I wonder why there are so many UFOs flying in the atmosphere of a planet where some sort of death trap system is operating.
What if a subject inside an UFO dies?
Are they afraid of being sucked into the death traps?
If not, why not?
Are they not affected by the death traps?
If not, how do they do it?
Is there a "backdoor" for the bad ETs?
If you know how to evade them, you don't go to the death traps. You have to AGREE to go, even if you are deceived.
Are you suggesting what Wes Penre is...run for the holes in the grid?
What I’m saying is that deception is used to convince you to undergo the amnesia-inducing process. During this, your mind is filled with memories that are used against you. When your body dies, your mind doesn’t; it stays with you. Something—likely an AI—scans your mind and manipulates you based on what feels real to you. This is why everyone experiences it differently. Some report seeing a soothing, warm light, though that’s not universal. Religious individuals may encounter a religious figure urging them to follow, while others might see loved ones or a beautiful garden path.
The key is not to follow. In fact, go the opposite way—even if it leads you toward something you’d typically avoid.
I can speak from personal experience. In my 20s, I had a motorcycle accident and was pronounced dead. I left my body and was presented with imagery that was specific to my life and experiences. Because I’m a bit of a rebel (LOL), I chose not to follow it. All sorts of familiar figures tried to guide me, but I just stared at them. Eventually, all the imagery vanished, and I found myself hovering over my lifeless body. I remember thinking, "Ah, fuck it," and then I jumped back into my body.
There are two minds. One is the lower mind you wear as a facade that you use to interact with on this level. It contains the body ego. Then there's the consciousness that predates the physical that came from the Source. When we shed the body we also shed the lower mind. So of course it takes focus and previous spiritual work to realize that those images shown to you after death are false. It didn't work on you because either you were prepared by doing awakening and meditation or you were already a rebel and believe nothing and no one but yourself. In this case you said rebel. Although, I wonder what would've happened to you if they couldn't send you back to your body but you were a rebel also and not necessarily awakened to the truth.
Both directions—entering and exiting the body—require consent. If I hadn't chosen to return to my body, I would have simply remained outside of it. Entering a pregnant woman to assume a new life is not all that different. You're told the narrative, “You still have lessons to learn… blah blah blah,” by "someone" you trust, but it's all a clever trap to keep you entangled in the system.
That said, I enjoy being human and truly appreciate life. I've retained certain skills from previous lifetimes that have made this life easy for me. It certainly did not make me popular with so-called authority figures—especially school teachers. LOL
Regarding the "mind", I'm referring to the storage of mental images accumulated over eons of time. You can see them if you close your eyes in the darkness. Look into the darkness and then PAST the darkness. Images will appear—all kinds of stuff you haven't encountered in this lifetime. You can interact with these images. They are 3D and have sound. Some of them might freak you out, but don't let it because they are just images. Totally harmless.