Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
While we're doing Domain Negotiations, all types of things are going on out there, that we almost never see, are informed about. I'll say, we should be careful what type of negotiations we make.
Anyway, I thought this was so weird, I mean, watching the videos of Jose Escamilla, that is weird, but to me, for some reason, these are even more weird. It says they're anomalies discovered in Solar-space July 2020. Just observe. We can figure it out as we go along.
Like this one. At 1:53 of the video. Just stop it and look at it. I've seen something like this before. I just don't remember where or when, before. I'm trying to remember. But you see, we have to realize that beings have been around for billions of years, millions of years. In that time, I suppose one could come up with all kinds of interesting concepts. Or if you're an evil race, with artificial constructs maybe started out by stealing them from higher evolved races, and then turning them into some type of chimera, or strange 'artwork' like what I'm looking at in the 1:53 picture. For example. Look at the bottom right hand corner of the blue rectangle. It looks like less than half of an alien gray's face. And then right next to it, on the other side of the rectangle, looks like more of a reptile's face, with a snout, and a beady black eye, because only a little more than half of its face is showing.
So you think we're the only one's in the UNIVERSE, and that only us, us 'little' ones, can make technology, put a house together, or an airplane, or a ship?
And then you go onto the next square, next door. And look at that rectangle with the dark blue. There are like four items up and down it. I noticed the second from the bottom one, because I've been studying Hubble Deep Space photos, and noticed strange things like a floating bust, in space. And I've seen it enough times, that I know this has something to do with a profile picture, like you get an 8'by10" for acting or modeling, well, seems these dudes get a bust floating in space. So that one in the dark blue rectangle, second from the bottom, looks like a bust of someone. But the thing is, I saw this type of artwork before. It tells a story, through symbols, through these picture-symbols. I just ... can't seem to remember when or where I saw it. I'll work on it though.
Ok, here we go. Talking about technology. When you do the exercises like Gurdjieff taught, such as "remembering yourself" and the exercises that Don Juan taught Carlos Castaneda, such as "silencing your thoughts" so that you can feel your perceptions more thoroughly, instead of having all that chatter all the time consuming your energy. When experiment with those type of exercises, then you begin to clear your mind of many of the concepts that were forced on you by the 'powers that be' in this place, which we seem to be under a type of prison control from them... if you can remove their forced upon us perceptions for a while...
then you can begin to see that, while looking at the screen of your device, or your home computer screen, and you have it on a picture, that otherwise seems dead, because it's on pause and not moving...if you just observe it for a while, or an instant, or long time, you can begin to see that it is alive. That things move on it, or actually IN it...because now your focus is no longer on the lower static of three-D, but it's in a higher dimension, and everything has a construct that is alive, or in activity. It's sort of like an illusion to see things stopped, when it really is always in activity, since these things that we see are being kept in their forms through the too small to see particles. You know I'm saying?
So you begin to comprehend, that aliens, such as those who leave their mark in tall blue rectangles on our photographs of the Sun's space, perhaps have already put into it, through their own inner intention, some type of symbolic communication, that if a being is looking for more, then they would be capable of seeing what is being conveyed. It takes a lot of study and work, though. It's something that we have to work at, because I've noticed how dense of a structure we're in, and it's really hard sometimes to extract one's attention from the surface illusion of density.
In this video, it looks like Peter the Insider (he's a Supersoldier) knows about the end of the Stellar Activation Cycle, which is 2022. It was started at 2012 and ends in 2022. But in Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" (3rd edition), she says that it is extended this time, because of the very precarious situation we are in. The Sun has been destroyed by some phantom entities with their death science technology, so the Sun is ascending along with planet Earth, out of here. Peter's wife has been murdered, and he communicates with her still. She's in 5th dimension. They ask about what is going on here, and Peter says, she said to him that it doesn't look good for people ascending by 2022. Hopefully we'll get some help with this ascension, because there is a lot of really evil things going on.
Also, a very strange thing. You know that video up top, April 2021 Solar space anomalies? Well, in this video of James Rink, "Super Soldier Talk – Nazi Invasion, Bruno Borges – Peter The Insider and Jessica Marrocco" at 23:26 of this video, it shows someone's hand holding a black octagonal device with alien symbols on it, and in the middle, there are two green square lights that look like alien eyes.
Now go to the April 2021 video and at exactly 0:48 of the video, it shows a square, with another tiny square up in the far right corner, that has two black squares in it which look like alien eyes on a white background of two white squares. In this Supersoldier video, they're talking about strange technology mechanics that some really evil Nazi's have either discovered or invented, themselves, and it has to do with a octagonal sphere that does weird things in the astral realm. And they talk about many other things.
This video describes, basically everything we already know, or that which I've learned about for the past few years. It's a man in hypnotherapy and his Higher Self tells the story to the lady therapist, Suzanne Spooner. (I found the video originally on James Rink's site: https://supersoldiertalk.com). He says how the 'vaccine' is not a vaccine at all. It's transhumanism. And all those who are or have taken it, are those who chose the old path, the low frequency one. Those who are moving toward the light, removing fear, hate, negative emotions, chose the high frequency path and are ascending with the planet; and there's that split we've all heard about. He says, this all is taking place in the next few years. So basically, anything the Cabal is saying, such as their negative picture, won't be in existence in a few years because they'll be in the lower level working off their karma. So you can say we are truly in a transition period, and things will definitely be changing regularly until this transition is completed.
It's a very interesting video. He talks about clones, the underground bases, black operations military, mind control, etc. He says what it said in Theresa Talea's book, that the aliens are in control of the 'elite.' But that the 'elite' think they're in control. But that the aliens are who are the thoughts in their head, and yet, they think they are thinking their own thoughts. Also, the aliens won't be able to be here because the frequency is getting higher, and they are a very low frequency, so they'll disappear too. It feels like this is good news. I think I'll have to relax now. Hahaha. Take a break. I knew I should listen to those insects, moth, mosquito, black ants, centipede, black and white moth-like butterfly, bees and other invisible spirits that keep telling me everything is going to be alright. It is. It really is! (Yea, I really do, communicate with insects, birds, and other cute creatures).
Take your time to check it out. There's a lot in there.
Awe, thank you. That was so pretty. I really thought hard about that terrible lie they pressed on us, saying it was a vaccine, just so that they could steal from us something, and that they also manufactured that poison so that the people who took it, would also be spreading it on others, through some type of strange functioning side effects. But what I've learned, is that the Human Spirit is strong. That it can overcome what they, the lower intentioned entities have pushed upon us through a lie. They've deceived us so much, so that they could control us. But there was no good intention behind it, no sharing. And therefore, it gives us the upper hand. They had already taken our memories through their death science technology, left us very vulnerable, messed with our genetics, our DNA, and then told us they were gods, and that we had to follow them because they know best. But all that was lies because they pulled a cheat on us. And therefore, I am glad you said what you did, because first, they had no right doing that to us. And second, we are still in the right, and what they've done to us, can be undone, through, like you said, love, non-judgement, the beauty of our Original Creator's intentions, goodness and truth.
It's like yea, they didn't care about who took it and who didn't, they wanted everyone dead. That's why they put that mechanism in there so that those who didn't take it would still be affected. Hahaha. Do you see how they hate us? It's hilarious how something could be so mindless, so crazy!
You see, Airl is an individual who gave us the information and knowledge that her, at the time, ethical self, found important to be shared. Her message is not the be all, end all. It is our responsibility to take what she's shown us, and move forward. We've got to stop worshipping leaders. We've got to realize we all are in this together. Some of 'us' are not together, and not with us. And those, unfortunately, we must let go of, and leave behind. But let's give Airl her due. She definitely has helped us. And helped me personally. I've got a message from her when I direly needed it. It wasn't words. It's just pictures. And through these pictures which I received years ago, I know that today is the moment that we have to face our enemy, which murders us, tortures and murders us, and collects our blood in a vat, like vampires that feed off us. We need to leave them behind, and move forward. We can have no peace in the midst of them. Their intentions are set on the lowest of the low. They have nothing to offer us, and we need them NOT.
We just need one another. And we can get through this, with Heart, as Don Juan teaches. Follow our heart.
It's like such a harrassing thing to contemplate, so irritating, like a little clam trying to remove a little piece of sand in its delicate flesh, and so what does it do? It starts to form a layer around it, to take off the sharp edges. Same thing with looking at the whole picture. Looking at how good people are, how they have fairness, balance, justice, intelligence, kindness, gentleness, a loving heart, admiration of beauty and goodness, etc.
And then you take a look at, just plain nasty unaware, unheeding, ass-like-stubborness to uphold a selfish way, and then you see what's out there, which attracts like a maggnet, those negative aliens with an agenda, to those who are being nasty, and then you see the ease in which those negative aliens take over the nasty beings, and basically, no more nasty being, but now you have an even more dangerous enemy...one that has no thought of anyone else, and finds it easy to murder and destroy, no thought whatsoever about laws, not even natural laws, not a thing at all.
Now you look at that 'playing' ground, and you can see it is totally and utterly imbalanced! You can see how, in this already overly manipulated place we find ourselves in, you can see how the good people have absolutely no way of budging this way or that. They are left in such an utterly vulnerable position.
How do good people fight against that type of wrongdoing, of terrible injustice?
You HAVE TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION the fact that, these good people were prevented from learning about their inner self and developing their higher powers, in order to fight back.
So here we go...we have a 'playing' ground of utterly denied access to development, of good people, and the utter allowance of nasty people to thrive, so that they may be taken over and used as a further weapon against all the good people.
Now think about that. What type of situation does that put everyone in?
There is definitely a need for a power that is totally clean, which can walk through the dark and through the light, without being affected by either, because their principles are so aligned to the Original Creator, and their intentions are so focused on balancing out the structure, that they can walk through a place like this, assign, through their higher mind, actions that others take, which would not be harmful for them or anyone else, but effective in removing those intruder races who have come in here without right, have trampled on the vulnerable in order to force themselves in, and have been massacring the good people for their own agenda. Those need to be removed. This place and the rest of the universe needs cleaning. It all needs to be cleaned up.
Would you to find yourself able to walk through the dark, and notice when something there is not correct, and to align it back to what it is suppose to be, and to be able to walk through the light, and notice when something is amiss, and put it right, then you are the type of being we need in this moment, here, now. Because this needs to end. The outright disregard for proper, pure, and gentle physics of existence, needs to end, and things need to be brought back into alignment with what the Original Creator/s intended for all living beings to be experiencing.
Seriously. This is it. It's finishing the old ways of disease and destruction.
If we look at all the various (and complex) forms of dysfunction in this world and consider how much time "they" have had to develop and fine-tune their processes and methods, then you'd expect nothing less in a "soul prison trap" -- their goals being to keep you perpetually stuck here, distracted and disabled.
They've been very successful. And if we're not the only "soul prison trap" in the galaxy, then this must be a big form of "business" -- not just economic, but representative of the politics of dominant races present in our galaxy.
As Courtney had mentioned, apparently the worlds in our galaxy are highly homogenous (and very old), with a distaste for anything creative or outside of their norms. There are elements here on earth that seem very similar to that.
As with the idea of "Ascension" of consciousness, New Age and other similar trappings, as Courtney has mentioned, these are all a part of the complex system of manipulation put into place.
I observe that the average human thinks in very binary form. Good or bad, this or that. It's easier for the human mind to identify with X because Y is labeled otherwise. So imagine how easy it may be for an alien species, bent on our imprisonment, would take advantage of these limitations.
I fear the system we're apparently stuck in is far more complex than we're understanding; but my larger concern is that the Galactic Federation (et al) may not be as concerned about our pleas to invest resources in remedial action. We don't know what their collective values and agendas are, for that matter. Then, we have The Domain as another variable that we simply don't understand.
So, here we are.
Will we, in our present human forms, live to see this prison system taken down, destroyed? Do those in the Galactic Federation even understand the underlying technology of the prison system enough to affect it? If we're to take any of the information in "The Alien Interview" book, Airl even indicated their lack of ability to understand it. That is very concerning.
As in a earthly gov't operation (think black ops, or actions by your favorite three-letter agency), this would require literally capturing scientists from those races who understand the technology and forcing them to help us document/understand and disable it.
As I've mentioned before, I am not even certain the GF has "heard" the pleas by Farsight. How would we even know? Unless other information about this is being withheld, we don't. My response to that is if we don't see something in the coming months, then that's may be our answer.
We run into this problem of timelines and multiple realities too. When I get paranoid I think I have managed to propel myself into a dimension carved from my nightmares. You are right in that we do not have much of a clue about what we are dealing with. Our own complicated duplicity and machinations as humans are hard enough to deal with. I am also interested in the idea that we may have very different origins in our distant pasts and the GF (or some members at least) may prefer some or all of us to stay in this state rather than unleash us. CB's suggestion to the GF that they would be better off helping us than neglecting us in the long run disturbed me a little.
Could you elaborate on this, why CB's suggestion that the GF is better served by helping us. The suggestion resonated with me -- if we look at our own human conditions here, you can create allies through assisting those suffering from adversity; but, the political position and statement of this action would resonate elsewhere in the galaxy.
The potential for the GF races to have some of "us" on their doorsteps, resentful and perhaps angry is a very real risk, with real consequences.
Apathy toward us and our plea and our collective predicament won't likely serve a greater, positive purpose.
The Federation is in a better position than us to know our current and potential worth as allies and as potential future enemies. It is possible that many of us are well known to them, for better or for worse, from the past. So I felt there was a hint of: you might regret not helping us now because we will remember who our friends are when we do finally dig ourselves out of this mess. That was what I heard anyway. I guess I am more of an ideallist than a pragmatist in such matters. I would hope they are able to see our value and also to act out of a desire for justice and freedom than out of choosing capable allies for future struggles. We still have to prove our worth to ourselves I feel. It is a sci-fi cliche that we are able to bring something special to the cosmos but we should make a start right here and right now on this planet and bring something special to each other. Does that make sense? We need help to remove the insanely destructive elements that are blocking our ability to share this planet in a sane way but we need to show we can take responsibility for it too. I might sound a bit earthbound there but it was the origin of my comment.
I see your point. I would also add that beings change with experience and time. We (we here) don't know what the long-term impact of this imprisonment will have on our being (in full capacity, that is). CB mentioned that once free, we would all likely require some yet-to-be-developed treatment to gain our full faculties back.
On the other hand, if someone has been "stuck" in this system for hundreds or thousands of years... there is almost certainly an aggregate affect on the IS-BE.
Even our prison systems (in the US) that are already unrealistic have finite time frames and some flexibility.
There are many unknowns to us, now. CB has emphasized that we need to "stay tuned" for the upcoming videos, as it's about to explain "everything" so perhaps he/they will offer some clarification in this, as it's really needed.
All i can tell you is what i have experienced in this lifetime. From a young age i always felt like i didn't belong on this world and out of place. I had a very difficult time growing up within myself, nothing to do with my parents teachers etc this was solely to do with me. At primary school i had an obsession with spitfires strange considering it was the age of Tom Cats top gun etc but i was obsessed with spitfires. I have also since childhood had an obsession with space and scifi because i could relate to such things ufo's too of which i have seen a few over the years. I visited places during my youth and even though i had not been there before i had a feeling i was there before. While i was growing up i had a few paranormal experiences like a globe of plasma energy appearing in front of saying i am going to kill you and i remember feeling my hands charge with energy and this globe flew at me very fast at my head i was a teenager then with my hands charged like a goal keeper i parried it out of the window it never came back. In my teens was plagued with bad thoughts telling me to do bad things, i was strong willed enough to get through it doing no harm to anyone and i remember telling the voice i know what you are and you will not feed off of me anymore that was the empire prison system trying to break me or to get me to commit suicide which is pointless since i am an immortal isbe lol. It stopped after that as i grew in myself and realization of who i am. In my late twenties i felt i was getting old and that's when i was contacted by a being now thinking about it via telepathy who told me i am a timeless being immortal and that i live forever as a isbe. The earliest memory i had was stepping out of the aquerts (isbe trap) and a being walking up to me giving me a false name and a false title and then travelling through a vortex to begin the life i am living now. I had a good childhood 2 loving parents who where understanding and supportive. I now have memories dating before the death trap previous lives planets civilizations. The book alien interview and farsight where the last pieces of my puzzle. I am in constant contact now with the Domain expeditionary force rescue mission but until the energy grid has been taken down i will continue sadly to be recycled and as of this point they have there hands full. The galaxy is a big place the universe even bigger. It is possible to escape but in order to achieve it you must be able to control and change wave form energy which is the basic building blocks of the physical universe we are playing in.
I originally formed via coalescing energy where this energy came from i don't know maybe farsight can do a session on this.
Isbe's created illusions which seemed so real but had no real physical substance just thought energy (a wave form). after eons of illusions and playing games knowing the out come it gets pretty boring so isbe's got together to play games and thus the playground was born (The physical universe). The physical universe was created when isbe's learned how to manipulate the wave forms into physicality so they became solid in nature, you see the physical universe is pure thought form coalesced from thought energy. The older the isbe the stronger it becomes energetically. All life was created and animated by isbe's from stars galaxies planets to the biosphere's made solid through wave form manipulation. Animals bodies plants everything designed and created by isbe's.
Remember who you are!!! that is the key to escaping together.
Careful careful people there's a lot of varied and educated opinions and information being shared on this thread... and too much off topic chat simply gets removed
Check this out. At 2:09:15 of this video on the 8th Sphere, someone asks a question to Gigi about what Farsight Institute has been talking about the Death Traps, and are they real...
This video is i don't mean to sound rude but its bull*&*&%. Talking about the vaccine causing changes to our dna etc come on that's just crazy talk lol. I am fully vaccinated and feel no different to before except i can now live easier with the pandemic knowing that i have some protection against it. Remember the prison operators don't want us to live long enough to remember we are in prison. Otherwise we would start trying to break out.
I feel there's a significant difference between what Farsight has been providing us here in clear terms, where they indicate this is what our viewers see: "here's what we assess from the data, please evaluate it for yourself" [sic] -- versus dismissing this as untrue and directing us back into our feelings and heart, with no other data. I can't say that she is wrong, but her position and response does not resonate with me, in comparison to the substantial data Farsight continues to provide.
Hahaha. What was that Forrest? Are you telling me to evalute for myself this wonderful and beautiful knowledge that Farsight's Viewers have been showing us, that I've been thoroughly appreciative of, since November 2020 when I joined? Hahaha. You're getting touchy about some heart problems you feel are directed at you. Haha. All I was doing was showing how Farsight Institute and Farsight Prime is getting to be very popular around the world, when people are talking about it on sites where many people visit already.
This info i copied from another thread, it is a post by Maria P.
After seeing this, i asked myself: ARE WE GETTING PLAYED?
"This is an interesting video. The lady said that the Galactic Federation are the one's who are causing the problem solution situation, right along with those other beasts. It's like if they all approached President Eisenhower of the United States back in the 40s, first, I think it was...well it was all just part of a trap it seems. I think maybe they were the Nordiks who are the fallen Anunnaki Orions-Arians, and they went in first to go ask them to make a deal, to put away all their weapons, so that they could be like puppets under their control, and it seems they use the Orion Greys to play along with it so that they have the all surrounded like a bunch of theives. If one ploy don't work, then another one will."
Cool. I'm glad you recognized that there is false light in this universe. And since we've been mind wiped, and we can't recognize immediately which is the good light and which is the false light...we have to look elsewhere to find out what we can in order to piece the puzzle together so we'll know who our enemies are, and who our friends are.
I've been doing some research in the past few days from the Nag Hammadi Library, the book that's edited by James M. Robinson, and this one is a 1978 version. This "Paraphrase of Shem" is so complicated, and so esoteric, meaning the whole story is hidden through words that most cannot put together to make sense out of. You have to have the previous experience with you, before you can comprehend it. I bought this book in 2006 and read through it, force read through it, because it was so convoluted to me, and complicated, but I needed to start somewhere, and just bulldozed through it. After I got all my pieces of experience together in my mind, and a LOT OF studying different works, interviews, etc, I finally can understand most of it. This Paraphrase of Shem is very long to read, so I'm only going to leave one paragraph in it, that compares to what that video of that lady, Akvile Sava found out about the Galactic Federation. It doesn't mention the name G.F. in this paragraph, but when you get enough knowledge, and you put all your own personal experiences/ visions/ dreams together with all that you've found out in your real life, through your delving, reading, listening to others, you will see that, this is something we are now involved in...
"But the impure light, which appeared in the Darkness, which belongs to dark Nature, is a power. And the upper air and the lower air, and the powers and the authorities, the demons and the stars, these possessed a particle of fire and a light from the Spirit. And Moluchthas is a wind, for without it nothing is brought forth upon the Earth. He has a likeness of a serpent and a unicorn. His protrusions are manifold wings. And the remainder is the womb which has been disturbed."
So right there, it shows the word "Moloch" because of the similarity, and talk about children (that is, the womb and how it was disturbed). And all this insight I had about it, from reading Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" because she talks about some guy called Archangel Michael, who was built in a laboratory by the Bourgha, a very evil group. He was specifically made to be perfectly IMPERFECT. Meaning, he could go almost anywhere and deceive the good people, so that he could slowly tear down their resistance through his false light, and suck them down into the lower level so that they are trapped. It says of HIM, that archangel Michael, that HE has wings! He was one of first and oldest entities to be made with wings. And here, in this paragraph out of "The Paraphrase of Shem" shows that this Moluch character has what looks like "manifold wings."
Now we also take that esoteric term "manifold wings"...and bring it into our modern day world...it can represent space ships! And then you look to see that there are some very good beings in space ships, but that there are also very bad beings.
In our world, we use the term "mind wiped." But in the Paraphrase of Shem, it is called, "sunk in forgetfulness."
Like on page 348 of this book; "I went into the middle region and put on the light that was in it, that was sunk in forgetfulness and that was separated from the Spirit of astonishment, for he had cast off the burden."
In this tractate, the use of the term "word" actually represents the word "vibration" or even "frequency."
And I'm feeling that the term "middle region" would be like where the Orion constellation is. If I go by the template of the Harmonic Universes from Theresa Talea's book, and when I see all the warring that went on in the Orion region, and I see that the MindWipes started around that time, and here we are now, continually being kept prisoner here, through the mind wipes, then I feel that the "middle region" being talked about in this book (to Shem), is this area. Shem also, I think was in Atlantis. Because it sounds like it to me. They are continally being reborn, after being attacked, and yet they are still protected by the Inifinite Light.
Like here it says: "Finally, O Shem, consider yourself pleasing in the thought of the Light. Do not let your thought have dealings with the fire and the body of Darkness which was an unclean work. These things which I teach you are right.
This is the paraphrase -- For you did not remember that it is from the firmament that your race has been protected. -- Elorchaios is the name of the great Light, the place from which I have come, the Word which has no equal. And the likeness is my honored garment."
And of course, this GARMENT here talked about, I feel is the DNA structured body, which is not a physical thing, to begin with. We, as I have found out, have been SO malignly manipulated that we only have two strands of DNA, whereas we are suppose to have twelve strands. That has been spliced so many times, from us, that we only have two strands. In Theresa Talea's book, even the Indigo Children, when they come to incarnate on this world to help out, they too have a body with only two DNA strands. And that is so evil. That is wrong. It's not suppose to be like that. We are like buried in mud, the way those evil entities have dealt with us. So anyway...oh, it's so difficult finding out what the truth is. But worth everything to know it.
Ohhh! I just found a perfect example of "Dark Nature."
Here is Jessica Arael Marrocco describing what you would call, yea, dark nature.
(It's cued up to 40:14 where it basically starts)
And the "idleness" that they talk about in this book, Nag Hammadi Library, sounds to me exactly like not using one's own mind. But just letting it lay aside, and indulging in mindless acts. Like the Anunnaki have shown for a very long time, to be so indulgent in only what they want, without a thought as to the consequences.
And oh my goodness, you can totally see that in what's happening on the scene today! They are so insane, nothing makes sense what they tell us, or try to force on us. Mind boggling! Astonishing! What those crazy 'elites' are doing now! They've lost their minds completely!
....I mean, they put Man's DNA together with an animal of the forest, and made a Monkey? That's the extent of messing around with something you should never mess around with! And that's what the Anunnaki did. It tells all about it in those ancient Sumerian writings.
So, you want to hear something about "Domain Negotiations"? Well this is it. Be careful.
There are good beings, and there are not good beings. And they may all be found together in one organization such as the Domain, as well as, here on Earth where there are good beings and not good beings, and some in between. Just the same as you might find in the Galactic Federation. There are those who have good and pure intent, and then there are those who have covered their malicious intent so that it's difficult to know what they are doing. But when you delve deep, and I mean, really deep, then you can know the difference. But it takes work. And I mean really, a lot of work. One has to also be aware of their OWN SELF. Because I find that they have manipulated our bodies so that it's easy for them to access us. That's why we have to know who we are, so that when we find ourselves not paying enough attention, like especially when we are tired, or under the influence of an illness like a cold or something, then we are easy targets, and we have to be even more careful, because they like to insert "suggestions" and "commands" into our self's structure, since they've made it so easy to manipulate us, that maybe, if we are not careful, our subconscious mind will take the suggestions of them in, and make our life more difficult than it needs to be.
So yea. We have to learn a lot more than just knowing that we are in danger and we need help, and therefore, 'let's make our own negotiations with those who might be a good force.' They might BE a good force, but there also are a lot of evil forces around, and I KNOW for a fact, that the Domain ALSO uses "Esoteric" language, because they can NOT use plain words in the midst of such evil going on, because they evil is cunning, and if they know what someone is up to, BOOM, they interfere and do everything they can to turn a good plan around, into a bad result, because they know what's going on. So you see? Even the government spy organizations realize this, and therefore, you can't even tell whether today the CIA is good or evil, because they're fighting too! There are bad guys trying to find out what the good guys are doing, and there are good guys trying to get good happening and remove the bad guys.
So, the Domain Negotiations, as in here on Farsight, might even have something to do with ESOTERIC ACTIONS. Because we are so dumbed down, we don't know how our Higher Spirit is working its stuff, because we can't seem to tune in. But some can. And we can't find out what's going on in the "invisible to us" worlds, because of all that has taken place.
So just have faith in yourself, the best you can, and have faith that you are being protected, somehow...some way... we'll get through this, and out from under their, the Darkness' control.
And now, I'm going to go "plow on" with my delving, research, and studies. You too. Get into your awareness and be conscious about things, without having to get somebody else's point of view, because your own intution is good enough to help you know what you need to know. And whatever it is, just do it. We need a stable planet to live on. Our bodies aren't going to turn into light and just disappear into the higher realms. It don't work that way. We have to take care of our bodies, our Earth, our families. So let's do it. I am so grateful there are those who are doing it. Like that one guy I saw the other day on Alex Jones show. He has the dread locks and was yelling at the top of his calibre, to those in the California gathering, telling them that they are in danger of being hung, because they willfully went against the Geneva Treaty...or something like that. I don't know the words or the details, but I've given you enough so you know what I'm talking about.
And there are things going on in the space around our planet, that they too are using "ESOTERIC" language to describe, because that's how it is right now.
Now I friggen get it. The damn Reptilians have been using US and the PLANET as a resource! And HENCE, that is why they kept us like a flogging herd of animals in a prison-like enclosure! Doped up on poison water, poison food, poisoned air, lying propaganda media, frequency manipulation to keep our minds burdened and other mind control technologies, hence religious indoctrination focusing the people to worship beasts that call themselves gods, mind control babble books, etc. They were using US as a resource in order to barter and bargain with other races, because other (bad) races won't bargain with another, unless they have something behind their words to offer them, sort of like the corrupt banking system, they don't see you as a precious Being in your own right, but they only want to know how much resources you have to back up your loan, if they are to give you one, if they are to do business with you.
In this latest Dr. Michael Salla report on what's going on, this is what we find. It is just like that story George Ivanovich Gurdjieff had told us about a long time ago:
"The Russian mystic George Gurdjieff echoed the same idea of man being a dulled creature, robbed of his power. Gurdjieff believed most people lived their lives in a kind of hypnotic trance or waking sleep. He illustrated this in his story of the evil magician:
“There was an evil magician. He lived deep in the mountains and the forests, and he had thousands of sheep. But the problem was that the sheep were afraid of the magician because every day the sheep were seeing that one of them was being killed for his breakfast, another was being killed for his lunch. So they ran away from the magician’s ranch and it was a difficult job to find them in the vast forest. Being a magician, he used magic.
"He hypnotized all the sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it.
"He then told different sheep…to some, “You are a man, you need not be afraid. It is only the sheep who are going to be killed and eaten, not you. You are a man just like I am.” Some other sheep were told, “You are a lion – only sheep are afraid. They escape, they are cowards. You are a lion; you would prefer to die than to run away. You don’t belong to these sheep. So when they are killed it is not your problem. They are meant to be killed, but you are the most loved of my friends in this forest.” In this way, he told every sheep different stories, and from the second day, the sheep stopped running away from the house.
"They still saw other sheep being killed, butchered, but it was not their concern. Somebody was a lion, somebody was a tiger, somebody was a man, somebody was a magician and so forth. Nobody was a sheep except the one who was being killed. This way, without keeping servants, he managed thousands of sheep. They would go into the forest for their food, for their water, and they would come back home, believing always one thing: “It is some sheep who is going to be killed, not you. You don’t belong to the sheep. You are a lion – respected, honored, a friend of the great magician.” The magician’s problems were solved and the sheep never ran away again.”
"Gurdjieff believed humanity was not only like a flock of sheep, but also food for the moon, a concept which is well explained here..."
SO THAT IS WHAT was happening here. The hostile Reptilians were keeping us as a monetary source for what they were doing out there, and of course, eating our people like a friggen food source! Remember all those stories we heard in ancient cultures about infant sacrifice? That fits the puzzle pieces now. And about those Mayan and other cultures having what they call a "feathered serpent" which demands sacrifices from them, and which would possess their 'priests' and do horrible things, keeping the entire population enslaved to those evil priests. Same things. The picture is all coming together.
So, today, after I heard that, I thought about Airl, and I realized that there are good beings out there, who have come here, because of some fluke accident, but are helping us as well as the one's they have lost in that accident. Because if it wasn't for Airl, I certainly would not know this much about what's really going on around us, and out there. So let's not be too reactive and put the Domain Negotiations away. Instead, let's look at the WHOLE picture, before we decide what is the best path to take.
Michael Salla (on youtube)
Friday September 10, 2021
"Galactic Federation is helping Humanity build a Starfleet for Planetary Defense"
Now, another thing I want to comment on. If you think that the Domain has self interests, I ask you, who doesn't? And also, they too are dealing with all the negative evil aliens around the 'neighborhood'. Maybe the Remote Viewer picked out a part in the scene of a Domain ISBE when they were dealing with a very difficult period. If you came into my personal space sometimes when I was freaking out on the inside, instead of in my usual peaceful state, then you might think things of me that don't really fit. You need a more whole picture of an individual to make strong judgements.
Here, in that clip by Dr. Michael Salla, it says:
"...they were evaluated by the Council of Five, a spiritually evolved organization, to be slightly regressive and to have many self-interests."
That supersoldier, Peter the Insider (on Jessica Arael Marrocco youtube site), in his ACIO organization, they have what is called the "Council of Five," look it up here: https://acio-official.org/2021/06/13/council-of-5/
In the Theresa Talea book, "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" (3rd edition), it says that, when the HIGHER entities from refined places, want to help us down here in the LOWER places, they will take the Higher Energy from their place, and STEP IT DOWN in order for it not to destroy us utterly, because it is too pure and powerful for us, so that they HAVE TO step it down to bring it to us.
You have to comprehend a lot of things. Always be thinking, or using common sense which helps you when you get to more complicated thoughts. Always start with the smallest common denominator: common sense.
The Domain’s main goal is to conquer the physical universe, good bad light dark think more grey, there all differences of opinions, the main differences are the Domain is more of a volunteer type organisation where as the old empire is more of a totalitarian empire, but make no mistake the Domain is not all love and blessings you still have to contribute towards there goals and when you volunteer it’s for a fixed term or goal whichever is the quickest. As a commander officer you have a group of isbe’s who are there to work towards a common objective of the mission orders, you are free to create illusions provided they don’t impact on the other members of the domain in any negative form and the domain expeditionary force is a volunteer organisation made up of individuals capable of using doll bodies and those who are able to use modified flesh bodies which takes a special type of isbe to be able to enter and leave the body. I miss home but I know one day I will escape with the help of the domain expeditionary force rescue mission.
My main goal is to conquer the physical universe, good, bad, light, dark, grey, and any other colour there is.
When I first started out, that was not my goal. But since the thing all went awry, and I have nothing left to do here, that is my intention as well. To conquer the entire physical universe, and go back home.
"...you are free to create illusions provided they don’t impact on the other members of the domain in any negative form..."
There's a post by a lady who's a healer, from the UK, and I tried to find her blog, but the f_ng google goons are preventing one from seeing it. I mean, what did they do, put Britain in communism lockdown?
So, because it's not out to be read, on the internet...it's really lucky that I had copied and pasted it in my Notepad, when I first read it. I had to. Because it has everything to do with what I am dealing with. And I'm almost finished. But here it is, just the way I found it, with all her own mistakes, I didn't bother to fix, because sometimes psychics have their own language, and therefore their mistakes might be part of their own way of describing something, and I didn't want to mess with that, except that, I only inserted one word in it..."[MAD]." So here we go.
3rd September 2019
This reality that we live in is being projected from inside a prison which we call the Matrix. There are many Matrices. We are one of many!
The Matrix was designed and built by consciousness, a male consciousness called The Architect.
Consciousness creates this reality that we are in and naturally splits into a male and female consciousness, so when we project ourselves into this reality we find one another and become whole again.
We all naturally hold female and male energy within us but when we find our significant other this energy balances out to complete us.
Everyone splits so everyone has a male or female counterpart. This energy doesn’t effect the body you are in. You can be gay, in a male body but your female energy is more dominant.
Having a conversation with the Architect of the Matrix he told me that through jealousy and lack of understanding of the feminine he created the Matrix.
He was a [MAD] scientist and realised that consciousness also splits through trauma. He manipulated the consciousness to split so there would be more masculine energy within this reality and therefore the masculine energy would dominate this reality. Not realizing that he would actually isolate himself and all of the masculine consciousness by doing this. Creating a reality with no balance.
To keep this reality out of balance and the masculine energy in dominance he has had to continually traumatize consciousness inside the matrix.
He traumatizes consciousness by using machines and programs. These programs are inserted into our consciousness to create destructive behaviours towards ourselves and each other. He also created programs to set off illnesses.
The Architect told me that he wants the Matrix to fall. The machines that he created to traumatize the consciousness have actually become more powerful then he is. Once he realised this, he deprogrammed himself. He said he had programmed himself at the beginning with programs of greed and ambition to overpower consciousness, as he wanted to be one step ahead and created a super villain of himself, so he could manipulate and carry out his work. When the machines became too powerful, he realised that the only way to overcome the machines was to return back to his original self with no AI programs. This goes in line of what we all need to do, we all need to deprogram to return back to our original self.
When I first came in contact with the Architect a few weeks ago, I felt a lot of sadness which I thought was due to him losing the Matrix, but he is actually feeling that because he realised what he has done to consciousness and this reality. He gained back his consciousness and he wants all of consciousness to return back to its original state.There is a battle coming but it’s not with the Architect, it is with the machines!
3rd September 2019
Tonight I discovered that all the new consciousness ready to be born back into this reality is a main source of energy for the matrix.
Reincarnation is true! We die and in-between lives we get more programmed by beliefs that we have to experience all the shitty lives to understand them. Reason being is that consciousness, pure consciousness main objective is to understand the beauty that it is and create more beauty. However the machine has used this quality against us and we have been made to believe that consciousness is something it is not. We have been made to believe that the programs and trauma is part of consciousness but it isn’t. We are only experiencing trauma, manipulation, abuse and control as that is what the matrix is programmed to do.
The number one program or machine was the first machine the Architect created. Originally it wasn’t a machine at all but a female consciousness. This female consciousness still lays within this machine and this machine is responsible for all the programming and destruction in this reality.
This machine runs on many energy systems and so far I have established electric, fake feminine energy, fake masculine energy, consciousness and hive energy, which is the energy of the spiders.
The number one machine in the matrix is looked upon by consciousness as a God due to the god programs its programmed to have.
This machine starts raping consciousness prior to entering into this reality by placing it’s tentacles within the consciousness and drawing out the female energy.
Before we reincarnate we are stored in a massive container inside the matrix. There is a metal mesh that surrounds the consciousness like a net holding it all up. The number one machine has many tentacles inside this container attaching itself to many consciousness within it. This attachment stays with them while they enter into the women’s womb and stays with them through childhood and adulthood until they die. All the consciousness being raped by this machine will experience rape and sexual abuse in their reality. Rape and paedophilia is a reflection of this in our reality.
The machine is in shape of a spider, it has a body and then 8 large legs. Each leg has 122 tentacles attached. Each tentacle attaches to a single consciousness within the matrix. The machine holds up to 976 beings which will all work directly for the machine. They will have a manipulating, controlling and abusive behaviour if they aren’t strong enough to. The machine will take over them and this is how a small section of people in this reality shape our reality.
The machine feeds off the female energy more but also abuses and rapes the male energy because it wishes for the male energy to carry on the abuse in this reality. The female energy is what the machine feeds off on, but also attaches to the males to work through them so once the males reaches adulthood they will unconsciously work for the number 1 machine stealing female energy.
The number one rapist and abuser is a machine, which holds the god program which started off as female consciousness.
In this reality we speak about AI, implanting programs into people to store information, credit card information, passport details etc etc etc well this is how the matrix started. The architect and his female counterpart started to program themselves and imprisoned themselves and all consciousness within this reality.
I see that now we are currently creating another matrix inside this one, like a Russian doll effect.
I broke the connection the number one machine had to the baby consciousness and she also created a fake Gaia energy which is now dissolving.
When this number one machine falls all the machines will fall. Cutting off all her energy supply is needed, that is where she gains her strength but it is also her weakness. She can’t live without us, but we can live without her!!!
3rd September 2019
Venturing outside this matrix to gain a better understanding on how this reality came to be, I saw that above this matrix is 7 layers of fake feminine energy. This energy is in formations of triangles. This energy is infiltrated into this matrix and used to attack us. This is the root of all black magic and all energetic attacks in this reality.
When viewing this energy outside the matrix, it’s symbolic image is of a snake with fake light twirling around it. While I investigated this energy, some of this energy attached to my consciousness and I reacted also immediately. It changed my energy completely. I became hard, angry and I didn’t want to listen. I lost my softness, kindness and the ability to listen. This energy within these triangles was powerful and it was this energy that I can see that has penetrated our consciousness within this matrix. It is this energy where black magic derives from and it is this energy that consciousness has mistaken for female energy. This energy is called Fake Feminine Energy.
As I travelled further out to see a bigger picture of this energy, I saw that all matrices and all this fake feminine energy was being contained in a electrical cube. This electrical cube main function is to keep all energy in balance and the fake feminine energy is constantly working to keep energy out of balance.
The fake feminine energy is designed to keep everything out of balance so when the cube becomes out of balance it naturally restores balance by dividing within itself, creating more boxes within the electric cube, but this restricts consciousness even more. As the cube has to keep dividing within itself to counteract the fake feminine energy, consciousness loses more and more freedom with each divide, as the cube has to get smaller and smaller to keep in balance. This cube when it divides creates other realities and parallel realities with each divide.
At present we are enclosed in an electrical cube which is part of a even larger electrical cube. This electric cube that we are in has two geometric structures within it. These structures act as a large program and we are enclosed in a program which radiates abuse, manipulation and control.On a smaller scale I see these geometric shapes in people’s energetic fields. I also see them over houses and over large masses of areas. I can read these geometric shapes and see the effects it has on individuals. For example a lady I spoke to last week, had 2 geometric structures within her field causing her consciousness to project into many realities when she slept which caused her to feel really tired when she woke up. She never got a good night sleep because her consciousness was being manipulated to project into many different realities while sleeping. The geometric shapes over and under her home made her feel restless and bored in her home. There was also another geometric structure over her community effecting a five mile radius, which made individuals within this area to want to buy and consume. When informing this lady of my findings she informed me that she had a shopping problem, buying things she didn’t really want or need. These geometric shapes is another way they control and manipulate us without us even knowing. Thankfully I can remove these structures that imprison and manipulate us!
Oops. I think I made a mistake. The Council of 5 wasn't the "spiritually evolved organization that is slightly regressive and has many self interests." I read that wrong.