Dolly Safran, a contactee/hybrid, claims a CME will destroy worldwide power grids, within 2 years. her story, prior to divulging this, is quite fascinating - perhaps more so than any other that i'm aware of. rather than provide my take, i'll simply share the content, which was produced by Preston Dennett on YT.
i'll link the live Q&A, where she claims this, first:
however, i suggest you first watch the other videos Preston Dennett released, to introduce you to Dolly and her story:
1) "the awakening"
2) "the photographic evidence"
3) "extraterrestrials i have met"
4) "worlds i have seen"
5) "gathering the children"
They are aware of the planned Grid attacks. Many are working on that security risk. Remember anything can be changed.
no mention, whatsoever, was made of planned grid attacks. rather, Dolly stated that the earth's magnetosphere has been changing & 'weakening', allowing CMEs through that were once deflected...