Never discount, where truth may be found. Learn to discern, for all that you yearn.
Never discount, where truth may be found. Learn to discern, for all that you yearn.
Cobra is Bullshit new age CIA garbage.
How is that new age in any way? Also, I've never seen you post anything relevant yet other than pushing Tanaath of the Silver Legion over and over like a cult lmao. You have yet to go deep in anything and, when I'm not banned on GLP. I am not impressed by anything you write. I don't 100% ascribe to COBRA...everything is a game...but to discount things just because of preconceived notions limits your ability to comprehend lol.
Silver Legion's things are good. She emphasizes self empowerment rather than following the outside. It's right anyway.
I post truth. Too bad people are retarded. I am pissed off that things are not changing. Cobra is a scammer. The protoi confirm that he is along with the a professional remote viewer friend from the grandpa threads.
Your cobra cult is a failure like your lives. You false light workers need to revaluate your lives. Tanaath is the real deal. She talks about the real threat which are the universe killers and the fractal virus.
Like I said...Always seeking an outside saviour. Look within. Only there will you find the answers. I've been saying that on GLP for about 12 years now, but very few listened. I am also not a follower of COBRA lol...but I do not dismiss anything. He has some valid points...everything is mixed with truth and falsehoods here. I have yet to see you go in-depth into anything besides, again, pushing someone else's ideas like a groupie. This is a holographic matrix with a game of duality...the scripts are made to enthrall the farm...most fall into one level or another. If you go through my postings...especially the last 3 years of it when I started to break the game of will see exactly how much I exposed and why I was constantly banned. The Archons fear the duality ending because then they can no longer use the scripts to create the dramas to feed on.