There’s plenty of stories of guides or masters waiting to walk us into the Light etc, and it being a choice to go in.
Why can’t we just follow Wes penres ideas and refuse , and try to find holes in the grid or otherwise will ourselves out of the earth area ?
"Why can’t we just follow Wes penres ideas and refuse , and try to find holes in the grid or otherwise will ourselves out of the earth area ?"
It does not work like that. I have escaped and it was like they saw a mouse in the lab escape out of it's cage and scooped me up and tossed me back into the cage.
The book of the Dead has a few answers, The warm, welcoming enticing light leads to erasing the tape so to speak and you start all over. But if you are worthy, you will also be offered a bright and terrifying light and that is the one you go to. But the concept of "worthy" is best left to another post, but in its essence it just means you conquered fear in this life. If you died still fearful and controlled then you will not even be given the choice of the terrifying light to go to.
No offense but this sounds like bullshit what you’re saying.
Clearly laws of free will are in place. All alien systems are MODELED off off consciousness and the respect for free will as a principal thing. Idk if these are implanted memories of yours or what is making you think any of this.
If you could just automatically be forced to reincarnate, you would literally be born the SECOND you die in another body. There would BE ZERO NEED FOR LIGHT TRAPS OR LIFE REVIEWS OR COMPLEX TRICKERY.
If aliens/ gods/ demons/ AI could just force us to be born again infinitely, you wouldn’t have a need for a system to gain your consent or a system that would wipe your memories based off YOUR decision to participate in it.
Turn around and have the intent to leave or the intent to find an exit in the grid ( if there is one in the first place)!
How could I possibly take offense at you calling my thoughts bullshit? Or implying implanted memories?
Your notions of free will and galactic system models based off of consciousness are simply incorrect
If I give you a choice between an apple and an orange but what you really wanted was a banana do you really have free will when I control the options or do you just have a choice submitted to you within the confines of my matrix?
@Dean Foster , @Shaz , Hello,
The idea submitted of → "escape & capture" is as old as → PRISONS [notable]:
→ 1st prisons from 3rd millennia BC ~ 1st records come from 1st millennia BC
→ 1st prison of record was in _____??
→ LUCIFER's first empire was in _____ ??
→ EGYPT worlds 1st prison(of record) & 1st empire → EGYPT
For your review, IDK about ya'll, I put a lot of weight that LUCIFER is[was] a force that it seems may finally have had a reckoning. .....there is that !!
LoL no charge /;^) ..........interesting!? coincidence ? ((do not exist)) <> [qualifys as a notable!]
SOUL TRAP or PRISON, <> MLLNs-o-Years[opportunity] + LooSH,Latnum,Lucifer?[motive]+ TECHNOLOGY[means].....hmmmm
ALL reports, intelligence & data in my brain[&files] describe & yield WaY more than competent adversary[s] !!!
The years, MILLIONS-o-YEARS !!! Just fathoming time spanned is a TELL too the complexity of things ?!!
Spoke to a → QUALIFYING → " its essence it just means you conquered fear in this life..."
[BiG notable, fat & heavy]
→ FEAR, every mention we find to date, all the input about FEAR, realized or not. The word is a HUGE important piece of the CONTROL system and to what your implying
"... in its essence it just means you conquered fear in this life..."
I mostly think I agree, but I FULLY believe & find that FEAR is a major POINT & maybe a key CONTROL.......maybe #1 issue
→ Notable: and find also that it, FEAR was\is not part of original DNA [I think], or for sure us as OG HUMAN !!
SToP eND HeRe WHeW !! There was more ya'll said that I find agreeable also etc.
Back to ya'll......8.20.22
Apparently, John (dad of learjet fame..) Lear was aware of this situation as he once was talking about avoiding the light. Not sure where he got his ideas from as this was several years ago.