Has anyone within Farsight considered doing a remote view of themselves, before animating a human body on earth? Have Courtney's remote viewers target him, before these incarnations? It would be vital to gain memories of the before amnesia treatments, in order to really understand where to go, what are their abilities, what avenue were you involved with before being trapped here? I have been in deep conversations with the Domain for over a decade, thru writing ,via telepathy, the primary way to unravel what has been taken from us,by being mind wiped, is to deep dive into our pasts. The primary way to solve the overall problem on earth, is to remove any biological body, that could be used as a container for IS-BE's to animate, (no slave suits, no prison planet). The planet is not that important to the overall cosmic drama, thus the reason it has been used, the way it has.This whole region is a getto zone, in fact it has been ignored for the most part. The Domain has realized that the IS-BEs that are periodically dumped into the physical construct, have only created war, territory issues, none stop creation of un-admired objects. This questions the whole issue of why do we do this, from our origin? Are we simply broken from our beginning? Since the overall out come of what we have done,as an IS-BE has been largely negative, they realized that freedom from enemies, needed to be acquired, by creating its own territory, which they currently expand. Humans are considered the lowest of the low, of which an IS-BE can animate. The illusion that they are important, or should be salvaged somehow, is ignorance.The boredom factor, is what perpetuates these problems in general. Detachment from all stimuli, distractions, so called important illusions, is the only way to bypass the amnesia process, yet the many em-bodiments that IS-BE's have experienced, makes this very difficult. In order to finally end this trapping system, and create a safe place in this sector of this solar system, for others to travel thru without risk, destroying the ability for life forms to exist on this planet, isn't seen as a" poor choice"... this is why the Domain has decided to wait 5000 years before making a final decision. Allows the current situation to unfold, in hopes to regain their lost crew,... These missing members, are the only reason the planet hasn't been annexed already... Humans are still too polarized in their self admired importance to truly face the predicament they find themselves in...
The Domain
I heard that this planet got liberated by Protoi forces and the Galactic feds? Is that true?
They see this place as an Africa lol.
I cannot confirm that anything has been liberated, i do know that many other groups are using the resources and conducting trade, *pirates* of sorts, for their own agendas. As long as the primary nature of this planet is not destroyed, via (atomic, nuclear weapons) the Domain does not involve themselves in their actions. There are threats of weapons of mass destruction used by our media outlets, but these are simply (threats), no real actions will take place of that nature. This planet is has natural cycles, that change the landmasses, weather patterns, which are a force that resets the general landscapes. Which also make it unstable for long term habitation by IS-BE's in general. A waist of resources. This is also why it has been used as a prison planet by the Old Empire Forces for so long. Others are aware that it is not worth the investment, for long term habitation. The only liberation that is needed, are the IS-BE's, which can only be done for themselves, by themselves. This planet is entering a magnetic pole reversal cycle, which will change the global stability, so what needs to be taken down in our current control network, will happen by this cycle. The leaderships of various nations are being mind influenced, to make decisions that are inverted to what a logical decision would be, to cover-up this coming change. If the humans on this planet really understood what is coming, they would not continue to play this (game of life), and this would break down the leaders ability to control the population in general. If we, as a species, really wanted to place a glitch in their plans, a global suicide, would do the trick, no more slaves to do their bidding,over whelm the recycling systems, and all return to places we were before this entrapment happen....
@ elizabeth a pryor
There is a small forum dedicated to discussing Alien Interview, The Domain and other similar subjects which you may be interested in. I hope it is OK to put the link here https://isbeverse.boards.net/
I would caution about the death of the planet and our bodies. 1. The Farsight material suggests the Kabbal can still pack everybody up and just move them along, 2. People believing this fully will not likely unify as an entire species but as another heavens gate cult situation, 3. Evidence points to the training of the mind to transfer out in old age, through proper nutrition meditation RV and research, it doesn't happen automatically with death.
1. There are those just waiting to test out nukes again on this planet, this is what bought Airl here in the first instance, to see what damage was being done to the environment. Bodies and planets cease to exist, however, we continue to exist regardless.
2. The Cabal/Bots, whatever we choose to call them, are operating far beyond what most people will want to give credit for, as it truly sounds unbelievable to the point that should the books be correct, it is a shocking realization to be here within it. There's nothing cult-like in exercising our own freewill and learning more should we choose to do so. Credible witness accounts are very valuable indeed.
3. People believing that The Domain exist and are real? If you have read Alien Interview and/or The Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission there's a lot of information to digest, much of it is unbelievable to most ISBE's on this planet, to the point that exit is controlled with little option to exercise our freewill choice. This is by design. Those who control this space don't want anyone to exit, nor realize who and what they are, nor do they want any ISBE to realize who and what they are.
4. The points you mention are still tied to a physical existence. No nutrition, meditation, or RV is required in the death experience, it may help when within a body. If you mean transfer out of this space and not return at death, then that will take a focused effort and where some research may be worthwhile. It may help to have a goal in place before the death experience. Some ISBE's will just take whatever occurs and go along with it, some will want more control over it, some will give themselves to a savior experience, etc.
Whatever the ISBE believes is most likely what they will experience at death. It is all an individual choice that will be catered to.
Just a few points...
"Credible witness accounts are very valuable indeed."
What defines a 'credible witness'? (and, why can't they be mistaken?
" It may help to have a goal in place before the death experience."
Definitely!!! Along with the understanding that ...
"Whatever the ISBE believes is most likely what they will experience at death."
means that if you see 'loved ones', it's all a part of the trap!
My personal problem here is determining whether any 'good/helper ETs' would also be part of the trap....
I think, one thing we can do, is learn to alter the size of our awareness - to sub-atomic, to super-galactic. So that, when we body drop, and get to that DT experience, we don't think we're still the same size as a human body, but are capable of being so much more - far greater than the DT itself, such that the DTs can't actually affect us.
Credible witness: n. a witness whose testimony is more than likely to be true based on his/her experience, knowledge, training and appearance of honesty and forthrightness, as well as common human experience. Courtney could be an example of a credible witness, along with his RV team.
Most ISBE's here will be looking forward to reunite with 'loved ones' in death. That magnetic attraction will be quite difficult to say 'no thanks' to and then seek another outcome. Only those who really want to leave this place will look for/plan alternatives.
What you say in the last paragraph is something that seems a possibility. It might also be an idea to allow time in the death experience to gain bearings/senses, not rush into anything, not move, not be tempted by anyone. Allow for the expansion to occur and have a desired location to focus on, such as outside this physical universe or another part of this universe, but outside this galaxy far enough not to trip the DT? For The Domain lost battalion members, perhaps a focus on one of their bases or Officers?
Agree with 1,2,3. For #4 would only add that the "secret covenant" that was leaked talks a lot about soft metals and poisons limiting our aging and handicapping our brain. Lao Tzu and Buddha both lived healthy, thought clearly without stimulants, and lived old - were the rare few to exit the death traps. Well Buddha was kind of starseed anyway.
Main point is I think it's tempting to think of death traps as the cattle herd / electric fence analogy. Cattle storm the fence, maybe they break and trample it. But possibly this is tragically very wrong. Key is developing enough mental discipline, brain health, and age (time to achieve it) so that you don't actually "escape" the death trap, moreso you are able to communicate to your future self in that raw electrified state, and acknowledge it is all a trap. The "electrified cow" as it were in my analogy - just needs to go where to go in the forest, when all it knows now is the dark scarry forest vs the seemingly warm pasture.
" Key is developing enough mental discipline, brain health,"
Absolutely! And this includes realising who/what you really are... getting your memories of previous lives, AND between lives.
"moreso you are able to communicate to your future self in that raw electrified state, and acknowledge it is all a trap"
This is good. But, I'd add, that we can do that for others as well. We can RV, but also RI...
What if we all RV/RI Buddha and Lao Tsu, and it's by doing this that they get help to escape?? (If the FS team meet up with entities in the 'past' who can feel them, then clearly there's also an influence thing going on... perhaps the bit with LT where he's thinking "This isn't real" is because of RVers throwing that thought into his head...???
Agreed, these bodies are like a prison within a prison. We are locked into them and can't simply make a choice to exit one at any time. We are being affected from many angles, foods, sprays, chemicals, electronics, mind infiltration, monitoring, etc etc. Keep the general population dumbed down via the amnesia tech and in stress so they won't consider anything else other than survival and there won't be many that will attempt a jailbreak.
Death traps are much more than an 'electronic grid', this is just the beginning of a distressing multi-stage experience culminating in rebirth. We are fortunate not many of us remember the whole process as it is very traumatic.
The Domain has never come across such a place as this in all their exploration of the physical universe to date.
"The Domain has never come across such a place as this in all their exploration of the physical universe to date."
I find that very odd....
It is odd indeed! However, the books indicate this place was/is the culmination of creative thought of rogue elements of the original Old Empire. There was no sanctioning done by the OE, as they didn't know about this prison planet existing. Apparently there were/are no records of such a place setup by the OE, and as such, the rogue element created rather a unique place to capture ISBE's and keep them trapped, somehow unbelievably in secret. They must have been smart operators to not have any leaks get back to the OE of what they were up to.
Those are great thoughts from you all, and im seeing more and more the thought form being manifested here on the forum about using remote viewing to remember who we are, more like neural engagement because we still can tap into that ancient memory that resides on our DNA, both memories soul memory and psychical quantum memory are blend together in the DNA, that is also the reason why hypnose session can also bring back those memories, however, one thing to see here is also the notion that our DNA is not only humanness biologically, from those sessions was clear that the red type blood dna stretches far beyond the planes and space, one of the reasons i agree with all here and most specially what Tazz brought up about doing what's necessary to express that higher plane of reality or higher frequency version of ourselves that already operates in a much higher genetic blueprint, not to forget the atom in our cells is 99.999999% energy and only 0.0000001% matter, so it is consciousness / energy that allows us to "activate" those genes or strands of dna.
So i think both are necessary and im starting to think that sooner or later someones is going to create a target!