Your investigation by remote viewing on Göbekli Tepe, really surprised me even astonished me. You would think rationally that every step towards expression in art and metaphysical explanations of one's origins through the stars like Stonehenge would be progress for mankind. This discovery is primordial in the evaluation by modern-day archeologists of a sudden questioning of the bronze age and primitive life we had 5000-6000 years ago and made successful books such as those of Graham Hancock on archeology but your investigation concludes that the construction of animal sculptures and T form structures were rightly destroyed by 'good' extraterrestrials and the 'oppressive ones' constructed the sanctuary. It should be the opposite really. When primitive tribes open themselves to seeding and agriculture at the same moment as this sanctuary to pass from nomadic life to agricultural seeding with a point of attraction (the sanctuary) as a universal message a revelation connecting the beings to the stars (each animal is a picture of a constellation or group of stars like our Greek representations of constellations following archeologists). No martian, greys or bad ETs are represented for adoration or submission to dark forces) Yet you seem Courtney to say the Pyramids and this glorious site were built by dominating ETs to submit us. Maybe we should,t have switched to agriculture in modern day Turkey and stayed primitive hunter gatherers ?
Göbekli Tepe Archelogy
That's just my opinion but there could be more to the story. I had done let's say "meditation" on what was behind. It ended up with this:
The entire area around is having large caverns, chambers and tunels, some say hundreds of kms of them. with ventilation embedded in the rocks.
It was a hive, populated with insectoids, submitted to strict religious dogmas that where being used by Orions, or there was an influence attempt.
American Indians have legends from their ancestors telling that they have been saved by the ant people from the flood. Where would have they been able to hide ?
The first ETs buliding the place were imposing the religious dogma that the old man in the non-surface structure is God. He was playing with some holographic projections to control the masses, human and non-human, with him sitting in the clouds. On simple minded masses, that's a miracle and you need to accept the only God as your God.
The constelations with the animals were a calendar, indicating the time to plant crops, time to harvest, possible flooding period etc... They just observed some stars instead of uniquely the Sun. There's a deeper explanation for why constellations instead of using the Sun, but that is going to be a long explanation that is not necessary to give the picture.
So destroying the temple, giving to Adam and Eve the knownledge of good and evil, was a liberating thing, it's like destroying the TV of someone to make him stop being manipulated by mainstream media. You end up having no other choice than construct your own ideas, having your own opinions. Common sense and logic can be helpful as well, instead of being filled with superstition.
Are you familiar with those drawings where God is an old man with a long white beard, sitting in the clouds ?
That's this ET group playing God, or depending on the era, Maria in Fatima "miracles", if the masses will be more efficiently controlled with Maria they will project Maria instead.
If the giant spaghetti God would have better impact, they will project that thing instead. I hope you understand where I am going.
I am not saying that's the truth, I am not saying that I have mastered RV either. I have had this clear image when thinking about it.
The 2d group was not in good terms with the Orions, and preferred to cut off the indoctrination. That's a way to stop submissive behavior, and make people focus on their own problems instead of a never fully satisfied God demanding tribute, offerings, that is actually just an ET group exploiting others.
Then what happens next, I do not know, but agriculture was developed during the same time as Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. So again, even if they had access to food they were slaves, taking care of the crops for the ETs. And they learnt how to grow food
And finally to corroborate with some etymological research, the word paradise in ancient greek (language from which the BIble was translated) means : "enclosure for cattle"
Again I am just sharing mu opinion, and during thousands of years of history, many more things must have happened for sure.