Isabella Greeneendeavours to urther explain the "Death Trap" and how to escape the 'Reincarnation Cycle.'
While not necessarily in agreement with Farsight's work, neither does she contradicat it. Ditto David Icke's Work - see his book, "The Trap".
Worthwhile watching this video an' listen to what this young woman has to say:
Is it just me or is it partly just the serene and happy faces that throw me off.
All these channelers and contactees and stuff. Advertising their YouTube's and Instagram and etc with like this happy dreamy picture and these happy esoteric loving pictures.
I am so much more inclined to believe someone that looks a little bit miserable, going "bitch, you're in a prison planet" (sorry for the swear)
I'm probably being premature. But . . . if they post a bunch of happy pictures in their psychic power advertisements . . . on this planet . . . I don't believe it.
I do appreciate she says trap though. Instead of "oh, everything's gonna be solved, and everything's great and you just need to chill"
I personally believe the vast majority of them are full of you know what.Just sayin. Discernment is definitely required.
LOL, hahaha, thanks for that, that's such a great observation man, so cool, ha, thanks for that. Now I feel all dreamy becuz that thought hits me a lot too. I think we're gonna be all right. :)
It's red pill vs blue pill. I think of it as awakened vs. denial. Most people with shit themselves if they really understood what is going on. It's a coping mechanism to be in a "sweetness and light" persona all of the time.