Hey Szekel,
This is a long one!
I read Dave story, and I feel that it is a nice inspirational story. And I believe that Dave is very sincere in his beliefs in God.
However, I have a challenge with what he says in the he following sentence:
"I don’t have dates and times because God wants each of us to make a choice. A choice to accept God and Christ as our Lord and Savior or not -- it’s up to us."
There are two things that strike me as odd in the above sentence.
The first thing that strikes me in the above sentence is the identity of the god who is asking us to make “a choice to accept God and Christ as our Lord and Savior or not…”?
I can tell you with a great deal of certainty that it is not God (with capital G), the Supreme Creator of this universe, that is usually referred to as One Infinite Creator. Instead, it is a local god (with lower case g) who is positioning himself as God (One Infinite Creator). I have an idea who this god is and you probably know him too just by looking at the words that Dave used in the sentence.
And there are 3 main reasons why it is a god, not God (One Infinite Creator).
The first reason why it is a god but not God (One Infinite Creator) is that the Latter never presents Herself as God, or as our Savior. I don’t have words that can adequately describe God (One Infinite Creator) as I have experienced Her. All I can say is that She is an Awareness that does not have a need to be worshiped or to be called a savior.
The second reason why this is a god but not God (One Infinite Creator) is that in the process of Creation, God (One Infinite Creator) fragmented Herself into multiple Sparks of Divinity/God, and each Spark of God became a soul fragment that took residence in, or clothed itself with matter so that God (One Infinite Creator) could experience life in a multitude of densities.
So, by asking man to make “a choice to accept God and Christ as our Lord and Savior” would limit the number of possibilities that God (One Infinite Creator) would have to experience life in matter. And that would go against the purpose of Creation that is for God to experience life through as many experiences and Sparks of Divinity/God as possible.
The third reason why this is a god but not God (One Infinite Creator) is that Jesus did not come on earth to be man savior. Like Zarathustra and others before him, Jesus came on earth to show that man is more than his physical body, that he is an Immortal Being/God.
The second thing that strikes me as odd in the sentence listed above is the cleverly wicked way that the name of Christ is used to attempt to sway and trick us into accepting that this local god is God (One Infinite Creator), and at the same time neutralize Jesus’ message about the real nature of man.
Jesus' message to us is that "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN" (Luke 17:20, NKJV); meaning that there is a Spark of God in each one of us. And this Spark of Divinity makes each one of us an all-knowing, all-powerful, and an all-encompassing Immortal Being/God.
In so many words, man is God but he doesn’t know or doesn’t believe that. So Jesus also came to show man how to walk the Way -- of love, forgiveness, compassion -- that would lead him to the realization that he is God.
The message that man is God was a serious threat to the controllers and power brokers who controlled earth’s affairs. And they decided to neutralize Jesus’ teachings and message using his own impetus, and popular movement. So, they turned him into “the savior who came on earth to save man for his sins”.
What sins? We dare to ask. Does man, an Immortal Being/God, needs to be saved? The answer is a loud NO!
The controllers and power brokers also knew that belief systems generate thoughts, and thoughts create reality. It was therefore critically important for them to control man belief system, by imposing one that negated Jesus’ teachings that man is an Immortal Being/God.
So, they developed powerful, opposing, and competing forces (houses of worship) that built and actively promoted the same fundamental core belief: that man is an unworthy poor sinner bound for eternal damnation. And that to be “saved”, he must get on his knees, beg for forgiveness for his sins, and worship an outside god, through this god intermediaries and representatives on earth (houses of worship).
The controllers and power brokers knew very well that by worshiping an outside god, man would automatically abdicate and surround his Sovereignty (Divinity) and Free Will to the object of his worship. That is why the houses of worship abound all over earth in one form or in another.
Let’s take a minute to think about it. Does man, an Immortal Being/God need to beg for forgiveness for sins that he absolutely knows nothing about? And does he have to surround his Sovereignty (Divinity) and Free Will to anyone by accepting to be saved or for worshiping an outside god? The answer is a loud NO!
My take on Dave story is that he is a honest, sincere person who unfortunately was duped and became a sales rep or a marketing agent for someone who is a local god but not Jesus or God (One Infinite Creator).
Dave was having some major health and personal problems, and he sent an OPEN CALL/PRAYER for help to the universe. And that was a mistake because when an open call or prayer is sent to the universe, anyone who matches the vibratory energy of the one who is requesting help can answer the call.
In Dave situation, a god answered the call and tricked him into believing that he was God (One Infinite Creator), and he mollified Dave suspicions by lying that Jesus and him are Dave's and our saviors. But it is not too late for Dave, when the time is right his internal programming will kick in and show him the Way.
In general, when we pray to ask for help, it is better to use the Law of Free Will to specify what we want, and what we don’t want. And it always works as long as what we want does not infringe on someone else Free Will. David could have directed his prayers specifically and directly towards Jesus, or God (One Infinite Creator). Or he could have qualified his call/prayer by saying for instance:
“I am asking for help from those beings/entities/life force whose work is always for the greatest benefit of all involved. This prayer is not addressed to those who mislead or take advantage of others.”
Another thing that I would like to add is that Jesus specifically, and One Infinite Creator do not want us to worship or mortify ourselves for them, as it is done in several religious traditions.
And we have to run away and fast from entities that pose themselves as god, or as our saviors, or that request to be worshiped. They are imposteurs.