I would like to announce my free tarot reading 2 here at farsight forum, using tarot i will try to peal some really interesting to me topics and post here the results (pattern Celtic cross).
For me tarot is like a ancient computer left here by some ancient civilization (tarot actually game of math combinatorics and probability) nobody can pinpoint where and how this type of cards came to existence, major spread began in Europe in the end of 14 century.
Probably this would be interesting topic for future Farsight remote viewers mystery series.
Additionally i would like to state i will not accept any request to do tarot reading on particular topic or anything else.
I decided do it here just for archive and for history reasons and if some of the topics will be picked by remote viewers , this would be interesting just to see how far off i was with my methods and guesses.
Why i don't use remote viewing?
Good question, i think it just takes more time to learn it , because you basically start to visit non linear space and in the meantime half of you stays in a wake state, which is hard, because you focus is somewhere else and to achieve best result you kind of need to prepare eat particular type of food, some of the Farsight remote viewers are very emotional this is really hard to resist, but the best result is for clear thinkers they can concentrate on the goal better.
The best results anyway achieved, when remote viewer have no idea about targets, this means even more effort to hide the target, once it takes time.Some may disagree, but this what i think about remote viewing
My method of reading cards is as following:
i do shuffle them many times and continuously say in voice and think my question and throw them at a table and mix them.
Then once again i shuffle them many times and if i feel unsure i do additional throw and then shuffle
Then i take one part of cards 10 to 20 rotate them one time and then again shuffle .
This method is my own and its brings best result.
Additionally for me its proof that i deal with maximum probability and that i really don't know the order of cards, which should be always at random.
After such shuffle i start to pick cards from the top card deck.
So stay tuned , i selected very interesting questions and it take me like 2 session to "receive" and interpret the data.