I have watched many videos and read many books about extraterrestrials. A number of people who have had experiences with extraterrestrials, have encountered reptilians, small greys, tall greys, insectoids, and Nordic extraterrestrials, some who have assisted with the engineering which allowed the United States to land astronauts on the moon in the Apollo moon mission and other Nordic extraterrestrials, have tried to calm children which have been abducted and take aboard alien spaceships, to be experimented on. These Nordic extraterrestrials, also were heavily involved with the Nazi flying saucer program, during and after World War II. I could not find any Farsight project, which explored Nordic extraterrestrials and what their relationship is to other extraterrestrials. Obviously they are interacting with humans and doing something. They appear to be human, but they definitely are not of earthly origin. Can you provide more information about Nordic extraterrestrials.
Thank You
They're the same humanoid Anunnaki blondes etc that were here during Sumeria and in Egypt as the "gods" and Thor/Odin etc. They're cloned bodies they take on, but the beings are reptilian draco and Anunnaki....mix of Sirius B Lyra and Draco along with some blue skinned pleiadians avian (bird like) as Leonid (lion like) beings. Some of the Draco decided that a human blonde haired meatsuit, with incredible psychic powers, was worth more than their old reptilian dragon looking bodies and became the "racists" among their own thinking they're the new model for them. So there's an infighting among them also. Some blonde Nordics are also just clones/workers and have no special standing no different than the Greys.
Never heard of any Anunnaki or Epyptian blue eyed blondes?
Ya the Anunnaki took on human Nordic meatsuits when they were here in the physical level. Their true selves are reptilian more so than the Nordic 8-10 feet tall we see in the Sumerian sculptures. The same Anunnaki played the gods of all religions, but in different bodies. They're not physical based, only the cloned bodies they use but even those bodies have trouble manifesting in such a dense level we are at now.
Some good description of the Egyptian forms of Marduk/AmonRa and EnKi/Ptah https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-eye-of-ra-e187183004.html
How does one discern between these differences?