Ok, Entodude, I've finally put this Cosmic Awareness information together, about the Ahriman force and the Asuras which work for it. It's long, and I got the info from two of their PDF books "The Alien Agenda" and "Getting History Straight" which you can purchase for about $10 each at Cosmic Awareness Communications on the internet.
From "The Alien Agenda" (pg 92 & 143)
"This Awareness indicates that the aliens, this especially in reference to the negative aliens, those who are mostly associated with the Zeta Reticuli and the Orion Greys; these entities do not care to have close contact with truly spiritual beings. They would like to divert spiritual beings from their spiritual path if possible, but they do not care to engage in any meaningful conflict or contact with these entities because they sense that the spiritual beings can see through them and know them for what they are.
Essentially, many of these entities are representatives of a non-spiritual force associated with the Asuras, spoken of by Rudolf Steiner. These are very materialistic and non-compassionate beings whose interest lies mostly in self-perpetuation and the use of power. They see Humans to be "used," much like cattle. They do understand that Humans have certain very unusual and special qualities, which frighten them. It is this spiritual power that some Humans have that is intriguing and frightening to them. It is much as many 'scientific' types, or what you might call "average citizen-type people" would feel like if they were to go into a country and met with people who had strong psychic energies and could use those psychic powers to do things to them, or use psychic powers in ways that the visitors did not comprehend. Therefore, the aliens are quite apprehensive about dealing with entities that have strong spiritual souls or energies associated with their souls, and they tend to stay away from them. They are generally apprehensive of any contacts with such entities, thus they are not likely to bother the spiritually strong individual.
This Awareness indicates that, if the spiritual entity goes through a period of weakness (such as fear, and then taking an injection, hint-hint), or a period of his life in which the spiritual energy is depleted or drained or lacking; during these times, 'these entities' might have some opportunity of contact, and/or attempt to throw the entity off his or her spiritual path. But as long as the entity embraces a strong spiritual direction and purpose in his or her life, they tend to stay clear of that energy."
"This Awareness wishes to make another point clear; that religion is NOT the issue here. Spiritual energy is what this Awareness speaks of, and spiritual energy is enhanced by compassion and the caring of the soul for others, and the love of Divine, and the association and integration of the soul with those Higher Divine Forces. "It" does not mean, the mouthing of slogans of a religious nature, or the repetition of certain phrases or names associated with a religious belief. This is not the same as spirituality. There are many entities who spout biblical scripture and think that this is spirituality, while they continue to do misdeeds and unforgivable actions to their fellow Humans, even in the name of their religion; this kind of verbal religion, as opposed to the spiritual religion, is not true spirituality. It is but words and the garments of false religion. This does not ward off aliens, in fact, they often are attracted to this kind of entity who is a 'believer' in terms of words, and spouts religious words, for these entities are often easy to convert. The alien will simply inform them that THEY are messengers from the entity's god, and their purpose is to do certain things on Earth, and the entity will quickly turn and worship the alien, which is what they enjoy because when they are worshipped, the entities usually will do whatever they direct them to do. They become very easily manipulated by the aliens at that point.
All these things do not make the entity a spiritual being, even if the entity worships the alien and spouts biblical phrases or expresses concepts and ideas associated with a religious belief. The aliens understand this kind of mouth religion. It is not the same as spirituality, which they cannot control. They can control those who have mouth religion, and they do not mind working with these entities. Therefore, those who wish to avoid being manipulated by aliens, need to develop true spiritual energies in their lives, and these spiritual energies in which the Divine Forces of the Universe are upper-most to the entity; these spiritual energies will protect entities from the aliens."
"This Awareness indicates that this is particularly in referencing to those negative types of the Reticuli and Orion forces or aliens that have been referred to by Rudolf Steiner as the "Asuras," the archangels of evil, in his terminology, and these represented the servants of the Ahriman forces.
It may as well be understood that the Grey's are of themselves extremely weak beings, but with the technology available to them, they are a highly formidable force, and these entities equate to the forces Rudolf Steiner spoke of when he talked of Ahriman's followers, the Asuras, and the demonic forces that kept him in power.
These are much the same, but Rudolf Steiner at the time did not wish to describe UFOs and people from other places in the galaxy, because he was already for his time speaking on topics that were far out of the mainstream of thought, and were he to discuss flying saucers and little men from other places in the galaxy, no one would have taken what he said seriously. His discussions, being given in terms of concepts, having symbolic and spiritual meaning, the entity was actually speaking of reality and tangible forces in the Universe, but speaking of them in ways that appeared metaphysical rather than practical in order to have his message acceptable to the people whom he spoke."
And now from:
Questioner: "I think this is the first information I recall of the "Giza Group" that Awareness has mentioned. Could it give us more information on who they are... etc ?"
Cosmic Awareness: "They dislike the Pleiadians because the Pleiadians know them for what they are, and have been tracking them, hunting for them in a kind of seek and destroy action for many centuries. The Pleiadians are a true threat to them.
These entities have been on Earth for several centuries and have controlled and manipulated through the alien presence most of the nations on Earth, leading them into wars and have essentially served in the capacity which Steiner speaks of when he speaks of the Asuras.
These are likened to a prototype of demonic energies. These entities have a control over the Reptoids in their own Draco galaxy, and have influence in other areas and other galaxies, particularly where they can have cooperation between Reptoids and other groups that they have conquered through their manipulative powers.
Their power lies more in their ability to conquer through manipulation, to conquer the heads (leaders) of groups, and to use those heads to further the extension of their own power over still other groups, then using that group to conquer other groups, and they tend to have no compassion of any kind so that no mercy is shown to those whom they control, and this allows them to extend "fear" from the ranks of the highest to the lowest, so that the entities under their dominion are controlled by fear of their own superiors and will do the bidding of their superiors, and the superiors are also controlled by fear.
It is essentially, a power group, epitomizing the basic concept of evil, if one is to describe evil as the absence of compassion where there is no room for compassion.
They do not appear to have any particular home place or planet other than wherever they happen to be. They roam the galaxy freely without an attachment to a particular place, and their attachment is to power itself and their enjoyment of wielding that power.
This Awareness indicates, these entities are not always referred to as the "Giza Group." That is a more recent term. They simply use this term at present because of their location.
Essentially, they epitomize the concept of the Asuras that are spoken of by Rudolf Steinger. Steiner described the Asuras as prototypes or archetypes of evil."
Questioner: "Are these entities actually living physically under the pyramids of Giza, or are they on another vibratory level?"
Cosmic Awareness: "They are capable of shifting vibratory levels. They can exist in this physical level, or can shift levels to other frequencies, according to their will. There is a place under the pyramid in which these entities reside, wherein they have artifacts of a phony nature that they eventually intend to bring out as part of a grand plan for creating control over the masses, including a phony cross of crucifixion which they plan to claim was that of the cross of 'Jesus' was crucified on. There are other artifacts that they have gathered for this purpose. These entities will not be the bearers of these artifacts however, but they would present them for others to expose."
Q: "Would Awareness give a physical description of these Giza Group entities?"
C.A.: "These entities are rather vague in terms of features. They can alter them at will to become whatever they desire to present. These entities, having use of psychological powers that allow them to manipulate vibrational frequencies on the material plane, may 'appear' to be quite human and take on human features if necessary, or they could take on features that are more appalling and frightening, even monstrous, if so desired. Their appearance is like that of a chameleon, in that, it can change from moment to moment."
Q: "Do these entities have souls?"
C.A.: "This depends on the concept implied by the word "soul." One could answer yes or no. If by 'soul' one means a vibratory body that survives physical death, these entities do have this kind of energy. But, if by 'soul' one implies someone who has emotional compassion, then these entities do not fit that category.
These entities degenerated from extremely high levels of spiritual status, took with them the full awareness of the nature of creation and of the Universal properties of creation, as they degenerated into concepts of separateness, where they use this technology or knowledge for enhancing their own illusion of separateness and power. It is as though, one who understood all of the knowledge of creation, degenerated over time, to play with the creation, using this knowledge, to torture and entertain itself, by playing with the creation as though it were but an object and not filled with living beings.
A comparison might be like that of a scientist who learned to create biological entities through cloning or through genetic engineering, and in the process of creating these beings, chose to create them for his own mirth and enjoyment, to play with them, to torture them, and to use them for their own degraded personal pleasures without regard for their feelings or welfare.
This is NOT intended to imply that these entities are the creators of Humans, but more that, they understand the creation through the use of vibrations and frequencies, and have absolute and total contempt for anything that is not as highly evolved intellectually as they are, in their understanding of these factors of creation. They see the creation as but objects for them to move about and manipulate for their own gain, including the creation of Humans and other beings.
They are what might be termed "mad gods" or gods who have gone off the deep end into utter madness through the pursuit of personal power and glory, and pleasure for their own separate interests, their own demented enjoyment. Other entities, having the same knowledge, would work miracles, but these entities are not into miracle working. They are into diabolical expressions."
Q: "Could they be defined as fallen Elohim?"
C.A.: "This is in the affirmative."
Questioner: "How do they relate to the information on the concept of Lucifer?"
Cosmic Awareness: "Lucifer symbolizes the first separateness, but Lucifer also wanted to be worshipped as a kind of Divine Light for his beauty. Lucifer is much less diabolical in his madness, in that his interest was that of separating from God the creator, in order to find individuality and uniqueness, and this entity was willing to take others with him in that search for uniqueness through separateness.
This entity was actually set up by God the Creator to lead aspects of consciousness into separation so that individualities would form, and in the formation of individualities, these entities became unique. The plan also called for their return (Home!) to Essence, carrying with them the unique qualities that they had gathered in their fall from grace. It is the same as (similar, not the same) the story of the Prodigal Son who left home and suffered and experienced, and then returned to the Father's grace.
These Asura entities however, are NOT Luciferian, but are Ahrimanic in nature. Being likened unto Ahriman implies a joy in the torturing and suffering of others, in seeing and participating in, and in manipulating suffering for others to endure. Ahriman is essentially sadistic.
Lucifer was not sadistic in the same sense. Lucifer was deceptive but did not have personal sadistic qualities, as does Ahriman.
Thus, the Asuras are the reflections of Ahriman energies. And these energies, being sadistic in nature, enjoy destroying Gods most highly prized creation, the Human being. And in the destruction of Humans and other aspects of the Divine Creator's creation, they see themselves as challenging the Divine Creator in a kind of open defiance. This defiance is what gives them the feeling of having immense power. It is much like a child who, rather than leaving the home to find his or her own destiny, as did Lucifer, stays at home and defies the parent in an effort to destroy the very fabric of the parents' values and work, or lifetime efforts. There are such situations, in which the child attacks and defies the parents even to the point of destroying the parents. (In this case, removing the Essence from themselves). It is this kind of thinking that lies behind the Asuras and the Ahriman energies, and those of the Giza Group. (looks like we have a demonic monster hiding under the pyramid in Giza).
They would like to defy the Divine Creator, or if unable to defy directly, then to defy the creation that has been established. And thus, they find a great thrill in destroying and causing suffering to that creation. It is based on a kind of hatred for the Creator, and they aim this hatred at the creation, especially anything that emits compassion, beauty, 'weakness' in the sense of gentleness, or love. For they see these things as aspects of the Father/Mother Creator and want to destroy this Father/Mother Creator aspect so that they alone remain, and so that there is no such thing as love, compassion, and qualities of cooperativeness, and that there is only competition, for they can control the competition from their framework, better than they can control loyalties, and devotion, and love.
They [the Giza Group] are essentially beings from a dysfunctional family, who see themselves as having to be in control, and the only 'control' they understand, is what they can wield over others through the use of power and fear. They are gods that have psychological problems of a very deep nature.
This Awareness indicates, the very nature of a dysfunctional family tends to create within the children a feeling that they have to control their environment in order to be safe. But this control, when taken out of the family where it is no longer needed, often creates havoc with others, who are not of the same mind-frame. And such entities, often treat others in a kind of manipulated and contemputous manner. And of course, they choose people who are not like themselves needing to be in control, and who do not particularly object to having someone telling them what to do. Thus, they find people whom they are able to influence, in which they see a kind of 'weakness,' and it makes them feel more secure and in charge of the other person, believing that they have a greater knowledge or better understanding than this other person, and they see them as being basically inept, thus, the dysfunctional person has a kind of disrespect for the entity who does not come from such a dysfunctional need to control, and therefore, in the relationship, the one entity takes a subordinate position while the entity from the dysfunctional family takes a supervisory position, and gradually this may turn into a sadomasochistic relationship if it goes far enough.
This is, essentially, the development of the psychology behind these energies.
If these psychological energies reach enormous extremes in the desire for control, then these entities become almost manic in their need to be in charge, to hold power, and to supervise and control others. The insecurity that these entities feel, may become more acute when, even a slight hint of possible loss of power threatens them. (in other words, they may delusionally imagine something that isn't there).
The very thought of someone being loving and generous toward another, scares them, because love and generosity is seen as energy that can create alliances among loving people, and therefore they try to diminish and destroy any development of loving alliances, including family relationships if possible. They would threaten to destroy the development of any personal reliance on trust in love as a prized quality worth developing, and they would substitute fear and obedience for love, in the individual or in the groups or nations wherein they could influence those.
If you can understand the nature of the dysfunctional families and the efforts of children from them, to establish control patterns so that they feel more secure if they are controlling things, then you can understand the psychological thinking of the Asuras and the Giza Group, and such entities that feed on the Ahriman-type consciousness, that thrive on sadistic control of others.
Unfortunately, most families have a measure of dysfunctionality, much of which is due to misapplication of religious principles in which children suffer for their own sake, usually through the belief that abusing the child will make a better 'child of god.' This type of thinking has created great numbers of children that grow up to be themselves, abusive parents who think they have to 'control every thought,' every behavior of those around them, including their own children.
The Asuras, as being forces of the Universe in the creation, have gone out of control, in the sense of Cosmic Consciousness being diverted for insane expression. These entities could easily have been cosmically aware, except for the fact that they "chose" the path of separateness and seek to control the whole of creation for their own personal ends. And these entities are not confined to physical bodies, though they have the ability to form physical bodies for personal expression from time to time, as desired.
It appears the entire box of Pandora, in which the UFO question was pulled from, is becoming unraveled. The door is opening and there seems to be no end in sight, in regards to the unravelling activity; not just on Earth or even in this Solar System, but activity throughout the galaxy, which, if the strings are examined enough, begin to lead consciousness into looking into other Universes.
As has been suggested: As above, so it is below!
And as below, so it is also above. Humanity has been plagued with wars, but Humanity is not alone; so has the galaxy. It does not appear that there is yet an end to the recognition of the influence of these forces in the galaxy and beyond, and even the resolving of Humanity's wars may only be resolving a small battle in the galaxy.
Entities may learn to live in peace, even in the midst of chaos. Even in the midst of war, entities may develop a peace that passeth understanding, within their own hearts. This Awareness indicates, this may be the only way in which entities can find peace. Not by controlling the world outside, but by controlling one's own peace within."