Dr. Greer recently conducted a press conference coinciding with the release of his new documentary "The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It". There were direct reports from "whistle blowers" from various position within the government that expands upon the information we have.
Greer insists that all aliens are non-hostile, which in our context here at Farsight is a bit naive (and perhaps dangerous). Similarly, to my knowledge, Greer has never mentioned the "death traps" or any of the substance that Farsight has produced; though, I find it difficult to to believe he is unaware of it.
This seems confusing, as it creates a separate, likely incorrect narrative--though it all still feeds into Disclosure, which is good.
Greer is focused on suppressed techology, so-called "zero point" energy sources, that can immediately solve many of our worldly problems, completely doing away with fossil and nuclear fuel sources, possibly even wind and solar. This is not new in his narrative, but he has announced the formation of a lab to further develop these technologies to in-turn release freely to the public in "open source" format. We'll see how that goes.
I think his next move, really, needs to be to actually openly release usable, actionable information and technology that fits that narrative. He claims to be prepared to release these data in a manner that nobody, even US intel, could suppress. Again, let's see what happens.
Bringing this back to Farsight, is anyone else noticing the uptick in UFO/UAP discussion within news segments? I've seen several -- some of them still poke fun at the narrative, which I suppose is understandable but it's not helpful -- ie: the reports accompanied by photos of Will Smith in Men In Black, somewhat silly and has an impact on public perception.
Given everything that Farsight has investigated and released in reports, I seems to me that they should also be well-familiar with alternative (or, exotic) energy sources and how they work. Or are they?
There's a lot of information out there and it will be very easy or a well-funded counter-intelligence effort to convolute. Do we see any sign of this taking place?