In the spirit of disclosure, I'd like to throw out a bold and crazy claim here: that every anti-gravitational propulsion system throughout the Universe is based --in principle-- on the macroscopic model of a single electron. A system like this therefore shares precisely the same attributes as this particle: It has no mechanically moving "parts," requires no fuel and never wears out, but gathers its energy from the ambient space into a vortex of self-contained, self-regenerating force: a hurricane in a bottle.
Ultimately, the internal relationship here between the dual properties of electrical and magnetic nature inevitably repeats throughout the spectrum of existence, and thus explains why every particle, atom, moon, planet, star, solar system, galaxy --and beyond-- also ceaselessly rotates. This is the epitome of the ancient principle, as above, so below.
Finally, the principle of particle spin is also necessarily the core principle and source of self-reflective consciousness. I should add at this point that the phenomenon of sensation (consciousness) is actually an inherent quality of electromagnetic force, which is why those who believe that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the electrical flow in the nerves and the phenomenon of consciousness are unable to solve the conundrum and fall into paradoxical thinking; when in reality, electromagnetic resonance IS the essence of sensation already. It's a given! And this is also why, overall, the ufo phenomenon itself is simultaneously equal parts 'psychic' and 'physical' and thus at the level of anti-gravitational vehicles, are scarcely distinguishable from one another.
Have you looked at Nassim Harramein’s work? He’s a physicist, I think you’d like his work. He does a series on Gaia tv called Quantum Revolution where he explains his work, he talks about spin being fundamental to everything.
Hey I’m watching Quantum Revolution - Season 1. Check it out now on Prime Video!
Sorry prime won’t share the link, here’s a you tube clip discussing spin just so you know who I’m talking about .