So, I notice when talking about ETs, most of the discussion refers back to government (including black) organisations. But there's not a lot discussed about private organisations (well, I haven't looked to hard, TBH, but anyway).
So, what is the purpose of collecting everyone's personal data? Control is obvious. But, is it merely to get everyone into the system so they can be constantly monitored?
Or, is there something else going on?
Related to this - I was going to subscribe to access the 'Free Trial' account - and I need to use a CC to pay $1... I find this odd, given that Farsight is so into Crypto (which is largely used to bypass government controls, monitoring and censorship). I also note that there's not another payment option (e.g., crypto!)
so, I suggest to those reading this who have influence - dump the necessity for the $1 and auto-subscription - because it will turn people away. And, obviously, have other payment options! (if the RV of crypto is working, there's obviously no need to hit people up for money...).
Think those various trials online only take a dollar at first to verify have account then it’s returned immediately
Many sites don't require that. And if you read the fine print, you actually need to cancel the subscription or you'll get hit with a $100 fee.
But, it's completely besides the point I was trying to make.
And, a free trial should actually be, you know... free!
Yes if don’t turn off free trial will get charged and some are even a challenge to cancel such as using device instead of gong through tv app
Forgot to say after free trial could get monthly option 11 dollars instead what do myself