Apologies for posting this in the forum but I really am at a loss. Visa cards from both my banks here in australia as well as a pre paid visa card bought out of desperation have all been declined either by the site, or the institutions themselves have declined the site payment process.
I'm sure I'm not the only one having problems and would love to hear if anyone has found a solution.
If you can help me out in anyway please feel free to contact me at [email protected] I consider this content quite valuable and appreciate any help possible.
We think this problem may be related to the one referenced below in another response. It was sort of complicated to sort out. We have been in discussion about this with Vimeo. We can see that there is an issue. So, at least for now, we have changed the system to only accept payment in U.S. dollars. This way everyone's credit cards should work. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.