This is just a casual discussion.
From a recent Spotlight episode, Courtney mentioned that part of the “Good ETs” plan is to keep showing up in bigger groups and even bigger ships—so we can get used to their non-threatening presence. At one point, he said the “Good ETs” actually have ships as large as California… I don't know if he was intentionally exaggerating, but honestly my mind has become obsessed with this concept LOL
I’ve been trying to picture what a vessel of that size might even look like, especially if it serves some kind of military function. I’m talking full infrastructure: different services, leadership chains, defense, medical, even massive transport systems.
Now imagine if at the “grand finale”—or whatever major event might be on the horizon with the "Good ETs"—we suddenly saw a ship (or ships) that big in the sky. Even as a dedicated Farsight subscriber, I’d still need a few extra pairs of underwear for that one! LOL
Thinking back into our own science fiction, much has set us up to see such appearances as threats. Classic shows like “V” and movies like “Independence Day” both revolve around large-sized alien ships bent on domination or destruction. So it feels like we’ve been primed for a long time to view any enormous alien craft with suspicion or fear. Coincidence? Probably not, if you ask me. The closest equivalent I can think of would be the Mega-class Star Dreadnought from Star Wars, but event hat would be small in comparison.
A ship of this scale makes the SSP look like little toy cars from the 1970s LOL
Imagine being on one of these... how they are constructed, energy source(s), maintenance, etc., recreation, arts... it is like an entire world unto itself.