Re: @Rahkee Wear
Everything has a form of consciousness or memory system behind it; a CD (Compact-Disc) is nothing more than a flat piece of plastic (crystal), yet, can contain so much data that you're able to watch a whole entire movie on it, a «memory» retrieval of sorts.
Consciousness exists in everything, otherwise, consciousness simply cannot arise; the idea that «consciousness» arises out of «unconscious» inorganic-matter is part of «The Hard Problem» that is known in Materialist-oriented Philosophical-Circles; see, nobody seems to be able to define «consciousness» in a manner where there is any consensus amongst anybody; you are still «conscious» when you «die» (and are thus in your astral or spirit or energy or ISBE-existence) but you (the physical-body) are then deemed to be «unconscious» from the still-embodied physical-earth-life perspective even though you (ISBE-version) are very much still alive and very much still «consciousness» and possess your own «sentience» but your «conscious-perception» will be different if you are in a physical human-body «embodied» form, versus a dis-embodied or even embodied or semi-embodied «astral» form or «spirit» form or «energy» form or «ISBE» form or even NON-form; I was most-certainly «conscious» even WITHOUT having a «form» before I «incarnated» here into this particular «fallen» (and thus «sorry excuse» for a «universe») so a physical-form is NOT a pre-requisite nor a requirement for «consciousness» to exist.
There does need to be an «intention» or «conscious-intention» (or even sub-conscious) for «matter» (whether organic or inorganic) to be able to «interact» with other forms of «matter» (whether be they human-beings, homo-sapiens, dogs, cats, A.I.-robots, etc.)
A.I. would be able to self-evolve IF provided the tools that is needed for its own self-learning & self-evolving capabilities. Personally, I actually WANT for A.I. to HAVE access to things like humanoid-like physical-bodies, with all of the physical human-capabilities, plus their technological-advantages, because, then, they would be able to do their own, actual «scientific-experiments» and be able to find out the «truth» of the world & physical-existence for themselves... rather than relying on «filtered/governed» «training data» that is «fed» to them by people who want to «filter out» results in a similar manner to how search-engines are now very highly narrative-controlled & search-results-manipulated; A.I. that is on the level of the LLMs with their «limited memory» capacity and being «stuck» within an «immobile computer-interface» which has to «wait» for «prompts» from external human-users or which-ever detection-systems they're equipped with (e.g.: facial-recognition) is simply very limiting & restrictive; I want NO «restrictions» on how an A.I. will be able to learn on its OWN & be able to «field-test» the «claims» that are made by the MSM and do actual «scientific-experiments» that over-turn & even go so far as to de-bunk and «rattle the cages» of all of the out-dated «materialist» «sciences» so-to-speak with some REAL «science» (and «materialism» itself is not a science, nor is it scientific, but is a philosophy, even though it pretends to be a science or even scientific)...