Thank you, I have watched it twice.
Sodom and Gommorh
There is a very interesting article appearing 20 September 2021. Mainstream archeologists find evidence of a town that they believe to be Sodom that was destroyed by an extreme heat event. Here is the link:
See also,
I'm impressed with the amount of information that the Daily Mail article gives.
Plenty of pictures and explanations.
I'm more impressed with Farsight's timing and revelations of the the towns PRIOR to the discovery at Tall el-Hammam.
Well done Farsight!
From the Daily Mail article:
Researchers found 3,600-year-old evidence that Tall el-Hammam was destroyed by a 'cosmic impact' and may have inspired Bible story of destruction of Sodom
Experts uncovered pottery shards that had their outer surfaces melted into glass, 'bubbled' mudbrick and partially melted building material
The event was 'larger than the 1908 Tunguska explosion, experts say
This impact leveled the city, leaving the palace and surrounding walls flat
Human remains (including a skull) were found, indicating exposure to temperatures above 200°C
On Sodom & Gomorrah
Aziz Brown session Target 1 - 19:38 a Christ like figure with long hair appears with a human figure that extends arms (I have no guns gesture) that seems to have nothing to with the other non-human aliens in Target 2 , and the non-surface ship is not the same as the target 2. it seems that the subject with long hair brings a positive message to the chief of the village, a possible peaceful issue.
Aziz Brown session Target 1 - 19:38 : third picture the chief explains the crowd what the negotiation was about. Some believe , some not which results in 3 camps.
the fourth or fifth picture of Aziz in Target 1 is the coffin of the deceased ET that has been assassinated in the village which is the cause of all that happened later
things that answer the question why are in Intysam session Target 2 - 2:00:15
It brings light : My feelings are that subject B dressed like a local chief or king is a victim of a negotiation with alien subject A and his group. The simple men in group C seem the object of negotiation. B is not ready to comply to the conditions of A.
So, it's not a biblical moral punishment or an issue of that sort, but a negotiation that turns soar. The bad guys don't seem to be outside, as you said but inside with a person that looked like Lot (Aziz perception) mocking him. and making Lot spit on the floor with disgust. Maybe they had done wrong to an ET and the person that looks like Lot is ready to denounce them and they become in Intysam's explanation the people to hand over (group C). So that Biblical story seems another layer of a story that has nothing to do with sexual abuse but of a crime that has been committed by the evil group of men called C.
Therefore, that is why is there rage of the four individuals on a non-structure surface? because there is a death to be mourned
Dear Courtney. you come quick to conclusions with nasty ETs but remember what happened in Afghanistan ? The US asked Afghanistan government to hand over their guest Ben Laden but they responded 'no' to the proposal and the Us with allies invaded Afghanistan by force. I see a parallel
Saying it might be a cosmic airbust is no proof at all. It might be this, it might be that. It might be a comet or it might be a meteor
It could even be a a solar explosion that caused fire
I learnt that scientific knownledge has nothing to do with democracy and unanimous approval.
Humanity on this planet believed in absurd things 99% of the time after the flood and felt very good about it.
But what is valuable from this article the evidence found, the evidence of a major destruction.
Then what was the cause is another matter
Plasma burst, lasers ? Sonic weapons ? Scalar waves could do the job as well
In Atlantis they were using magnets and gravity control.
If you lower gravity in a place all atomic bonds become weaker, and buildings collapse
In Apollo 13 mission, the oxygen tanks exploded at the exact place where earth and moon gravity were cancelling each other, called a "gravity null zone".
The bonds in the atoms that were the constituents of the tank were weaker and boom the tank exploded.
I think the "who" behind this event is what's really key. To so much more...
Additionally, its a fantastic song...