For the most part I do not share the Death Traps scenario with friends or family. For me the process was long and met with constant denial. However I now believe it to be true. Still don’t expect anyone to believe what I see.
My brother in law is dying. For the first time shared this with him and surprised at the interest and curiosity not derision.
Went on to tell him what may work:
Don’t go to the light.
Look away and ask for direction within
Look for the holes & exit by intention
Don’t believe who or what you see
There is a CD from the Monroe institute that used guided imagery & hemi sync to prepare for death. Been using hypnosis on him to aid in lucid dreaming & plant a suggestion not to return to the light. He already has had an OBE.
Appreciate feedback if anyone has gone through this and what they are doing
Larry, you are correct. Like yourself this is not a subject that I share with others, not often. To pause after death and to (re)orient oneself is indeed important as it assists one to discern the most appropriate next step. This is an ancient teaching. Few of us remember it and fewer teach it. Of course this is because the overriding philosophy (belief) of the day is to "follow the light". This belief that others will be there to guide them is also just that, a belief. There will be guides there for them, but who they are and where they take them is based off belief. This is why learning to experience OBE's while still in body is so very important. It opens the mind to new realms; new realms of 'Beingness', new realms of thought, new realms of beliefs.
Although I agree with your statement to "Look for holes & exit by intention", I offer that if one is in the vibration of the Heart, with the intention to be in that vibration, that that will carry one to a vibration beyond. It is the Heart that opens doors for the mind. The mind alone will then bring one towards ones beliefs, where as the Heart will bring one to higher adventures. Why? Because the Heart "knows" Love. The Heart knows unconditional Love. The mind knows mental love, there is a difference. Now, it's not to say that the mind doesn't want to go along, for it does. Hence the reason to familiarize it with Heart and with being in different realms, OBE's.
The Monroe Institute is wonderful. I 'found' their information almost 25 years ago, or perhaps they found me. :) You are extending a teaching to your brother-in-law that is in right time for both of you. He is merely leaving this realm to be birthed into the next, of which he has choice over. That "choice" is what has been dispensed with via what we will call the 'status quo of the day'. But we are no longer in the Piescean era. We are now in the Aquarian era and at a place in Time & Space where All things are possible. Moving into the next, 5th Dimension is where humanity is poised to go and yet, one could go on to any other dimension, higher or lower. There are many reasons for this which I will not go into right now. But hopefully you understand.
One last suggestion; listen to binaural music often, both of you. Coming into 'full brain function' has great benefits while still in body. This meta-music is also available at Hemi-Sync. Other such music is offered by Tom Kenyon. Let your heart guide you.
Peace to you and Peace to your brother-in-law.