... that contradict the Church of Scientology?
The two seem remarkably similar.
... that contradict the Church of Scientology?
The two seem remarkably similar.
What «teachings» does Far-Sight offer other than how to Remote-View or take footage of one's own captures of UFOs/UAPs in the Infra-Red Spectrum & look-up the censored images of locations that have been Remote-Viewed such as a base on Mars...?
Speaking of remarkable-similarities...: Have you noticed that, just like any other religion-system, payments of taxes are the «tithes» that fund the government-system? Have you noticed that, just like any other religion-system, its court-systems & its court-rooms are essentially the «inquisition-chambres» that they use to stifle dissent or disbelievers in their narratives? Have you noticed that «Defendants» (also often called Conspiracy Theorists or so-called Sovereign-Citizens) are its own version of labelling someone a Heretic or Infidel ? How they are often called «Criminals» just like the religions call others «Sinners» and/or «Heretics» ? Within the court-systems (inquisition-chambres) you are expected to «plead guilty» (i.e. : confess your sins), then, upon «pleading guilty» (i.e. : confessing your sins), against its Colour of Law Pseudo-Law written within their so-called «Law» books (i.e. : how you may have violated their «scriptures» in some way which is then used to decide your punishment), the «Sentencing & Incarceration» being its own version of Ex-Communicating you from society; robes & garbs are also worn to identify the judges/magistrates (Popes) & bailiffs (bishops) from the rest of the masses & commoners in their «ritualistic» hearings, etc.
You may also be interested to read some writings from the very returned (re-incarnated) Messiah himself that asks similar questions that you ask unto another organisation... here is where you can find his «probing» questions unto them... http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/other2.htm#page%2028
Finally, Scientologists do not warn against being a Tax-Payer, whilst our dear Aziz Brown from FarSight has factually mentioned the truth about how taxes do in fact fund the Military Industrial Complex, one of the biggest cult-facets of the Dark-Religion known as [corporate] Government. Any «teaching» that supports or promotes the payment of «taxes» is NOT a «truthful-source» teaching, and, for the record, even the very Messiah himself had NEVER encouraged nor promoted the paying of taxes which is literally clarified by his very own hand/pen/writings at this following page...
http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/caesar.htm (ultimately revealing that Caesar's men threatened the fearful & thus sinful-scribes into wresting [manipulating] the «scriptures» so that Yeshua ben Yoseph's speech AGAINST being a tax-payer & thus supporter of Caesar & his system could not be recorded/written/scribed in its FULL CONTEXT, but, instead, was done in a way as to be able to continue to promote Caesar's extortionist Taxation-System; and, now that I think about this, I also wouldn't necessarily be surprised if Caesar himself were to be remote-viewed & possibly & potentially discovered to be amongst the extra-terrestrials who continue to oppress the simple-minded earthlings...)
Quote - "What «teachings» does Far-Sight offer other than how to Remote-View or take footage of one's own captures of UFOs/UAPs in the Infra-Red Spectrum & look-up the censored images of locations that have been Remote-Viewed such as a base on Mars...?"
Well, I can think of 2 that match Scientology, according to that video.
One is the concept of Earth being a "Prison Planet" run by hostile aliens. When in fact, it's run by a bunch of humans that are convinced they are superior to other humans, ie religious or racial supremacists.
The other is the concept of being reincarnated endlessly and there being a set of "Death Traps" to prevent anything other than a repeat performance.
Both of these appear to have been lifted entirely from the teachings of El Ron Hubbard, ie, the Church of Scientology.
What makes me say these are both piffle is that I was blindly tasked on my own consciousness experience post death, and the data I recorded bore no resemblance to either.
Which is what makes me suspect Farsight is just a front for the Church of Scientology. No fees involved, unlike the CoS, but nontheless, identical teachings.
I am ignoring the rest of your post as it is grossly offtopic, and appears to be an appeal to "Authority" rather than a logically reasoned argument.
I've suspected that Scientology has a big piece of the knowledge pie. But like every organized religion could be severely corrupted in a specific way.
You should definitely read it instead of just skipping it as the Messiah asks extremely relevant questions towards any group or organisation who claims to know and have the pure-truth about anything.
I also listened to that whole entire interview by the way; the man who left Scientology (Aaron) doesn't seem to have any resentment nor disdain for Scientology's teachings; his issue is really more of the way that their social-structure is set-up; it's apparently «compartmentalised» just like any other government where the «higher-ups» possess their «insider-knowledge» and keep it hidden & secret & locked away from the rest of the «public» (commoners), and, that he even believes there to be a LOT of «good» that «Scientology» CAN offer and has the «potential» for IF but only there weren't punitive-aspects to having a difference in or of beliefs that were «critical» of any aspect of Scientology; even I know that it is a «dogmatic belief-system» (and a cult) when «beliefs» are placed as having MORE «importance» than how others are treated (and somehow Mormons are criticised as being cults by the pots calling the kettles black in a truly ironic fashion).
From what I have seen at FarSight, you are not ostracised nor shunned nor censored nor banned for questioning their results, and in fact, questions that are critical of the accuracy or validity of the results of Remote-Viewing have even been met with responses from C.B. himself who has responded before with answers like...: «Those are very good questions» (and, when someone is a real & genuine true-scientist, they welcome challenges or being proven wrong as it helps them to refine their knowledge & improve upon the protocols of their scientific-experiments; this is one of the reasons why Para-Psychology ended up becoming literally the most-legitimate & air-tight of «sciences» over the past couple of centuries much to the dismay of the «skeptics» who can no longer «debunk» the «legitimate-evidence» due to the experimental-protocols having become so robust that it has already been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that Psi is a genuine phenomenon).
Nor are those «conclusions» about the Earth being a Prison-Planet limited to nor did they originate from Scientology; many people ALREADY come to that conclusion simply from trying to live their damn lives in as honest & law-abiding of a manner as possible, yet, only to STILL end up being «screwed» over by their so-called governments THEN «learning the TRUTH» behind the «system» that «enslaves» them; you are free to «field-test» this «like a good scientist» for yourself by trying to do anything that will result in someone calling the cops on you even when you have NOT done anything criminal, nor have you disturbed the peace of the land, nor have you caused any amount of injury/suffering/harm/damage to person/property, nor have you done anything immoral nor unethical, THEN you can find out EXACTLY for yourself why people «wake up to the realisation» that this really IS a «Prison-Planet» (assuming you even come out alive of course from being confronted by the cops of course; you should probably watch a few videos from the following channels before you go about trying to actually field-test just how «fair & honest & moral» the police & court-systems will ACTUALLY treat you).
Nor is Scientology the first organised group to have ever possessed information about reincarnation.
Nor are they the first organised group to have ever «taught/explained» the various things that you are claiming is some-how solely & strictly a «Scientology» paradigm; the guy in the interview even said that there are MANY «good things» about Scientology and that he actually «LOVED» (his words) being a part of Scientology, but, and I will copy the example often given by Brian Young from HighImpactFlix, you can have the most-delicious sandwich or the most-amazing soup, but, when you mix in some turd into that sandwich or soup, what is otherwise beautiful & good will be tainted by the bad; similarly, Aaron viewed Scientology in a similar way, a system/organisation that «has potential», but, because of a CERTAIN «aspect» of Scientology, IT is what is «ruining» (also thanks to its «compartmentalisation») what could OTHERWISE be a VERY «good» thing for society & humanity. Seriously, did you even watch the interview for yourself ? Or did you just pull it up & skim & skip it, thinking that you wouldn't come across a guy like me who PRACTICES «Take the Beam out of my Own Eye BEFORE I try to remove the Sliver or Speck of Dust out of the Eye of Another...» ? If you're going to ignore reading the writings of the very Messiah himself, just because you think it is irrelevant & off-topic (it's not), then I can only but say that such a behaviour is in of itself similar to those of the fundamentalist religious-people who believe that they already know all of the answers and cannot possibly be mistaken about anything that already exists within their paradigm; and it's not good to be dogmatic...
... but not forget also, and taking into consideration, that Daz while seeing and follow the death of JFK didn't saw the Death traps, it stopped, if i remember correctly, when he saw beings of light receiving "JFK" after that he was not able to see what was beyond and therefor closed the session..
Also.. The Death Traps goes in alignment with ancient Vedas, Upanishads and Gita knowledge, where they speak about "escaping the re-incarnational trap", the cycle of reincarnation is known as Samsara, and the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to achieve Moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. On the Vedas scriptures it i mentioned the notion of ÄTMAN and BRAHMAN, brahman meaning "going back to work on some things from a soul perspective" and Atman which means the supreme universal reality, Heaven so to speak, that it is obtained with permission of Krishna, the same Krishna that states in Bhagavad Gita “From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one attains to My abode.. never takes birth again.”
This knowledge goes very well described in Bhagavad-gita where they also describe the War in Heavens, in this case is a conversation betwen Arjuna, a warrior prince, and his charioteer, Krishna, who is an incarnation of the god Vishnu, and it amazes me once again the similarities that exist with Farsight data, not only that but also the similarities that are described in the Upanishads and The Death Trap project from Farsight.
This is one of the reasons i always wonder about Farsight doing a remote viewing project about The Gods of Indu, in this case, The Trimurti which are the Brahma- the Creator, Vishnu- the Preserver, and Shiva- the Destroyer. Their feminine counterparts Saraswati- the wife of Brahma, Lakshmi- the wife of Vishnu, and Parvati (or Durga)- the wife of Shiva, who they really are, what is their relation relative to the reincarnation mechanism and also the relationship with the concept of The Archons.
From my perspective and with several other hypnose sessions and Farsight knowledge, i always resemble them with reptilian traites (not knowing, though, the connection with the Anu / Annunaki people) and as i said, with the similarities of Farsight data makes me more in alignment with their perspective.
Also to mention several NDE's that saw what Farsight described about the trap mechanism, while other's NDE's experienced the same thing but didn't saw the traps.
So the concept isn't knew, and even now, although just got some glimpse of it, i see Crypto Viewing team starting to think about this subject as they are starting to come across with more data that challenges their perception.
Firstly, thanks for sharing the video. I'm a bit disappointed that he glossed over the Freezone etc, and the way he kept saying "Scientology" instead of "The "Church" of Scientology"... scientology is a practice. It's the Cult of that's fucked up...
He also didn't mention that qutte a bit of the later stuff that came out wasn't written by L.Ron himself... which would have addressed the post-OT8... as well as a few other bits of nastiness (such as those who had put out now 'official' Scio materials also left the Org and did their own thing).
Yes, there are a couple of similarities, but I'm not seeing much else. As I'm sure you know, , Ingo, Hal & Pat were all involved (to a greater or lesser extent) in Scientology - Ingo was OT VII, and the others had gone to OT level (maybe only III). So, I'd actually presume that talk of the DTs would actually have started with Ingo (et al.), not with Courtney.
What would be good is to have this set as a task - what happens after the death of a person... follow it through til the next incarnation.
The "prison planet" idea is nothing new either..
It should be pointed out that there doesn't seem to be much in Scio relating to the idea of aliens still being here controlling is. It's certainly not talked or written about.. What Ron was referring to, as Aaron said, was something that happened 75 million years ago... And that was about it. You would be onto something if you instead focussed on the GFW idea!
Ingo, and other RVers (past and present) have also discussed the alien thing here... so, that's not really something you can point to Scio and then FS about.
BTW, Remote Viewing is one of the abilities one should recover through the process of going up The Bridge... (and is also an ability gained by doing other practices).
Oh, there's another rather obvious similarity between FS and Scio - the use of their own term that equates to a 'soul' or 'spirit'. In Scio, it's Thetan (from the Greek letter, meaning 'thought'), and ISBE in FS.
Hey, woah, I'm not going to pretend I know what Scientology is, its teachings and concepts, etc.
I was just wondering if Courtney Brown's teachings, concepts etc are contradictory.
I suspect not. But, neither side wants to get into a fight about which is "correct".
Personally I think they're both fanciful, ego centric and just plain false. BUT that's purely my opinion.
One thing I'm pretty sure of - Ingo was OT5. Pat Price was OT7. And a much better viewer.
CoS went through a radical change in the early 70s when Elron Hubbard mysteriously disappeared, presumably murdered by his fellow cult members. So it's not really fair to equate the early pioneers of RV with current CoS.
Courtney, I'm not so sure of. But it's not my problem really, people can believe what they will.
"Personally I think they're both fanciful, ego centric and just plain false. BUT that's purely my opinion."
Then... why are you paying to be on this site??
"One thing I'm pretty sure of - Ingo was OT5. Pat Price was OT7. And a much better viewer"
I did better research a few months ago, but I'm sure I read that Ingo was a VII (as I did just yesterday for this thread). I don't recall Pat's level.
I can't comment on Pat v Ingo - there's not as much of Pat's stuff available as easily.
L. Ron withdrew from the world. There's more than sufficient evidence to say he wasn't murdered. Such as later appearances. (I'm not defending the CofS - just stating that there's evidence).
"So it's not really fair to equate the early pioneers of RV with current CoS."
Well now - firstly, I wasn't 'equating' but explaining a link, Secondly, there's many who say Pat was actually murdered - because he was too damn good! Which isn't all that surprising...
Oh, one other thing I should have mentioned earlier - in *theory* in the CofS, you can believe whatever you want! You don't (shouldn't) actually just change your 'beliefs' because someone else has told you to... you should actually get whatever truth for yourself! There's a very clear statement they have (and tend to ignore) "What's true for your is true for you". I'd like to think that Ingo came up with the idea of aliens on the moon all by himself (as the story goes), and not that the idea was implanted by someone else... same with the other RVers who say/see similar things.
You don't believe in this alien agenda because that's not your experience. That's fine. Hopefully, those that do have sufficient experience (evidence) to support their beliefs...
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
That was certainly informative. I had my own questions & have provided my own feed-back amongst these forums where I believe that targets need to be very well-defined & very specific (even to the point of addressing specific Time-Pockets in order to account for the Mandela-Effect).
I did learn of Rise.TV (Edge of Wonder) recently where they claim to have done Remote-Viewing regarding the Mandela-Effect, such as in regards to the actual number of passengers in the car during the JFK-Assassination, something that I would need to go back & actually watch (rather than merely just listening) to see if Far-Sight Remote-Viewers drew/sketched a total of four or six passengers;
And that's certainly a good point as to whether or not a target is influenced by the tasker; most of the tasks/targets seem to be worded by Courtney Brown himself, unless they have some sort of protocol or their «handlers» use some sort of means to word a target in a way that eliminates both ambiguity and any & all potential cross-contamination; I get the impression that each word would also need to be very carefully defined, etymology /especially/ included, for further-reduction of ambiguous-results.
Like if I were to task a Remote-Viewer with «Messiah» as a Target, even if another «Tasker» worded the Target in the exact same way that I did, due to the «ambiguity» behind how many people might interpret this, the results could certainly end up being potentially different. What if two taskers collaborated & came up with the same Target(s) to be Remote-Viewed ? I wonder if the sessions would result in different information were someone like, say, Paul Anthony Wallis, who publishes on The 5th Kind, provided the Target(s) instead of Courtney Brown or even if they were to collaborate on (a) corroborative-target(s)?
A lot of Paul Anthony Wallis' interpretations/conclusions seem to be very similar to the data that Far-Sight has gathered/obtained about «aliens» by the way, and, his material is based on his heuristic-knowledge of the «bible» & the original word-meanings & definitions the vocabulary had given that he is a biblical-scholar after all, but, both he & Courtney Brown have been heavily involved in the Church, and, should both thus be very familiar with the «bible» which might influence targets being tasked? Although I am not so sure that it necessarily matters whether the Tasker is an Atheist or Agnostic or Skeptic or Religious or otherwise (although it has been discovered in Para-Psychology that there does exist such a thing called the Experimenter-Effect), but, I think it is best for Targets to be well-defined (like, VERY WELL defined, even to the point of specific Etymological-Meanings that were used at specific Time-Periods or even a particular year itself; the word «Bad» in the 1980s obviously didn't mean the same thing that it did before then or how it is normally used now).
Even if you say that Far-Sight seems to have some sort of «Identical-to-Scientology Agenda» & that your «experiences» are different (regarding aliens & UAPs) then what exactly are your experiences? I do not have any experiences knowingly encountering whom are often called aliens or extra-terrestrials (or intra-terrestrials in the case of Lacerta), but, does that have anything to do with, perhaps, different definitions & thus ambiguities behind & between how you define/regard aliens/UAPs/etc. ?
Then there is the evidence revolving around Phil Schneider that seems to indicate that there are indeed «hostile alien-presences» here on earth who «share space on this planet» just as was described within the Lacerta-Interview; then there is also the target where there is a documentary here revolving around that incident, revealing that the U.S. Army was apparently trying to build a D.U.M.B. at Dulce, New Mexico, not knowing that some «alien» D.U.M.B. already existed there which resulted in «both sides» being surprised & resulting in the «fight» that was described in the Phil Schneider speech...
I look forward to some good information & perhaps good ways to eliminate ambiguity as well as great ideas or air-tight protocol-methods that would be involved in preventing any target-contamination.
"Like if I were to task a Remote-Viewer with «Messiah» as a Target,.."
Ah. Problem here, MESSIAH concept origin. It's Babylonian.
Whether or not the Red Sea Pedestrians (how they describe themselves, sometimes) took it direct or acquired it during Babylonian captivity is moot, it definitely predates RSP so even accurate data honestly acquired is unlikely to match any current thinking on the subject.
"then what exactly are your experiences? " - Hmm, do you want to see an old target that I set some years ago, the sessions and feedback? That might be the best answer. However, I would have to dig them out for a link, the session numbers elude my immediate memory, and I would prefer to get confirmed desire for them rather than posting without any solicitation / demand / request.
"«hostile alien-presences" - ah. Erm. Problem with the Paul H Smith / Fort Meade Unit take on the missing Argentine frigate being zapped by hostile aliens. There is another theory on what happened there. A little more than a hypothesis, there is some some supporting data at least. It's quite a short read, but again, would prefer definite solicitation before posting.
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters