Hi FARSIGHT! In the last intelligence briefing, Courtney talked about the Galactic Federation of Worlds being strong enough to defeat the old empire only in our solar system, but not in the entire galaxy. Is the Domain not helping with the entire galaxy? Courtney didn’t mention the Domain at all. Has something changed? Or, was the Domain only going to help in this one solar system?
Another question I have is (and, I know how bad this sounds, but I’m going to ask anyway), why would it be so bad if the whole world is left in cinders? I mean, if that’s a quick way of destroying the prison system, and everyone is set free and starts remembering who they are, where’s the downside? I get that our perception is that this planet is an amazing oasis, but I just don’t know. Our bodies are so flawed. Our minds are so limited. There’s so many natural things in this planet that can kill us, like animals, bad food, poisonous spores, and even gravity (falling down the stairs). I think that with the multiple lives each of us have completed, how arrogant is it to assume that we can contribute to this galaxy without the ongoing condition of planet Earth? Couldn’t we just start a new earth closer to the center of the galaxy?
I look forward to hearing some thoughts on these questions. Thanks, everyone!
From my research the planet is not unique but the earthling race is bc of us being experimented/DNA manipulated so much which is why so many diff races have an interest here bc however long ago their race came here and added to the experiment which is why I respectfully disagree with Courtney on the grays and that situation. The grays couldn’t just go to any ole planet. They had to go to one that enough human/ET dna in the species so that they could save their own race. Or maybe my info is wrong and I’m being played. Wouldn’t be the first time