Well reading your posts above I have to comment about some points you both make.
1st to the original question about the Arcturians [or any other race] either in the 5th dimension or the 3rd dimension[here] right down to my city of St.Petersburg, FL. I think we find it is all relative right. Just as to which Chinese are trustworthy or which Mexican or which dimension & entity everything I come from & of says there are all types of folks Good & Bad if you will. The one defining element may be Natural LAW or Gods LAW or I term it the "Do No Harm" [unless] ROE [rule of engagement] perspective. It would seem that it is a universal law or galactic to that I mean every form of sentient life that is of the LIGHT i.e. God, Creator or Source. So I guess first we must accept that such-a thing is CREATOR exists & we are apart of him\her\it as is all life that we are aware of ha ha ha thats a enigma in itself maybe lol. So the answer in case I was unclear is some are good/trustworthy & some would be found not so much. . . . . . . . .make sense!? ALSO that the NAtural LAW is immutable truth of existence throughout. Just like gravity, weather you believe, understand, or care it is yesterday, today & will be tomorrow.........GRAVITY !! /;^) and it does not care about you [or me lol]
And to the perspective that you say CB holds as truth. If I understand you he is saying that the different realms, astral planes, densitys etc. are B.S. ??? Really ? The channeling ? Maybe I am not clear about what you meant because I find it hard to believe he would dismiss all that & I would reference HARVEY as an example of CHANNELING in real time so hmmmmmm?
Now if your speaking about specific sources mixing up lies with truth I agree & would label that counter-intelligence
From my understanding the 5th dimensions down are more likely to have the good ones & bad ones of the same level lets say. But above 5th I would say your less a chance of negative engagements. IDK but thats my best guess & from the information I have been exposed to even common sense leans me to believe that. Also from the 3rd dimension down I would say be very very careful.
Hell I say be very very careful about living & engaging anyone on the planet here today on 3d earth. And that I can get into extensively & very a matter of factually.
The lie, is rampant & surrounds us in a heavy way.
Whew that ran long very quickly, so. . . . . . . . . . the end