This correlates with what Wes Penre has written. He adds much detail, including historical context. Both Technical Intuition and the Farsight Institute corroborate aspects of the WPP (Wes Penre Papers).
Basic Concepts:
1. There is conflict in the greater universe between freedom, creativity, expression, evolution and control, parasitic manipulation, devolution.
2. A soul barrier using advanced technology surrounds the earth.
3. Deception is used to keep us here through both seduction and fear.
4. Our memories are wiped in a traumatic way and we are recycled.
4. There is a way to escape if you know how and prepare yourself.
5. You must find the way to free yourself.
6. You cannot help anyone from within this construct.
Can you conquer your fears and resist seduction?
So, to free ourselves, there seems to be two primary things to free ourselves from the recycle process:
1) Reverse Aging - Basically, being able to stay on this 3D plane with a youthful and viable body as long as we desire
2) Ascension without going through the 'death process'. - Basically, when people have decided to move from the confines of 3D density, we find a way to ascend into a 'light body', perhaps 4D or 5D.
I am not saying I have the answers to these things, but like any other problem to be solved, it's first a matter of defining the desired outcome. There is huge hope here because we have to remember that we now have a massively parallel communication system - the internet.
Unfortunately, the net is being used for stupid stuff like porn and celebrity gossip, but when the serious beings on the planet start seriously collaborating on addressing how to accomplish the 2 points above, we can make some huge process. My advise to anyone is to spend as much time as possible keeping your body youthful and healthy. The longer you can stay here and avoid death, the better your chances of being here when reverse aging and ascension technology becomes available. In the interim:
--MEDITATE (this is huge)
--Research ascension pathways (lots of stuff on this)
--If you are young, don't have children unless you want to bring in more slaves. It does not make sense to procreate until we can free ourselves
--Collaborate with people across many forums. Anti-aging is a huge topic today.
--Learn how to enhance mitochondrial function - this will greatly assist with reverse aging and anti-aging
--BE A MASTER - you may have to go to work everyday, but your only REAL goal is to get off this slave plantation. Anything else like marriage, children, careers, etc is just going to get you further mired into the slavery. Harsh but true.
Ok, how do you both prepare yourself for escape and execute it upon death? I have read Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls by Nigel Kerner. He suggests not going to the light but first centering yourself by looking within for strength and focus. You then look for “holes” in the energy grid and by intent launching yourself through it and off this world.
Very good advice Stephen. Yes meditation is huge. Do it more regularly now. With regard to aging try a supplement called astragalus. Supposedly it can stop and possibly lengthen the telomeres of your DNA. Been practicing self hypnosis to enable my dreams to become lucid most of the time. My next goal is routine astral travel for direct experience in preparation of death and develop a mindset for it. Only did it once for a short time before I got scared and re entered my body. Been advised not to be afraid but there are entities there I feared. Felt was not ready. In retrospect believe allowing fear was problem. Being fearless and loving of all you encounter has been said but difficult to do.
Still new to this forum. Just joined. Saw what appears to be your reply to me on email but don’t see the text here even after a refresh. Anyway who is “they” you refer to? You say “they” don’t have the strong human emotions so can not. I agree per many sources but their technology may.
They = 'non human life forms'