Anyone else see the apparent effort to sow doubt ahead of any potential open hot war between Good and Bad ETs in our airspace? There is talk about a so-called "Fake Alien Invasion" being planned. I think the fact that this is even being discussed publicly negates it actually happening, but it is sowing doubt into the public.
See where this could create confusion? Hmmm....
So when the real "sh*t hits the fan" -- we might expect a lot of doubt about what's really happening and "who" is driving the show?
I'll give you a hint. There will be no "war" on the physical between the good ETs and the bad ones. The good ones will not be setting foot, physically, in this prison trap. They're working only on the higher dimensions while a few of us projected ourselves into this game to help awaken the spirits and go home. The prison trap will be entirely removed but so will the simulation with it. The so called "cowboys vs indians" scenario they always programmed into people to expect will not ne happening and if there will be any fighting it will be two negative factions not between any true light beings vs the false light/darkness ones.
Here's another hint:
People telling you that the true light will never fight are lying. They want you to believe that all fighting is bad. The goal is to connect negative feelings with the right of self-defense.
You're an idiot that's still trapped in the fear frequency of this materialistic life lol. Like I said...Organic Portal/NPC. That's why you so easily fall into the scripts. They WANT you to fight. It keeps the left vs right corrupted game of duality going. They want you to kill your own people, divided by politics, religion and race lol. There's nothing else you could do against the aliens that control this place and, if you're stupid enough to fall for the fake saviour group then that's on you. If you keep posting regarding my stuff I don't mind replying back to your idiocy.
So why are you fighting then?
No one's fighting dumbass. I doubt you could understand anything I say to you anyways lmao. You'd just twist it in your little mind.