all of the Remote Viewers did their sessions ‘totally blind’, without communicating with on and other during the data collection phase of the Project. They began their work all entirely solo with Remote Viewing sessions done with paper and pen. After their paper sessions were completed, they continued their work on video - all recorded live, and still totally blind to the targets.
After I retained the Remote Viewing data from our Viewers for the first target of this project – and remember, I only knew what the target was – ‘The Most Advanced Nazi Base in Antarctica circa the end of WWII’, I then designed the second target, since it was clear the second target needed to pull pieces together given what we found out from the results of the first target.
You see, what we found out is that there was a huge Nazi presence in Antarctica at the end of WWII. Moreover, they had help – Extraterrestrial help. And, if fact, very surprising Extraterrestrial help. Clearly the Nazis could not have established a powerful military presence in Antarctica without outside assistance – the environment was just too inhospitable. So, they got help. But we ultimately found out that they got help from 2 very different extraterrestrial groups. More on this later.
After the data from Target One was in hand, I designed a Target for this Project and Target Two is:
You see, it finally made sense that why Admiral Byrd went to Antarctica with such a large Military presence. He was expecting a fight and as you will soon see, boy, did he get one. But the story is really complicated and so much needs to be explained, you really should just start by seeing the sessions for Target One first. Then I will return, regroup, and introduce the data for the second target.
We had some specific movement exercises built into the project. Movement exercises that sometimes probed for information regarding specific people, groups, and beliefs. The viewers were only told non descriptive labels for these things such as Subject A, or Group 1, or side(?) 2, or belief P1 or P2, and so on. So, when the Viewers probed for these things we will put text on the video that explains what these things are. Remember, that the Viewers only knew the non-descript labels, they did not know the meaning of those labels when they did their sessions.
We have 5 Remote Viewers who worked on this Project so all recorded live on video under ‘blind’ conditions. We begin with the first Target and the data from Kahmia Dunson, then Aziz Brown, PrinCess Jeaneé, Melena Hall and Trudy Benjamin. Here is a very real picture of what happened not too many years ago in and under Antarctica. A Nazi base that was more than a little scary.
(end 08:50)