Specifically about the AI presence from Galaxy 2. Jokes about the Borg aside, what this puts me in mind of the predictions of Rudolph Steiner, when he talked about the rise of Ahriman.
Maybe I'm adding 2 and 2 to make 5, but this energy has some parallels with the description of Ahrimanic forces, which are all about control, extreme control. in direct opposition to what Steiner dubbed the Luciferic forces of extreme freedom or anarchy. He said humanity was the balance between the two. He also said humans should not be fooled by the message that sounded beneficial, and was a lie, and giving in to Ahriman would be the downfall of humanity.
(In case anyone is interested we can read the source material in the book "The Incarnation of Ahriman: The Embodiment of Evil on Earth: Seven Lectures Given Between October and December 1919"to get a bead on that energy for comparison.)
In The Black Book of Ahriman by Joseph Kurtis we see an explanation based on his research that Ahriman is the opposite of Ahura Mazda, who is the manifest Universe and creator deity in Zoroastrianism. Ahriman is incensed at the "impurity" of manifestation and seeks to return all to the purity of the void, against it's will. It's said though, that Ahriman only exists because Ahura Mazda exists, so it's a different idea conceptually to Steiner's ideas on Ahriman, and I'm not sure why he took that name, other than the confluence of control and homogeneity.
Where, christ consciousness seems to be all about the ascension of an ISBE's soul to higher frequencies, this is the opposite: it traps ISBEs in a stagnant loop of limited experiences, possibly in direct conflict with the desire of the All/Universe to evolve and experience itself in as many ways as possible.
So I'm not quite ready to say "I think the AI is Steiner's incarnation of Ahriman" but it's the closest I've seen yet to an "antichrist", among all the emotional claims pointing at people that other people just seem not to like.
To some extent this is also part of experience, but it seems self defeating. This AI is not "intelligent", as Clif High would term it.. it's "cunning", but it's not smart enough to project the obvious outcome that it can never succeed. (I find the term AI to be a misnomer.) It can't ever complete it's goals because they are not framed with a completion point, but the galactic matter in the universe it not infinite, and it can run out and reach a point where it has nowhere new to go. It doesn't think, though, it won't care, it just does what it's programmed to do, robotically, exactly like a cancer.
This AI has the "AI Stop Button Problem", wonderfully explained in this entertaining thought experiment video from Nottingham University on the youtube Computerphile channel:
It makes me wonder if the Reptilians, when designing this AI just didn't think it through, or perhaps are not capable of the is level of detailed thought? This is VERY basic AI programming 101 highschool stuff. In which case I wonder how they had the smarts to make an AI at all, and if this escaped from somewhere else,
My third thought, now speaking as an occultist is that the energy drawn, as a cloud or network of infected entities is VERY well known and recognizable among western occultists as what is commonly called a "Parasite". The author Josephine Crawley has a good book called The Exorcists Handbook explaining this concept.
Spiritual Parasites are exactly what they sound like: they feed off the energy of a host in a way that is detrimental to the host. Where astral/spiritual/noncorporeal parasites differ is that they can infect multiple people at once. Whole families, groups and organisations can be infected by these.
E.g. cults can often be seen as the result of a large shared spiritual parasite: a being that has tendrils in all the members and inserts thoughts that they believe are their own, seeks to expand in influence and gets very testy when people try to break away, since that is a threat to their food source. Sometimes they are called mind viruses, and then it's a bit wave vs particle: you can treat them both ways and get results.
So, Question for Harvey here:
All this makes me want to think of ways to exorcise the parasite/AI from the Reptilians, especially those on Earth and the Moon. Since that's part of the problem, it's giving them a massive strategic intelligence advantage for one, and their free will has been usurped for another.
Technologically, are there ways to jam the frequencies it used to connect? Can humans do this using psi ability as seen in remote influencing and indeed, occult practice? Magick to my mind, actually isn't, any more than telepathy is magick: it's all physics, and the human body is a highly sophisticated apparatus that I think should be capable of such fine tuned and variable work, with the right training. In the same way some ETs need chips to establish comms with a human, and others don't. Maybe not all this work needs any more tech than a well trained operator of a physical body.
The difference being, humans have free will and the right to defend themselves, where Harvey's group does not have the right to defend humanity but for some crazy reason has decided it's bound in the red tape of requiring the agreement of a select group of humans who have been infiltrated by the enemy and actually don't represent most of us at all, in my opinion.
In conclusion I agree with Dr Brown that grassroots pressure is the best bet right now. There's little time left before the pole flip though in about 20 years ish. The main goal I would say it to prevent further infection of free humans before the grid goes down, after which finding the survivors will be much harder. Freeing everyone in this corner of the solar system including the Reptilians seems monumental with no time left to organise and make that decision let alone do it in.