It could be very interesting to find out that Daz Smith corroborates what Elizabeth Klarer narrated of the 'Tungus Taiga' and the failed 'Propulsion System' of one of the scout crafts of the Solar Explorers from our nearest Star System--Alpha Centauri/Proxima Centauri. The failure was related to the 'corona winds' and these explorers are avid scholars of 'Star Temperament --' in our regional galaxy-- have not yet developed the ability to tread beyond local interstellar navigations...
This 1980 book titled "BEYOND THE LIGHT BARRIER"also features Russian aggression towards extra terrestrial objects in attempt shoot down, capture and investigate the respective technology behind their propulsion mechanism--during the second half of the 20th century...
Here is some excerpt:
"The star of our system is known to Earth people as Proxima Centauri, and all these planets
are inhabited by our civilization. We live in constructive harmony and peace. We moved from
Venus in the Sun's system to make our home here, which is now permanent because we can
control our environment. Our science and our understanding of stars, planets and solar
systems have advanced considerably since we lived on Venus. Venus, to us, is still the home
planet—the cradle of our race—and it is for this reason that we come into the Sun's system
to touch down on that planet's surface and bring it to life again. Beneath her desert surface
she still lives and thrives. The beautiful mountains of rose-colored rocks will again breathe an
atmosphere of cerulean sky, and the moisture-giving clouds will spread out over the surface
to form the seas again."
"And the variable star of her system, the Sun ... can you now tame the Sun?" I asked.
"Indeed, yes. This is what we are in the process of doing."
"Will it change the climate on Earth?"
"Of course. All planetary weather is controlled by the star of the planet's solar system."
"And a triple system like this one?"
"These are stable, waxing stars without magnetic anomalies," Akon explained. "They interact
with harmonic resonance, creating equable climates over the planets. This also makes it
much safer for our spaceships to operate in harmonic interaction with the unified field of
matter and antimatter. Anomalies in Earth's atmosphere have caused fatal accidents to two
of our spaceships when the matter-antimatter cycle of their propulsion systems shifted
frequencies while moving within the resonating fields of the system. Tremendous explosions
resulted, releasing a high level of radiation. Our scientists, at the instant of alarm detection
within the spaceships, set course over remote, unpopulated areas of the planet Earth. The
explosions occurred in the atmosphere, and unusually high levels of radioactivity remained
on the surface."
"Oh. So that clears up the mystery of the Tungus Taiga," I whispered with awe, "where an
explosion overhead ripped the forest to bits. And of course, the crew simply disappeared." I
could say no more and moved closer to Akon."
This is the page 89 of the online version of the book and 'fills in' much of what Daz Smith tried to describe what he saw...
Page 90, provides validation of what Aziz Brown saw and tried to describe... Yes they live in 'Beehive' like structures -- and Aziz Brown is spot on in giving detail of the 'under population' and natural blending with the surrounding environment... Aziz nearly got it regarding the material and color those typical housing structures--and they are made from the 'mother of pearl'...
Here is an excerpt...
"Sheron pressed a button on the control panel to nullify the spaceship's systems. We waited a
few seconds while the field differentials dissipated, and Akon walked toward the shining wall.
The door slid open at his thought. I heard joyful voices and laughter as Akon's family came
into the spaceship to greet us. Akon took my hand and led me down a single flight of stairs
that descended into the home from the landing ramp. A circular balcony of delicately carved
railings glowed with the luster of pearl against golden walls. It curved around the building,
bringing us to the second floor. I could see the great living room far below—a vast circular
chamber full of the glorious colors of the spectrum on the floor, the walls, the couches and
the divans.
The spiral staircase curved down the center of the circular building, the banisters hand
carved into a lovely delicate tracery of flowers and vines. These carvings were made of the
same glowing material I had seen in the spaceship. Putting my hand on the smooth and
lovely surface, we slowly walked down.
"But this is pearl!" I said. "Real pearl! It's uneven in places too, and it has that natural pink
luster. It's alive and giving out light!"
We paused to admire the lovely carving.
"Our aqueous atmosphere here and in the spaceships keeps pearl alive and vibrant as in its
natural habitat, the sea," Akon explained. "We use pearl for the building of our homes and
for the construction of our spaceships. Pearl lives on with vibrant light, and we farm this
beautiful living substance within our vast seas. We live with it always, as it generates the light
of the universe for our energy needs."
You can read the rest of the book here:
You can scroll to page 90 to compare with what Aziz Brown drew in the movie at 1:39:54...
Thank you for taking time to analyze and link Farsight's rv work on Tunguska with Elizateh Lkarer book. And thank you for the link for her book. You are keeping us very busy, and that's good.