Hi everyone. In this thread I will leave suggestions on how Farsight can improve the amazing work they already do and reach even more people. I expect others to post suggestions here as well - and of course we can all discuss about them. Lets start by acknowledging that Farsight already is an amazing venue for truth exploration and their recent projects incorporating the light board and having amazingly accurate perceptions by the (by now) highly intuitive viewers are simply breathtaking!
Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement and some things really need to improve.
So, let me start with some points for consideration:
1. Send the viewers to exactly the same spot:
- You could greatly improve the consistency of descriptions by having all the viewers go to the exact same point is space and time as sometimes target space/time can be interpreted differently by each user or be vague and lead to similar but not same space/time points of observation, so they describe different things. To accomplish this, I suggest you add at the end of each target this statement: Viewer should see the target from exactly the same point in space and time like the other viewers working on this target.
2. Publish all data:
Instead of repeating that the conditions are “scientifically defendable etc’’, simply show that they are, by publish everything, that’ s what good scientists do.
So, you should publish the paper sessions (in pdf) as you did in the past, the exact initial mail sent to viewers (as this email seem to contain more info that the actual targets, like ‘’do a timeline’’ or identify ‘’Group X’’ etc), and a statement about whether a monitor was present either in the paper or the video session. Even better, publish exactly what the monitor said - or have it on the video. That is scientific evidence, not just saying that your projects are scientific. Also, please publish all of these, both on Farsight and FarsightPrime - why leave Prime to search for targets, descriptions etc?
3. Engage with your paid subscribers.
Regardless of how many comments you have or how much time all of you have, I am sure paid subscribers would greatly appreciate it if Farsight members responded to at least some of the comments on Farsight prime videos comments and threads. You seem to be absent from the all discussions and it would be nice to support your supporters :-)
4. Do not repeat over and over the introductory and the final info and lines.
Regular, paid viewers, are quite tired by hearing each and every time who Courtney Brown is, what RV is, that it is done blind, that we will stay ahead of the curve etc - there is really no reason to repeat everything each and every time. For newcomers it would be much better to simply refer to a short explanatory video (existing or new one) with all this info and the lines (be there now, this is Farsight etc) or have this info in the description and simply introduce the particular project and
close with a short summary.
5. Do not read-repeat the targets 4-5 times in Reveals
Its quite tiring to listen to the same targets read over and over again read to each and every viewer. You could have the viewers read the targets themselves and if they read without expression, simply fast forward to the point they have expressions or speak. The interesting part is their expression and insights not the repetition of targets :-)
6. Have the viewers guess the target before reveal:
- Your viewers have progressed so much that many times they are really accurate and practically know or strongly suspect the target already. Let them guess and then reveal, instead or pretending that they have no idea - they have ‘’seen’’ the target via RV, in most cases they know what it is…
7. Give some hints about your results in Youtube trailers.
In your older trailers you used to give same glimpses of the sessions-results. Now you only upload the quite boring and repetitive introduction, no hint to actual results. If the reason is that you don’t want to reveal results to free users, then this is funny as you do reveal plenty of result info on interviews you do that are also free on YouTube - why no in the trailers also? That’s the point of a trailer….
I really hope that someone from Farsight reads this and takes it into consideration.
Thank you
The introduction and closing statements Courtney does I found quirky at first, and liked it, but after watching maybe 20 of the movies so far it starts to get repetitive. So you're definitely right about that one. Some good points made here.
Otherwise, as for getting more attention to Farsight Prime, I noticed that I used to be able to link trailer videos on godlike productions to generate more interest, but then recently (last year or so) they stopped allowing the links being posted. Godlike productions is a known government agency thinktank group that poses as a truther/conspiracy forum... probably the biggest in the world. Makes me wonder what set them off that Farsight found that they stopped allowing people to get more attention to this great endeavor.
Thanks John. Yes, Farsight is indeed silenced in many ways (eg no results in Google search for RV) but my point was about how to make the videos more scientific and objective, so if someone moderately sceptic comes along, he/she does not leave right away :-)