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I re-read this book recently. I find something mysterious and even contradictory -- Airl was able to leave her "doll body" and return to the collective in the asteroid belt. Yet, she claimed that the battalion was caught in the death traps and they are still seeking out these individuals...
Do you see a problem here? How was Airl able to escape the death trap? I think that needs some explanation.
I think we also have to presume that The Domain may not be sharing all they know -- for whatever reasons, be that strategic or otherwise.
I saw the same inconsistency when I read the book. I think the Domain should be RVd more thoroughly before we agree to have any dealings with them. Also Elena Danaan (Author of A gift from the stars) believes that the Domain is the Nebu - part of the ET races who are keeping the humans enslaved.
But, the "death trap" technology detects and collects energy (IS-BE) that is not integrated with a container/body. I believe Airl even mentioned that some of their own had been caught in this system. I am not sure it's an inconsistency, but it presents many questions. For example, perhaps the Domain has craft here that can collect her energy before it's intercepted? The logistics of that would be an issue. So I think there are more questions than answers here with our friend, Airl.
I think, as I read it...that "she" Airl wasn't "dead" or disoriented.. just totally aware of her IS-BE as it is. I think the "shock" of death creates the confusion and lack of presence of mind. She was not in that state she was aware and in control.
True. Also wondered why Airl could escape trap yet others Domain forces could not.
Contradictions also in differences in some aspects of history especially where our science is fairly certain. For example the last pole shift.
Wish an RV would be done on the amnesia station locations. Per Airl : “Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars and on Earth in the Rwenzori Mountains in Africa, in the Pyrenees Mountains of Portugal, and in steppes of Mongolia.”
I was thinking the same. How was Airl able to escape?
Also, in many projects Farsight has done, we have either Orion or Reptilian aliens in spacecrafts, leading, while grays, which are sort of bionic robots are there to serve them.
Yet Domain aliens are grey?
Has the Domain been slain by Orion and Reptilians and they are using them as their slaves-workforce?
Also i think ive heard how USA president has been negotiating with the grey we recovered from Roswell regarding tech and whatnot. In the interview, no such negotiations happened.
I dont know, i lean more on the side of believing that the interview book is a hoax while its probably possible that the alien was recovered.
Domain Annunaki mission?
In all sincerity, at the end of the alien interview book, this information seems contradictory.
Pg 150
“It has been almost exactly 40 years since the crash at Roswell. Since then it has become obvious to me that I have been able to communicate telepathically with Airl for one reason: I am one of the 3,000 members of the Lost Battalion. At this time, all of the members of the Lost Battalion have been located on Earth as a result of The Domain Annunaki Mission and their use of the "Tree of Life" detection device.”
Has anyone found a reference in the book..Alien Interview..regarding an historic event that happened approx 2024 yrs ago? 5BC to 30 AD give or take. Thought that "event " would have been mentioned...
I wonder how this all ties in with Ebens? Crystal Knight ,Yellow book. My above question was "where is Jesus "event" in all of this history of the planet?
Maybe they consider it completely irrelevant? (Which, ultimately, it probably is unless you're a Christian).
It falls into the same category as "Where is Siddartha Gautama in all this history of the planet?" Or insert many other names from across the planet and history...
Buddha, and other historical figures were mentioned in the timeline. And the "creation" and manipulation (by the Old Empire) of Christianity as a tool of control seems to me would have been a noteworthy event , and strangely left out.
Some data points pertaining to the Alien Interview story.
I have found the Alien Interview book to have riveting information, but am reminded of the quote by Forrest:
"At the end of the day, these presentations are just fantastic stories.
... Most of us are left with these in our minds, akin to how you feel
after having read an incredible book"
Here are some references pertaining to the Alien Interview book:
1) To build a stronger case or corroborate sources, one could FOIA for transcripts of the Matilda O'Donnell
MacElroy sessions (but, likely to be ignored)
If we can rely on the info from the book, Each new interview session has a header ("OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of the U.S. Army Air Force" + date) it may be possible to get a key in the door.
Regarding how to do FOIA's, recommend seeing this interview :
GS-15 CIA Officer John Ramirez | Navigating the US Intelligence Community for UFOlogists
John Ramirez is a retired GS-15 rank CIA Officer who served within ‘The Agency’ from 1984 - 2009. Ramirez, describes the maze of departments and their areas of specialization. Quite often FOIA requests go nowhere by barking up the wrong tree.
[Ramirez (31:40) ] It's better to tailor the FOIA to the Agency responsible for those 5 Intelligence Disciplines.
DNI Dept Nat'l Intel
NGA (Nat'l Geographic-Intel Agency) - Crop circle FOIA
NSA - is electromagnetic data emanating from crop circle?
DIA Scientists - deployed to Skinwalker Ranch
CIA, NSA DIA Don't take picture requests
All UAP pics go to NGA (Crystal Palace Springfield, VA)
According to John Ramirez, (as of 2022) no one has filed UAP FOIA with NGA
2) The Roswell Mortician Interview
Ignored watching this for years on YT as it looked like
un-reliable info (based on the thumbnail pic), now I've re-considered
W. Glenn Dennis Interview, 11/19/1990
Interviewed by Department of Defense
Roswell mortician describes meeting with a Lieutenant Nurse
(7:07) [Roswell Mortician (G Dennis) drove an injured airman to Roswell base]
(We) walked into the emergency room I didn't have to take him in and they didn't
bring out a you know a gurney or anything we just he just walked in on his own.
Then I never did see him after that. Then I had this friend (Ed: presumption that this Lietenant is Matilda MacElroy) that I wanted to talk to and say . . . this is the Lieutenant Nurse that I knew quite well.
They had only been there approximately ... and only been commissioned and been out to sign this was their first assignment to the head up to the Air Base and I wanted to talk to her. And so this... I was going down the hall and first thing (7:46) the lady that I want, the Lieutenant that I wanted to see, she was coming out of one room going across the hall to the other and she noticed me
she said, "How did you get in here and what are you doing in here?" and she said you better get out and she said you're going to get in a lot of trouble. She said, "Would you please leave and get out of here and hurry."
Mr Dennis later describes having lunch with this harried Lieutenant, and he described her as being very distressed, and in their 90min lunch at a diner, she didn't touch her food, like she was in a state of shock.
3. Gen Twining Speaks of Matilda (According to Sean David Morton)
From a 2023 Exopolitics Interview :
[Sean David Morton] : Now weirdly enough I went to USC with Jamie (15:05) Twining his grandson. And we got invited over to the Twining house for Thanksgiving and you know Easter break and whatever else... and general Twining would say, "Well who's going to believe you kids?" and tell us all about it.
In this Exopolitics Interview on Odysee, UFO-oligist Sean David Morton describes retired General Nathan Twining mentioning
Matilda MacElroy:
[Sean David Morton] : "...obscure book written by Matilda McElroy, and I have personal experience with this.
They captured, I can't really say an alien, it was more like an avatar that was being controlled by a feminine consciousness,
and it claimed to be named "Ariel" (Ed: Airl) and it would only talk to the secretary of General Twining.
And there is the book "Alien Interview" by Matilda MacElroy (Ed: book is by Lawrence Spencer based on docs provided by M. MacElroy) it's a fantastic ... it lays out the history of Earth and this section of the Universe going back billions of years.
[Dr Salla] So, you can personally confirm that Nathan Twining's son and you were told by the retired General Twining
[SD Morton] his grandson
[Dr Salla ] that the "Alien Interview" story is real? That there was this nurse and these telepathic exchanges ...
[SD Morton ] Yeah, yeah and the General complained about the fact that there's only this one woman (MacElroy) that she [Ed: Airl] would talk to. (13:35) ... and General Twining mentioned her a few times saying that she was the only one that this being would talk to...
I'm responding to a post that was apparently just deleted (by whom?) that referenced Daegus Magus, and the material he's published. I took a quick look and found it quite interesting, perhaps very relevant to a larger context of what we consider to be "death traps". I actually ordered a copy of Daegus' book of Amazon, to see what he has to say. Keeping an open mind, of course.
I received my copy of Daegon Magus' book "ASTRAL WARRIOR". I scanned through it and it has a ton of material relating to the death traps and a bit beyond and in more detail. It's truly fascinating and I'm looking forward to reading it. I feel that multiple sources of information are useful. But not from Grifters like those claiming to be emissaries from the Galactic Empire LOL
There is another abductee Truman Cash who through repeated multi level regression was able to recall being caught by soul trap as well as operating with/under the bad et's through multiple life times. The book is called The Eye of Ra. Book 2 of the Matrix Revealed... Also everything matches Alien Interview and Farsight findings the book is available at https://archive.org/details/cash-truman-the-eye-of-ra.-book-2-of-the-matrix-revealed
some sample quotes from the book (pg. 98):
"I didn't become trapped into the embodiment cycle on Earth until 12,389 years ago. Before this time I was a free being. By "free being" I mean that I was a spiritual being who was not yet trapped into a compulsive, involuntary reincarnation cycle. I was free to be in a body or not be in body by my own choice. I could be in a body without being "stuck" in a body. I spent most of my time just being a free being without being in a body at all. There were times, however, when I was temporarily placed in a body at implant stations. In these cases I would eventually get free of the body and continue on my merry way as a free being. As you will see, the difference here on Earth is that there is a SYSTEM to create amnesia and keep a being trapped in a seemingly endless, revolving door CYCLE of
So from my research, spiritual practice and lots of hypnosis, the whole idea of prison planet has to do with our own doing. We are never forced to take on a life, we willing come back each and every time. We have soul contracts and things we wish to do(higher purpose), anyone who has been regressed will tell you that. The concept of prison and having our memories erased, has to do with free will. If you don't know who or what you are, how would you act?
Exhibit A EARTH.
We come to a planet with free will, you can do bad things or good things. Well whats the incentive to not always live a hedonistic life and do bad things... well its karma. We always willing come back to repay those debts and balance it out
So we are in sense stuck in or self imposed karma prison. You want out? Just do the work. Raise your vibration and live in the love frequency. It's easier said than done I know. But thats how you ascend just like the Telosians, Incan and Maya.
Don't live in fear... This concept of a death trap is promote fear and don't allow it to control or worry you. Know that you are here on your own accord.
We are light being and we can create whatever we wish, just believe in yourself and all our brothers and sisters!
Hello Gilbert, Thanks for your thoughts.
Based the the RVs Courtney’s group is doing and presenting you clearly don’t appear to agree.
In a quick summary: rarely do we agree to incarnate here. We are dumped here by many AI/fascist govts for being rebels. Occasionally there are volunteers but low %.
Forget karma. New Age BS. We die and soul is attracted, erased, and incarcerated by reptilians for whatever or wherever they want. There is no karma at play here.
Mind erasure is by sinister design to make us forget the powerful beings we are. Not karma
The trap is real. Not fear based. If you practice hypnosis like me you know this. We can prepare but not by erasing karma and following a narrative driven life.
In reality meditate
Lucid dream
Learn and practice self hypnosis -delete grey suggestion to return with one to leave
Learn RV
Astral Project - explore and prepare for your own death
Learn quantum jumping - jump is not to astral plane so grid & alien intervention; avoided
Sure we want to live in love not fear but we must accept the reality of the archons not caring.
Don’t think that alone creates escape. We must explore after death, where we go, and choose where we go after after death.
Although a journey and issue for humanity it remains a personal challenge for us. We can do this but in a focused and mindful way
I just want to let you know our life here is more precious than you could even imagine. Harness every moment of the learnings, blessings and gifts it bestows upon you. I wish you nothing but love and light, whilst on your path to remembrance, self discovery and ascendance.
Not too sure but my info came while in Samdhi and discussion directly with my spirit guide and while in a somnambulistic trance(Deepest form of hypnosis).
One thing to consider while in a somnambulistic state of a hypnotic trance, the conscious mind is completely turn off and they speak directly with the subconscious mind. I've also done remote view and have seem a ton of questionable ET things. But you need to know that its hard to not cloud the information with the conscious while not in a deep theta state.
This is covered extensively Journey of Souls by Michael newton and between death and life by dolores cannon.
But please don't take my word for just go into a deep meditation and ask your spirit guide directly and see what they say