Has PrinCess been talking to Jesus in several past remote viewings? The latest was Lucifer...Comments please.
PrinCess and Jesus
Iesu Yaushua was a Gnostic Essene initiate of the mystery schools of En.Ki/Lucifer lol. He was an EA-SU...En.Ki/Lucifer/Satan/EA(EArth)/Poseidon/Ptah/Odin/Zeus/Yahweh #2 etc etc etc....it's all a game. Go on my thread about all this....The one titled You have finally found what I've been
As I see it from my source of information, Enki and Enlil were 2 real beings. Both were reptilians aliens and were rivals.
ENKI = EA-SU, EN.KI, Lucifer, EA, Poseidon, Ptah, Samael, Osiris (who was killed by Seth) reincarnated into Horus who was the second Marduk.
Enlil = Satan, Yahweh, Zeus, Seth and was the first Marduk.
*Marduk is a title (administrator or ruler), not a name.
You're not even close lol. I have my own thread in the forum. They were ALL titles btw. En.Ki IS Satan...I went down the dark path first after I walked-in so I could see the game from both sides....that's who plays Satan lmao. Go read some of the links I posted in my godlike productions thread maybe you'll learn something...
What are your source of information ?
Yes most are title, for instance EN.KI is lord of the earth, EN.LIL is lord of the word.
As for Satan, In old akkadian a SÀTAM was a territorial administrator, and thus a title. Enlil was the one designed to rule over the Anunnaki, so he was Satan (or the SÀTAM).
how do I access your thread. I am interested in this subject
I posted the thread here in the forum...I also made a link on godlike productions with all the links I've collected over the decades.
Barry Laney- yes, it appears so.
Yeah, but where does Johnny Quest figure into all this?