Do you share your thoughts on the death trap with friends and family? If you do in what way so you don’t sound like a crackpot, disrespect their religious beliefs or family relationships? When I told my adult son about this and that I didn’t want to come back here anymore he said “so you don’t want to be with me and my family anymore?” Didn’t know what to say.
I plan on sharing all the info I have been gathering over the last few yrs and start off by going through
1) obvious well known and easy to explain conspiracies such as the false flags to get USA into wars, fed reserve, 911, chemtrails aka sun dimming which is openly admitted now as a way to ease them into these ideas.
2) then go into the word games played on us such as the definition of what is a US citizen (they say only what it is not) and that the country is a corporation
3) standard western religions and its history
By then they are MUCH more open to other ideas
4) then some ET talk but nothing too detailed
5) then get into the power structure that runs earth
6) what reality really is, souls, QHHT hypnosis such as reincarnation, thoughts create reality, law of one
7) then you can bring up what remote viewing is and you wont be look crazy
8) from there you can try to have them do a hypnosis session themselves or you can learn remote viewing and have them create a target for you... once you hit the target I imagine they will be open to any idea being possible
at least thats my plan for now
Great plan Eric. Nice progression of excellent topics. Thanks
I wish you good luck with that Eric. I've found that, sadly, most peoples' belief systems are way too rigid to get very far down that list. I wish it weren't so. For example, if someone hasn't seen through the 9/11 false flag by now, in my experience they're not likely to, regardless of how convincing and obvious the evidence is. I was instantly suspicious the first time I saw the video of the WTC 7 collapse, but I've found that not many people can step outside their ingrained worldview far enough to truly consider the possibility. And then they have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of learning that the information they are being fed is all highly suspect. I'm one part electrical engineer and one part musician, so I couldn't just ignore it, but it was hell on me.
But we can hope. We have to hope.